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AP World - (1) From Human Prehistory to Early Civilizations

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159446813Hunting and Gathering SocietiesSocieties that utilized hunting and gathering of food as a means of obtaining subsistence; occurred often prior to the adaptation of sedentary agriculture; normally typical of band social organization.
159446814B.C.E.Before the Common Era. A designation of dates that preceded the year 1 according to the Christian Calendar. This designation corresponds to B.C. or Before Christ.
159446815C.E.Common Era. A designation of dates that come after the year 1 according to the Christian Calendar. This designation corresponds to A.D. or Anno Domini.
159446816Paleolithic AgeThe Old Stone Age ending around 12,000 BCE; typified by using crude stone tools and hunting and gathering for subsistence.
159446817Neolithic AgeNew Stone age between 8000 BCE and 5000 BCE. This was the period in which the adaptation of sedentary agriculture occurred as well as the one in which the domestication of animals took place.
159446818Slash and Burn AgricultureA system of cultivation typical of shifting cultivators; forest floors cleared by fire then planted.
159446819Catal HuyukEarly urban cultured based on sedentary agriculture; located in modern day southern Turkey; had a larger population than Jericho, had greater degree of social stratification.
159446820JerichoEarly walled urban culture site based on sedentary agriculture; located in modern Israeli-occupied West Bank near the Jordan River.
159446821NomadsCattle and sheep herding societies normally found on the fringes of civilized societies; commonly referred to as 'barbarian' by civilized societies.
159446822CivilizationA society distinguished by reliance on sedentary agriculture, ability to produce food surpluses, written language, organized laws and an organized economy.
159446823AnthropologistScientist who studies the physical characteristics and cultures of humans and their ancestors.
159446824ArcheologistPeople who locate and study the things left behind by people.
159446825Homo habilis"Handy Man" - Arguably the first species of the Homo genus to appear. First human ancestors to truly utilize stone tools.
159446826Home erectus"Upright Man" - An extinct species of the genus Homo, believed to have been the first hominid to leave Africa.
159446827Homo sapiens neanderthalensisSpecies of genus Homo that disappeared at the end of the Paleolithic period. Competed directly with Homo sapiens.
159446828Homo sapiens sapiensThe humanoid species that emerged as the most successful at the end of the Paleolithic period.
159446829LascauxA cave in southwestern France that contains Paleolithic paintings.
159446831Division of LaborDivision of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers.
159446832Laussel Venus...
159446833Venus of WillendorfFertility symbol, ancient sculpture of nude women in exaggerated form, discovered in Willendorf, Austria.
159446834Neolithic RevolutionThe succession of technoligical innovations and changes in human organization that led to the development of seditary agriculture between 8,500 B.C.E and 3,500 B.C.E.
159446835SumeriansPeople who migrated into Mesopotamia circa 4,000 B.C.E.; created first civilization within region; organized area into city-states.
159446836CuneiformA form of writing developed by the Sumerians using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets.
159446837Hammurabi's CodeThe worlds first recorded written set of laws; based up the principle of "an eye for an eye."
159446838Tigris - Euphrates RiversRivers that occupied the Fertile Crescent and served as the homeland for the world's first organized civilization.
159446839MesopotamiaLiterally "between the rivers"; the civilizations that arose in the alluvial plain of the Tigris and Euphrates river valley.
159446840ZigguratsMassive towers usually associated with Mesopotamian temple complexes.
159446841Eddubas"tablet house" located as part of a ziggurat complex.
159446842Epic of GilgameshRecorded Sumerian story in which king Gilgamesh travels with his friend Enkidu. Ultimately the goddess Siduri tells Gilgamesh to "live in the moment," and to learn to enjoy every minute of life. This becomes the Sumeria view of life. The first literary epic in Western Civilization; written down circa 2,000 B.C.E.
159446843NebuchadnezzarA Babylonian king who conquered Jerusalem, and built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
159446844HebrewsSemitic peoples from the western Middle East; major contribution was the introduction of monotheism.
159446845HittitesAn Indo-European people who entered Mesopotamia circa 1,750 B.C.E.; destroyed the Babylonian Empire; swept away circa 1,200 B.C.A.
159446846Babylonian EmpireAlso known as the Amorites. Unified all of Mesopotamia circa 1,800 B.C.E.; collapsed due to foreign invasion circa 1,600 B.C.E.
159446847Bronze AgeFrom about 4,000 B.C.E. when bronze tools were first introduced in the Middle East, to about 1,500 B.C.E., when iron began to replace it.
159446848PolytheismThe belief in multiple gods.
159446849MonotheismThe exclusive worship of a single god; introduced by Jews into Western civilization; introduced to Hebrews (Jews) by Zoroastrians from Persia.
159446850Specialization of Labor...
159446851PhoeniciansSeafaring civilization located on the shores of eastern Mediterranean; established colonies along the Mediterranean.
159446852MinoansA civilization that developed on the island of Crete around 1600 B.C.E.; capital was at the city of Knossos.
159446853Nile RiverThe world's longest river; flows south to north with its terminus in the eastern delta along the southern shore of the Mediterranean.
159446854Gift of the NileRefers to how the Nile River helped the Egyptians. It gave them protection, transportation, and food.
159446855PharaohTitle of kings of ancient Egypt.
159446856PyramidsMonumental architecture typical of Old Kingdom Egypt; used as burial sites for pharaohs.
159446857MummificationThe act of preserving the bodies of the dead; practiced in Egypt to preserve the body for enjoyment of the afterlife.
159446858The Book of the DeadThe book that contained all necessary information that the Egyptians needed to prepare for the after life.
159446859HieroglyphicsThe form of writing developed in ancient Egypt; more pictorial than Mesopotamian writing.
159446860KushAn African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile circa 1,000 B.C.E.; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries.
159446861Sargon IRuler of the city-state of Akkad; established the first empire in Mesopotamia around 2400 BCE.
159446862AkkadA city state in northern Mesopotaimia, the ruler of which conquered all the city-states of Mesopotamia and formed the world's first empire.
159446863PatriarchalSocieties in which women defer to men; societies run by men and based on the assumption that men naturally directed political, economic, and cultural life.
159446864MatriarchalRelating to a social system in which the mother is head of the family.
159446865LugalLiterally "big man", what we would call a king, emerged in Sumer in the 3rd millennium B.C.E.
159446866Sumerian City-StatesExpamples - Ur, Uruk, Lagash
159446868TheocracyA political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided).
159446870Neo-Babylonian Empire...
159446871PapyrusPaper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat.
159446873Rosetta Stone...
159446874Valley of the Kings...
159446877Ten Commandments...
159446878YahwehThe Hebrew name for God. In Hebrew, a language without vowels, the name is Yhwh. Yhwh is also the root word for "existence" in the Hebrew language. It was later translated to Latin as Jhvh which gave rise to the word Jehovah.
159446879Linear A...
159446881Phoenician Alphabet...
159446882Indus RiverThe earliest Indian civilization, dating back to 2500 B.C.E., began in the valley of this river in the northwestern part of the subcontinent of south Asia.
159446884Mohenjo Daro...
159446886Huanghe River...
159446888IdeographicCharacter or figure in a writing system in which the idea of a thing is represented rather than its name.
159446889Shang Dynasty...
159446893Ganges River...
159446897MiscegenationReproduction by parents of different races (especially by white and non-white persons).
159446899PolygamyThe system of having more than one spouse at a time.
159446900PolyandryA polygamous mating system involving one female and many males.
159446903Ordos BulgeArea located on the Yellow River, region of fertile soil; site of Yangshao (hunting and fishing predominated) and Longshan (cultivation of grain) cultures.
166086516ChichimecsAmerican hunting and gathering groups: largely responsible for the disruption of early civilizations in Mesoamerica.
166088080ChiefdomWidely diffused pattern of social organization in the Americas; featured chieftains who ruled from central towns over a large territory including smaller towns or villages that paid tribute; predominant town often featured temples and priest class.
166088082MatrilocalA culture in which young men upon marriage go live with the bride's families.
166102190AztecsAlso known as the Mexica; one of the nomadic tribes that used political anarchy after the fall of the Toltecs to penetrate into the sedentary agricultural zone of Mesoamerican plateau; established empire after 1325 around shores of lake Texcoco.
166102191AkhenatonEgyptian pharaoh of the new Kingdom; attempted to establish a one-god religion, replacing the traditional Egyptian pantheon of gods.
166102192Chavin CultureAppeared in the highlands of the Andes Mountains between 1,800 B.C.E. and 1,200 B.C.E.; typified by ceremonial centers with large stone buildings; greatest ceremonial center was Chav'n de Huantar; characterized by artistic motifs. Also called the Chav'n.
166102193Anasazi"The Ancient Ones"; culture located in southwestern United States; flourished from 200 C.E. to 1,200 C.E.; featured large multistory adobe and stone buildings built in protected canyons or cliffs.
166102194NarmerFirst pharaoh of Egyptian Old Kingdom; ruled around 3,100 B.C.E.
166102195HorizonArcheological term for a period when a broad central authority seems to have integrated a widely dispersed regions.
166102196SavagesSocieties engaged in either hunting and gathering for subsistence or in migratory cultivation; not as stratified or specialized as civilized and nomadic societies.
166102197Agrarian RevolutionOccurred between 8,000 B.C.E. and 5,000 B.C.E.; transition from hunting and gathering to sedentary agriculture.
166102198BandA level of social organization normally consisting of 20-30 people; nomadic hunters and gatherers; labor divided on a gender basis.
166102199Ball GamesRitual elements of many American cultures; played on formal courts; religious significance required that losing teams pay penalty of forfeiture of goods of their lives.
166102200Shifting CultivationAn intermediate form of ecological adaptation in which temporary forms of cultivation are carried out with little impact on the natural ecology; typical of rain forest cultivators.
166102201Chimu StateRegional Andean chiefdom that flourished from 800 C.E. to 1465 C.E.; fell to the Incas.
166102202City-StateA form of political organization typical of Mesopotamian civilizations; consisted of agricultural hinterlands ruled by an urban-based king.
166102203Archaic CulturesHunting-and-gathering groups dispersed over the American continents by 9,000 B.C.E.
166117666Chichen ItzaOriginally a Mayan city; conquered by Toltecs circa 1,000 C.E. and ruled by Toltec dynasties; architecture featured pyramid of feather Serpent (Quetzalcoatl).
166117667Jomon CultureCreated by early migrants to Japan after 3,000 B.C.E.; hunting-and-gathering people, produced distinctive pottery form.
166117668AyllusHouseholds in Andean societies that recognized some form of kinship; traced descent from some common, sometimes mythical, ancestor.
166117669AxumKingdom located in Ethiopian highlands; replaced Mero in first century C.E.; received strong influence from Arabian peninsula; eventually converted to Christianity.
166117670AnimismA religious outlook that sees gods in many aspects of nature and propitiates them to help control and explain nature; typical of Mesopotamian religions.
166117671Potter's WheelA technological advance in pottery-making; invented circa 6,000 B.C.E.; encouraged faster and higher-quality ceramic pottery production.
166117672Natufian ComplexPre-agricultural complex; located in present-day Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon; practiced the collection of naturally present barely and wheat to supplement game; typified by large settlement sites.
166117673PastorialismA nomadic agricultural lifestyle based on herding domesticated animals; tended to produce independent people capable of challenging sedentary agricultural societies.
166117674MatrilinealFamily descent and inheritance traced through the female line.
166117675CultureCombinations of the ideas, objects, and patterns of behavior that result from human social interaction.

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