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AP World #1 Flashcards

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199673257HominidsAppeared 3-4 million years ago in souther and eastern Africa. Humanlike creatures called primates. Mary and Louis Leakey excavated Hominid fossils in the Great Rift Valley. "Lucy" an Australopithecine fossil, found in 1974. Three major differences from earlier primates: bipedalism, a sizable brain, and a larynx. Thought-processing ability led to alteration of natural environment to suit human needs.0
199673258Homo SapiensEarliest variant, the Neanderthal, appeared 100,000 to 250,000 years ago. More advanced was Cro-Magnon, appeared 60,000 to 100,000 years ago during the Paleolithic AgeBoth used advanced tools, wore clothing, created semipermanent or permanent dwellings, and organized social groups. Spread from Europe to Africa and Asia. Homo sapiens, modern humans, emerged 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.1
199673259Paleolithic Era-EconomyCalled Old Stone Age (ca.10,000 to 2e.5 million years ago) Greatest concerns: steady and plentiful food supply and clothing. Stone and bone tools included spears, bows, arrows, fishhooks, harpoons, clay pots. Humans were nomadic hunters and gatherers. Predates agricultural societies.2
199673260Paleolithic Era-SocietySocial groups: extended families grew into clans; clans mixed with neighboring groups to form tribes with sophisticated organization, including chiefs, leaders, and religious figures. Organized warfare with weapons: rocks, clubs,knives, spears, axes, and bows and arrows. Worships of deities; religious rituals included sacrifices to gods, goddesses and spirits. Expression through art and music; examples include cave paintings and flutes. Division of labor assigned by gender: men hunted, women gathered.3
199673261Neolithic Era-OriginsEarliest evidence of sedentary agriculture dates to between 10,000 and 8000 B.C.E. Called New Stone Age (8000-5000 B.C.E.) the origins of agricultural society. Domestication of animals and cultivation of crops. The earliest method of cultivation was slash-and-burn agriculture. EArliest agricultural societies appeared in southweatern Asia and spread to India, Europe and Asia; Mesoamerica and East Asia most likely developed agricultural texhniques independently. People settled down and developed complex societies.4
199673262Neolithic Era-CultureAGriculture allowed for a food surplus, which in turn led to an increase in population. Permanent villages appeared as people turned to farming and away from hunting and gathering. Jericho, in modern-day, Israel, was one of the world's first Neolithic villages. Village life encourged the development of specialized labor-everyone was no longer dedicated to food production. Early industries developed in pottery, metallurgy, and textiles. Specialized labor encouraged the accumalation of wealth and eventually to the emergence of social classes. Sedentary agricultural societies saw a diminishing of the role and status of women compared with this role and status in hunting and gathering societies.5

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