9141275484 | Declaration Of Independence | A document modeled after the political philosophies of John Locke. It altered the natural rights identified by John Locke to include "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This determined American independance from Britain. Origin: North America Significance: Inspired by enlightenment ideas | 0 | |
9141275485 | Self-Strengthening Movement | A late nineteenth-century movement in which the Chinese modernized their army and encouraged western investment in factories and railways. It was also influenced by Confucian thought. Timeframe: began in the 1860's Significance: It improved the strength of the Chinese | 1 | |
9141275486 | Romanticism | A literary and artistic movement in nineteenth-century Europe; emphasized emotion over reason. It encouraged removal from social classes and strict rules. It embraced individual thought. | 2 | |
9141275487 | Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Of The Citizen | A statement of political rights adopted by the French National Assembly during the French Revolution. It was a fundamental feature of the French Revolution; defined rights of citizens and estates. | 3 | |
9141275488 | Declaration Of The Rights Of Women And Of The Female | A statement of the rights of women written by Olympe de Gouges in response to the Declaration of the Rights of Man. It states that women should have the same rights as men in the document of the revolution. | 4 | |
9141275489 | Communism | An economic or social system based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. | 5 | |
9141275490 | Classical Liberalism | An Enlightenment philosophy of natural rights, constitutional government, laissez-faire economics, less spending on military and churches | 6 | |
9141275491 | Guano | Bird droppings used as fertilizer; a major trade item of Peru in the late nineteenth century. It allowed for better plant growth especially for potatoes | 7 | |
9141275492 | Suez Canal | Canal constructed by Egypt across the Isthmus of Suez in 1869. It allowed for quicker transport between Europe and Asia. ALso, it led to the British conquest in Egypt. | 8 | |
9141275493 | Code Napoleon (Napoleonic Code) | Collection of laws that standardized French law under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte. He encouraged male equality under the law and guaranteed wealth and security. | 9 | |
9141275494 | Economic Imperialism | Control of a country's economy by the businesses of another nation. It allowed the home country to govern themselves, but the invading country controlled the trade and business, even access to natural resources. Examples: China and most of Latin America. | 10 | |
9141275495 | Spheres Of Influence | Divisions of a country in which a particular foreign nation enjoys economic privileges. Also means influence that surrounds the nation. Example: Britain in China (Any country that had outside influence on other countries) | 11 | |
9141275496 | Jacobins | Extreme radicals during the French revolution. It is the most famous and influential club in French Revolution. Started Reign of Terror during Revolution | 12 | |
9141275497 | Theory Of Natural Selection | Idea, first proposed by Charles Darwin, that species survive due to favorable characteristics. It shows that certain characteristics are unfavored and die off. | 13 | |
9141275498 | Bourgeoisie | In France, the class of merchants and artisans who were members of the Third Estate and initiators of the French Revolution. It was a high class, with a common culture and ownership of capitol. in Marxist theory, a term referring to factory owners. | 14 | |
9141275499 | Proletarian | In Marxist theory, the class of workers in an industrial society. Marx hoped to make this class less impoverished. In Rome, It meant the lowest class in society. | 15 | |
9141275500 | Conservatism | In nineteenth-century Europe, a movement that supported monarchies, aristocracies, and state-established churches. | 16 | |
9141275501 | Factors Of Production | Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship, which existed in Britain which allowed it to lead in the Industrial Revolution. Britain was able to gain access to these and industrialize quickly. | 17 | |
9141275502 | Conscription | Military draft. A citizen's give of money or service to the government during the war. | 18 | |
9141275503 | Tanzimat Reforms | Nineteenth century reforms by Muslim Ottoman rulers designed to make government and military more efficient and Westernized. It educated about Western science, railroads etc. The Ottoman empire established trade with Britain with removal of taxes. | 19 | |
9141275504 | Monroe Doctrine | Policy issued by the United States in which it declared that the Western Hemisphere was off limits to colonization by other powers. President James Monroe established it for security. The US would not intervene with European affairs, so Europe should not interfere with the US | 20 | |
9141275505 | Indian National Congress | Political party that became the leader of the Indian nationalist movement. They were Western-educated elites that wanted a voice in government; it even won India's independence from Britain. | 21 | |
9141275506 | Congress Of Vienna | 1815- After Napoleon is exiled, this restored former boundaries and dynasties. Opposed nationalist movements | 22 | |
9141275507 | Boxer Rebellion | Revolt against foreign residents of China. It failed because of the Western armies in China. It occurred in 1898. | 23 | |
9141275508 | Sepoy Rebellion | Revolt of Indian soldiers against the British; caused by a military practice in violation of the Muslim and Hindu faiths.(1857) They rebelled because they thought the British violated Indian beliefs. The British removed the British East India company and took complete control of India and made it a colony. | 24 | |
9141275509 | Natural Rights | Rights that belong to every person and that no government may take away. It gave the person a right to liberty, life, and property. John Locke | 25 | |
9141275510 | Young Turks | Society founded in 1889 in the Ottoman Empire; its goal was to restore the constitution of 1876 and to reform the empire. They successfully took control of the empire for a short amount of time. | 26 | |
9141275511 | Boers | South Africans of Dutch descent. They saw themselves as racially superior to the indigenous people of South AFrica. Their descendants created the apartheid. | 27 | |
9141275512 | Sepoys | South Asian soldiers who served in the British army in India. They worked for the British East Indian company. | 28 | |
9141275513 | Social Darwinism | The application of Darwin's philosophy of natural selection to human society. It suggested that Europeans were superior and had the right to colonize. | 29 | |
9141275514 | Separation Of Powers | The division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. It is used and developed in the United States. Montesquieu | 30 | |
9141275515 | Estates | The divisions of society in pre-revolutionary France. There were three divisions; clergy, nobles, and peasants. The first two estates comprised a small percentage of the population and suppressed the third estate. Eventually, the third estate rebelled and wanted more equal rights. | 31 | |
9141275516 | Imperialism | The establishment of colonial empires. There were types: direct rule (France) and indirect rule(Britain). A country could also only control one factor of society: Political, Economic, and social/cultural. | 32 | |
9141275517 | Enclosure Movement | The fencing of pasture land in England beginning prior to the Industrial Revolution. It took smaller farms into larger ones to mass produce agriculture, leading to former farmers to move to cities for work | 33 | |
9141275518 | Bill Of Rights | The first ten amendments to the constitution of the United States. It is a statement of fundamental rights and privileges for people in the United States. Inspired by John Locke and Enlightenment | 34 | |
9141275519 | Qing Dynasty | The Manchurian invaders who ruled China from 1644 to the early 1900s becoming the last Chinese dynasty after the Ming. Eventually politically weak and unstable after British invasions, rebellions, Opium Wars. | 35 | |
9141275520 | Berlin Conference 1884 | The meeting of European imperialist powers to divide Africa among them. African Scramble. Meant to take over parts of Africa for raw materials to continue industrialization. Destructive to Africa | 36 | |
9141275521 | Capital | The money and equipment needed to engage in industrialization. It was like an investment for an independent company | 37 | |
9141275522 | Mary Wollstonecraft | English person who wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" (1792) Advocating rights for women | 38 | |
9141275523 | Reign Of Terror | The period of the most extreme violence during the French Revolution. It was when the French government executed many French people to show their power. | 39 | |
9141275524 | Manifest Destiny | The policy in the U.S. that led to its expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It was a policy that showed nationalism, power, and drive to achieve. The US wanted to gain territory from the Pacific to the atlantic. | 40 | |
9141275525 | Meiji Restoration | 1868- After two centuries of self-imposed isolation, Japan begins modernization: abolishes feudalism, remodels military, creates new educational system, starts a railroad, borrows Western ideas about justice and law | 41 | |
9141275526 | Estates-General | The traditional legislative body of France. It is split into three classes: clergy, nobles, and peasants. The peasants comprise most of the population. | 42 | |
9141275527 | Industrial Revolution | The transition between the domestic system of manufacturing and the mechanization of production in a factory setting. Change from an agricultural to an agricultural society. It mainly started in England. | 43 | |
9141275528 | Treaty Of Nanking | Treaty ending the' Opium War that ceded Hong Kong to the British. (1842) It allowed the British to come into China during the Qing Dynasty | 44 | |
9141275529 | Pogrom | Violence against Jews in tsarist Russia. It consisted of discrimination/ violence and destruction of their environment. | 45 | |
9141275530 | Opium War | War between Great Britain and Qing China began with the Qing dynasty's refusal to allow continued opium importation into China; British victory resulted in the Treaty of Nanking.(1839-1842) The British also gained Hong Kong. | 46 | |
9141275531 | Sino-Japanese War | War between Japan and China, in 1895, over control over Korea. Ultimately, Japan won. | 47 | |
9141275532 | Russo-Japanese War | War between Russia and Japan over Manchurian territory; resulted in the defeat of Russia by the Japanese Navy. It showed Japanese strength against other major powers. | 48 | |
9141275533 | Boer War | War between the British and the Dutch over Dutch independence in South Africa; resulted in British victory .(1899-1902) This strengthened the British powers. | 49 | |
9141275534 | "octopus of imperialism". | Anti-English Imperialism cartoon | ![]() | 50 |
9141275535 | Rudyard Kipling's "White Man's Burden" | demonstates Social Darwanism ideas | 51 | |
9141275536 | John Stuart Mill | A champion of social reforms of the industrial age, including labor unions, child labor laws. Utilitarianism- seeking the greatest good for the greatest number of people | 52 | |
9141275537 | Adam Smith | Wrote "Wealth of Nations" in 1776- said if businesses were allowed to operate in their own interests, society in general would benefit. Was against mercantilism- government control of economy including its colonies. | 53 | |
9141275538 | Otto von Bismarck | In 1871, was able to unify and found the new German Empire. He advocating nationalistic ideas, creating a new Europe superpower | 54 | |
9141275539 | Cartoon of China after Opium Wars | ![]() | 55 | |
9141275540 | Cartoon of the French Revolution | ![]() | 56 | |
9141275541 | Tennis Court Oath | Led to creation of Dec of Rights of Man & Citizen | ![]() | 57 |
9141275542 | Cartoon Belgian colonization | Africa's Congo | ![]() | 58 |
9141275543 | Canal Construction-Panama | Roosevelt and industrial transportation | ![]() | 59 |
9141275544 | Simon Bolivar | Latin American creole. Helped lead independence movements for Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru | 60 | |
9141275545 | Jamaica Letter | Influenced by Enlightenment ideas. Written by Simon Bolivar. Outlined his goals and concerns for Latin America | 61 | |
9141275546 | Creole | Born of European parents, in the Americas, well-educated esp. in the Enlightenment. | 62 | |
9141275547 | Peninsulares | Latin American colonists born in Spain or Portugal. Had more power than the Creoles | 63 | |
9141275548 | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | He taught parents to take a new interest in their children and to educate them differently not from books but instead should experience the world naturally. Enlightenment thinker | 64 | |
9141275549 | Nationalism | A feeling of intense loyalty to others who share one's language and culture. The idea that people who share a culture should also share a government, or be allowed to govern themselves | 65 |
AP World 1750-1900 Flashcards
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