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AP World Ch. 24-28 Flashcards

World War One FTW
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147909798cottonWhat was the main Egyptian cash crop utilized by Muhammad Ali in order to attempt to modernize Egypt?0
147909799Suez Canalthe canal that connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea with the Indian Ocean- it allows faster travel between Britain and India, "Britain's crown jewel"1
147909800Sick Man of Europeanother name for the Ottoman Empire, it is an example of how the empire suddenly began its path of slow decline2
147909801Britain and FranceWhich two countries allied with the Ottomans during the Crimean War to oppose the Russians?3
147909802GreeceWhich country is known as the "intellectual jewel of Europe"?4
147909803Emancipation of serfsWhat bold move of reformation is done by Tsar Alexander II, who wished to radically modernize and reform Russia?5
147909804Taiping RebellionWhat event is considered to be the bloodiest civil war ever fought before the 20th century?6
147909805Self Strengthening MovementWhat event did Empress Dowager Cixi FIRST support but then later left due to the popularity of the Boxer Rebellion?7
147909806Selim IIIWhich Ottoman emperor reforms the empire through European military units, provincial governors under control, and standardized land tenure?8
147909807UlamaWhich social class opposed the reforms of Selim III because of their fear of secularization of law and taxation?9
147909808ChristianityWhat was the major inspirational force that inspired Hong Xiaquan to begin the Taiping Rebellion and kill thousands of foreigners in China?10
147909809Crimean Warwhat war is considered the first modern war because of the implementing of automatic machine guns, breech-loading rifles, and modern warfare11
147909810Florence Nightingalea British nurse who discovered new sanitary methods such as washing hands12
147909811Pan Slavismthe doctrine that advocated the unity of all Slavic peoples through military means13
147909812silverwhat did Britain use, gained from opium trade with China,to fund their industrialization?14
147909813Growing numbers and increasing European privilegesWhat are the two main factors that stems China's resentment towards Europe and America?15
147909814gunboatsthe critical military advantage Britain had over China in the Opium War16
147909815jihadterm coined by the Sokoto Caliphate meaning "struggle'. It meant a physical struggle (holy war) along with a spiritual struggle17
147909816Zuluwhich African tribe was able to create a new national identity amidst much fragmentation?18
147909817secondary empiresthe term for empires not directly not controlled by Europeans but were supplied with European weapons; an example is Tippu Tip on the East African Coast19
147909818Liberia and Ethiopiathe two countries in Africa that were free of European control20
147909819Italywhat European country sells guns to Menelik's Ethiopian empire and then later tries to invade unsuccessfully?21
147909820Afrikanerswhich migrating colony was interrupted by the Zulu, trying to escape the jurisdiction of the Dutch East India Company22
147909821Pedro Cabralwho is credited for establishing the first warehouses (imports/exports) in India and also plundered Muslim ships?23
147909822Spice and textileswhat two exports are famous from being produced in the port of Calicut?24
147909823Goawhat Indian territory was controlled by the Portuguese who also employed Hindu Sepoys as a police force, later occupied by the Spanish in 1580 and later under British control after the sinking of the Spanish Armada25
147909824Suratwhat is the name of the Mughal port in which the British East India Company make their first visit to India?26
147909825Maratha Confederationthe name of the confederation that controls Central India during the early period of the British Raj; they were soon overthrown, handing control of Bombay to the BEIC27
147909826private propertythe idea in which individuals earned individual land, which meant profit and taxes28
147909827Christocentrismthe idea in which politics, social, and religion are all focused and centered on Christianity29
147909828Social Darwinisma social theory that acted mainly as justification for Britain and the rest of Europe to expand, with an excuse to help more "savage" individuals as they were not the "strong or fit" and untamed in etiquette30
147909829Infrastructure improvementone of the major and important economic developments for India under the British Raj; built new railroads (one of the biggest, canals, postal service, steamboats31
147909830penal colonythe type of colony that Australia, under British influence, served as32
147909831Great Trekthe migration of Afrikaners from British-ruled Cape Colony for fertile land in the north33
147909832Class conflictwhat Karl Marx believed history consisted of and how it repeats itself time and time again34
147909833anarchistsEmma Goldman is one of the few famous women _________35
147909834Nationalismthe most influential idea of the 19th century36
147909835Germanywhich European country was considered to be the most industrialized along with being the scientific capital of Europe?37
147909836Dreyfus Affairsa result of a Jewish officer in France being accused of leaking information, it had no solid evidence against him; it is an important example of French antisemittism38
147909837Dumaanother name for the Russian nobles, the boyars, who limits the tsar's power due to the Russo-Japanese War39
148244761breech loading riflesthe primary reason the sepoys sparked their Sepoy Rebellion due to their disagreement with this type of weapon40
148244762Rajthe Indian word for "rule"41
148244763separate spheresa social convention developed during the Victorian Age, it highlighted the gender roles of men and women; men as breadwinners, diplomats, and merchants, and factory workers, while women stayed at home as mothers42
148244764United Stateswhich country owned the largest railroad network in the world during th emid 1850's and the early 1900's?43
148244765Alfred Nobelwho invents dynamite, which would be used first for construction, and then war?44
148244766Labor unionsnineteenth century movement that defended workers against their employers; better wages, improved working conditions, insurance against illness, accidents, disability, and old age45
148244767Socialismwhich social idea questioned the sanctity of private property and instead favored shared property and wealth, opposed the bourgeoisie, and supported the proletariat class46
148244768Germanywhich country planned to isolate France by forming a coalition between Austria-Hungary and Russia?47
148244769Korea/China/Manchuriawhat 3 countries did Yamagata Aritomo believe was necessary for Japan to prosper under their sphere of influence and their new idea of geopolitics? (separate each country with a /)48
148244770spheres of influencethe term dubbed by the Meiji Restoration, in which Japan wished to extend their influence over nearby countries49
148244771indentured servitudemany Asian migrants who came to the Americas seeking economic opportunity and a better life usually ended up in a life of _____________ ______________50
148244772Alfred NobelHe is credited with creating dynamite by using nitroglycerin; first meant for construction but then later for war51
148244773pogromsAntisemitic propaganda instituted by the government against Jews; especially in Russia52
148244774RussiaWhich country is defeated in the Russo-Japanese war?53
148244775Conservatismwhich social convention supported a strong, central monarch, the church, and the preservation of nobles- supported by Russia, and Austria-Hungary54
148244776Liberalismwhich social convention supported a constitution, representative government, and a free market? Supported by Britain and France55
148244777steelmetal proceeding iron- hard and elastic; cheapest and most versatile metal56
148244778Germanywhich country specialized in having the most advanced engineering schools and scientfic institutes57
148244779sewage pipeswhat is considered to be the most important urban innovation in the 19th century besides electricity and telegraph cables?58
148244780Bosnia Herzegovinawhich territory does the Austria-Hungarian empire annex in 1908- it also is the region where Franz Ferdinand was assassinated (the city was Sarejevo)59
148244781Matthew PerryHe was able to persuade the Japanese to open up their borders, leading to the Meiji Restoration opening up ideas and trade60
148302037Shakawho was the leader of the Zulu tribe?61
148302038Great Trekthe migration of Afrikaners from British-ruled Cpe Colony for fertile land in the north62
148302039AmericanLiberia was a free colony founded by ____________ slaves63
148302040Britainwhich European power altogether abolishes the slave trade in the Atlantic by implementing recaptives, legitimate trade, and their navy?64
148302041NawabsA Muslim prince allied to British India; technically, a semi-autonomous deputy of the Mughal emperor.65
148302042theater statethe Mughal Empire is an example of a ___________ _______ using lavish parades and celebrations to entice other countries and to show off their grandeur66
148302043varna systemwhen Queen Victoria gained control of India, and India fell under British Empire control, what traditional social system did she weaken?67
148302044durbarslavish parades, pageants, and courts in the Mughal Empire to show off the British Raj's power68
148302045warehousesThe British East India Company hired the sepoys, the Sikh and Hindu guards to defend and guard these places69
148302046British East India CompanyWhich British power controlled India first? the British East India Company or the British Empire?70
148302047machine gunsWhat was the reason the British were so easily victorious against the Sudanese in the Battle of Omdurman?71
148302048quininethe term for a drug used to combat, but not cure, malaria72
148302049Scramble for Africathe term for the rapid colonization of Africa by various European civilizations in the mid 19th century73
148302050Menelikthe leader of Ethiopia, he leads a successful defense against the Italians thanks to their guns and weaponry74
148302051Congo Basinwhat area in central Africa was Leopold II able to colonize after the Berlin Conference?75
148302052Philippineswhat country does the US purchase after the Spanish-American war to keep out other ambitious colonialist powers?76
148302053Monroe Doctrinewhat doctrine/amendment allowed the US to attempt to defend the entire Western Hemisphere from outside invasion?77
148302054overextendedalong with fearing the Latin Americans successfully revolting, what was another reason while Europeans avoided taking formal colonies in Latin America?78
148302055free trade imperialismEconomic dominance of a weaker country by a more powerful one, while maintaining the legal independence of the weaker state. In the late nineteenth century, characterized the relations between the Latin American republics.79
148302056Theodore Rooseveltwhich US president during the Monroe Doctrine attempted to intervene in matters in Latin America, promising to police Latin America by force80
148302057Dominican RepublicWhich of these countries WAS NOT gained by the US following the events of the Spanish-American War and the Platt Amendment: Guam, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico?81
148302058Emilio Aguinaldoleader of the independence movement in the Philippines82
148302059Austria-HungaryWhich of these countries DID NOT participate in the Scramble for Africa? Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria-Hungary, or Germany?83
148302060Leopold IIwho is one of the main European leaders who calls for the Berlin Conference in 1894? He is the king of Belgium, assisted by Henry Stanley84
148302061Panama Canalwhat is the result of the US' support of Panama as they revolted against Colombia?85
148302062Decembrist Revoltplace in Russia on December 14 1825, Russian army officers led about 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas I's assumption of the throne86
148302063Austria-HungaryArchduke Franz Ferdinand was the archduke of which empire?87
148302064Nationalismone of the most influential catalysts for World War One- the national pride of each country brought itself into the war88
148302065United StatesWhich country DID NOT join the League of Nations? United States, France, Britain89
148302066guilt clauseas part of the Treaty of Versailles, what was used in the treaty that blames Germany of the entire World War, resulting in many punishments and prohibitions90
148302067Armenian genocideWhat was one of the 1st mass genocides of the 20th century?91
148302068CapitalismDespite being implemented by the Socialists and Communists by Lenin, it is seen in the New Economic Policy as it revives the free market, free trade, private workshops, and banks92
148302069Mustapha Kemalwho is the Turkish leader responsible for secularizing Turkey by abolishing traditional clothing, establishing marriage and divorce rights, women's rights, and the taking of a family name (Ataturk)93
148302070Trotskywho is the leader of the Red Army; also the right hand man of Vladimir Lenin?94
148302071Britain/France/RussiaWhat 3 countries consist of the Triple Entent? (separate each country with a /)95
148302072Austria Hungary/Germany/Italy/OttomansWhat 4 countries/empires consist of the Triple Alliance? (separate each country with a /)96
148302073BritainThe Balfour Declaration documents that this European country supports the formation of a Jewish homeland state in Palestine97
148302074Franz Ferdinandarchduke of the Austria-Hungarian empire, he was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian assassin in the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina while on his honeymoon; his death triggers a full scale world war98
148302075Woodrow Wilsonwhich world leader comes up with the idea of forming a League of Nations- he was an idealist preferring that countries be self-determinant99
148302076Puyiwho succeeds Empress Dowager Cixi as the last emperor of the Qing Empire in 1911?100
148302077submarine attackswhat German action motivates the United States to enter World War One?101
148302078phony independencewhat is the term when Egypt is supposedly independent from British control in 1922.102
148302079Mandate systemAllocation of former German colonies and Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after World War I, to be administered under League of Nations supervision.103
148302080Smuggles Lenin into RussiaWhat does Germany do in an attempt to expel Russia out of world war one?104
148302081Treaty of Brest LivotskWhat treaty signed by Russia causes them to leave World War One in expense of Russian lands such as the Baltic States and Poland?105
148302082May Fourth Movementmovement by Chinese students protesting against Japan as they colonize previous German enclaves and China becomes a virtual protectorate; they were also upset at the Treaty of Versailles106
148302083TrueTrue or false? WW1 was advantageous to the United States as the US became very wealthy after supplying for Britain and France, and also because it allowed women factory jobs and an African-American migration northward107
148302084FalseTrue or false? Sigmund Freud believed that, "There are no religions that are false. All are true in their own fashion."108
148302085Bolsheviks and MensheviksWhat were the two political parties in the Russian Empire who rivaled each other?109
148302086FaisalArab prince, leader of the Arab Revolt in World War I. The British made him king of Iraq in 1921, and he reigned under British protection until 1933.110
148302087Western FrontA line of trenches and fortifications in World War I that stretched without a break from Switzerland to the North Sea. Scene of most of the fighting between Germany, on the one hand, and France and Britain, on the other.111
148302088InfluenzaWhat epidemic causes great sickness throughout Europe especially during WW1, nearly 20 million deaths?112
148302089TrueTrue or false? Japan had very little arable land and natural resources, thus they had to extend outward for resources such as in Korea and China113
148302090MexicoWhere does Trotsky run to to escape death after Joseph Stalin gains power over the power struggles proceeding Lenin's death?114
148302091GermanyAfter WW1, what country has to borrow money from Britain and France in order to restore themselves after being hampered from the Treaty of Versailles?115
148302092SudanWhich civilization was Britain fighting against in the Battle of Omdurman?116
148302093Franco-Prussian War1870-71, war between France and Prussia; seen as German victory; seen as a struggle of Darwinism; led to Prussia being the most powerful European nation. Instigated by Bismarck; France seen as the aggressor.117
148302094SocialismWhich of these social movements DID NOT support a free market? Socialism, Nationalism, or Liberalism?118
148302095Tanzimat'Restructuring' reforms by the nineteenth-century Ottoman rulers, intended to move civil law away from the control of religious elites and make the military and the bureaucracy more efficient. Abolishes shari'a law angering the ulama and janissaries119
148302096OttomansWhich empire was defeated by the alliance of the Greeks, Russian, British, and French fleets during the battle for Greek independence?120
148302097FalseTrue or False? The Indian Civil Service first consisted of educated and professional Indians121
148302279Opium WarWar between Britain and the Qing Empire that was, in the British view, occasioned by the Qing government's refusal to permit the importation of opium into its territories. The victorious British imposed the one-sided Treaty of Nanking on China.122
148302280Treaty of NankingTreaty that concluded the Opium War. It awarded Britain a large indemnity from the Qing Empire, denied the Qing government tariff control over some of its own borders, opened additional ports of residence to Britons, and ceded Hong Kong to Britain.123
148302281ExtraterritorialityRight of foreigners to be protected by the laws of their own nation.124
148327242Treaty of KanagawaAn agreement by Japan with America, that Japan would open two ports to trade with the U.S. and would help shipwrecked U.S. sailors125

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