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AP World 6 Chapter Test Flashcards

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110517184Abbu Al-abasfounder of the Abbasid dynasty0
110517185Abbasid Caliphateoverthrew the Umayyad Caliphate and ruled an Islamic empire from their capital at Baghdad1
110517186Meccabirthplace of the Prophet Muhammed; ritual center of the islamic religion2
110517187Muslimone who submits to the will of god; Followers of Islam3
110517188Islamreligion founded by the Prophet Muhammed on the basis of his divine revelations which were collected into the Quran; Islam calls on all people to recognize one god, Allah who rewards or punishes believer after death according the way they lead their lives4
110517189Muhammedarab prophet; founder of islam5
1105171905 pillars of Islamprayer 5 times a day, fasting, hodge, wealth sharing, confession of faith6
110517191Medinaagricultural city in western Arabia to which Muhammed and his followers fled to escape persecution7
110784850Quransacred text of Islam composed of the divine revelations of the prophet Muhammed8
110784851Caliphateoffice established in the succession to the Prophet Muhammed to rule the islamic empire; the name of that empire9
110784852Shi'itesbelieved that Muhammed's cousin, Ali, was the natural heir; God vests leadership through decendents10
110784853Sunnisbelieve that the community should select its on leadership; supported the 1st 3 caliphs; majority religion in most islamic countries11
110784854Umayyad Caliphate1st hereditary dyasty of the Muslim caliphs w/ the succession of Yazid12
110784855Sultanarabic title that means power; used by the Seljuk family in the Turkish, Muslim state13
110784856Shar'ialaw of islam; foundation of islamic civilization14
110784857Mamluksturkic, military slaves for the Abbasid Caliphate15
110784858Ibn Rushd (Averroes)wrote Aristotelian philosophical writings16
110784859Crusadesfighting between the Christians and Muslims for the Holy Land of Jerusalem and the spread of Islam17
110784860CharlemagneKing of the Franks (emperor); est. the Carolingian empire through a series of conquests, sponsered a brief intellectual revival (although illiterate himself)18
110784861Byzantine Empireeastern portion of the Roman empire; fell to the Ottomans19
110784862Hagia Sophiagreatest Byzantne architectural monument (cathedral) located in Constantinople; dates back to the Justinian reign; means "sacred wisdom"20
110784863Cyrrilic Alphabetwriting system perfected by Cyril and Methodius that came to be used by the slavic christians advering to the Orthodox.21
110784864Fiefgrant of land in return for military service22
110784865Serfagricultural laborers who were legally bound to a lord's property who owed dues23
110784866Vassalsnoble followers to which kings granted fiefs24
110784867Papacycentral administration of the Roman Catholic Church of which the Pope is the head25
110784868Holy Roman Empireloose federation of German states and principalities headed by an emperor elected by the princes26
110784869monasticismreligion requiering followers to live apart from secular society and lead a life of celibacy, obediance, and poverty27
111004611Benedict of NursiaIntroduced monosticism and wrote rules to rules to govern the monks' behaviors; est. monastaries in Italy28
111004612VarangiansSwedish Vikings who pursued raiding and trade and built kingdoms along the river of Eastern Europe and Russia29
111364976Grand Canal1100 mile long waterway connecting the Yellow and Yanzi rivers; started by the Han and completed by the Sui30
111364977Li Shiminfounder of the Tang empire; led the expansion of the empire into Central Asia31
111364978Tang Empireunified China and part of Central Asia; capital located at Chang'an32
111364979Chang'ancapital of the Tang empire; became the center of the tributary system33
111393248Wu Zhaofemale empress who sezed control o the gov't, claiming to be a bodhisattva; favored buddhist and daoists in her court over confucianists34
111393249Song empireempire in southern China, distinguised forits advances in technology, medicine, astronomy, and math35
111393250junklarge, flat bottom ship produced in the Tang, Ming, and Song empires; designed for long-distance comercial travel36
111393251Neo-confucianismnew approaches to interpretating classic confucian texts37
111393252KoryoKorean kingdom that was destroyed by Mongol invasion38
111393253Tale of Genjinovel about Fujiwara court culture written by Murasaki Shikibu (female)39
111393254Kamakura ShoganateJapan's 1st decentralized military gov't (located at Honshu)40
111393255Annam (Dai Vet)early Chinese term for the rice-based agricultural Vietnam; depended on the Red River Valley and Mekong River; its rival was Chinampa41

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