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AP World: Africa Flashcards

Regional outline for Africa. Divided into five units and seven categories (political, economic, social, science, art, empire, and religion).

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162408116Political, 8000-600 CEPharaoh/queen, internal disorder, invasions0
162408117Economic, 8000-600 CETrade with Kush and Mesopotamia, agricultural villages engaged in trade1
162408118Social, 8000-600 CEPatriarchal, but women manage household/own property/regents of rulers/prestesses/scribes/can divorce2
162408119Science, 8000-600 CEHieroglyphics, bronze tools, papyrus, 365 day calendar, medicine, math astronomy, iron3
162408120Art, 8000-600 CEPyramids, temples, hieroglyphics4
162408121Empire, 8000-600 CEGeography: protected, unique civilization, not as urban as Mesopotamia/Nile river5
162408122Religion, 8000-600 CEPolytheism, afterlife (mummification), Book of the Dead6
162408123Political, 600-1450 CEKingship legitimized by Islam, 'People of the Book,' Bantu (stateless societies)7
162408124Economic, 600-1450 CETrade with Islam as unifying factor, trans-Saharan trade routes; Ghana (gold), Mali; gold/salt/honey/slaves/ivory/imports, trade with Byzantine Empire, agriculture8
162408125Social, 600-1450 CEMerchants valued, patriarchal society, rich women more restricted; Islamic law, 'People of the Book,' religious tolerance, class centered around age group9
162408126Science, 600-1450 CEHellenistic thought, science/math10
162408127Art, 600-1450 CELinguistic, architectural, artistic version of Christianity; calligraphy,Mosques, minarets11
162408128Empire, 600-1450 CEIslamic urban center, Bantu Migrations, trade centers, trans-Saharan trade route12
162408129Religion, 600-1450 CEIslam, Christianity in Ethiopia and Egypt, animistic, syncretism13
162408130Political, 1450-1750 CELeaders cooperate with slave traders, monarchy14
162408131Economic, 1450-1750 CETriangle Trade/Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade; guns traded for slaves; slave trade with Mediterranean world15
162408132Social, 1450-1750 CEDemographic shifts; more males in the slave trade than females (females traded more in the East coast); depopulated16
162408133Science, 1450-1750 CEManioc/maize/sweet potatoes (from America); technology suffered due to slave trade17
162408134Art, 1450-1750 CEIslamic art/architecture, paper making, arts suffered due to slave trade18
162408135Empire, 1450-1750 CEPart of Triangular Trade (with Europe and America); beginnings of European exploration; Kongo, Benin, Mali, Songhay19
162408136Religion, 1450-1750 CEIslam, Christianity, animism, ancestor worship = syncretism20
162408137Political, 1750-1914 CERe-colonization of Africa; Sierra Leone, Liberia; coastal kingdoms ruled by warlords/merchants; intertribal war; Revolutions; 'White Man's burden'21
162408138Economic, 1750-1914 CEEnd of Atlantic Slave Trade = Islamic states of West africa still trade slaves; rely on slave trade more; economic slump22
162408139Social, 1750-1914 CERapid population growth23
162408140Science, 1750-1914 CEIndustrialization; guns/textiles/alcohol (importance of foreign imports; enlightenment24
162408141Art, 1750-1914 CEChristian/Islamic arts; literary/artistic forms of the west25
162408142Empire, 1750-1914 CEOpen to foreign takeover due to economic slump; colonized by Europe26
162408143Religion, 1750-1914 CEIslam/Christianity/animism/ancestor worship = syncretism27
162408144Political, 1914-nowDecolonization of Africa; attempt at representative government; involved in WWII; renewed independence efforts = civil war, government corruption; socialism28
162408145Economic, 1914-nowGlobalized economies; mercantilism in former colonies; poverty stricken countries; international debt29
162408146Social, 1914-nowSpanish Flu (global epidemic); clear black majority making decolonization easier (apartheid in South Africa)30
162408147Science, 1914-nowSlow technological development due to colonization, mercantilism, internal instability; miners; no money for industrial goods after WWI; oil (Nigeria)31
162408148Art, 1914-nowWestern artistic forms, religious art, native art (export)32
162408149Empire, 1914-nowDecolonization = new sovereign nations33
162408150Religion, 1914-nowIslam/Christianity/animism/atheists34

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