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AP World Ch. 2 (New Civilizations in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, 2200 - 250 B.C.E.) Flashcards

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176483068loessyellowish-brown dust deposited by winds blowing from Central Asia; suspension in Yellow River gives hue & name0
176483069Shangdescribes period between 1750 & 1027 B.C.E.; ppl originated in part of Yellow River Valley that lies in present-day province of Henan & extended control N into Mongolia after 1750 B.C.E., as far west as Gansu & S to Yangzi River Valley; dominated by warrior aristocracy whose liked warfare, hunting, exchanging gifts, feasting, wine-filled revelry; core area of state ruled by king & court; aristocrats were generals, ambassadors, supervisors; royal family members & other nobility governed outlying provinces; distant regions governed by native rulers who swore allegiance - king traveled to reinforce loyalty1
176483070divinationused to determine will of gods; used before taking action; involved sacrifices to gods & ancestors2
176483071Zhoudescribes period between 1027 - 221 B.C.E.; started w/ Wu (ruler) defeating last Shang king; dependent state in Wei River Valley; line of kings (1027 - 221 B.C.E.) longest lasting & most revered of all dynasties in Chinese history; preserved essentials of Shang culture & added new3
176805296Mandate of Heavenname for rule of monarch ("Son of Heaven"); ruler chosen by supreme deity & would retain backing as long as served as wise, principled, energetic guardian; proof of divine favor was prosperity & stability; misbehavior meant possible withdraw of right to rule; signs of divine displeasure (corruption, violence, arrogance, insurrection [had occurred under last Shang king]) validated replacement by new dynasty4
176805297Confucius(551 - 479 B.C.E.) Latin form of name Kongzi; roots in earlier Chinese belief (folk religion & rites of Zhou royal family [veneration of ancestors & elders & worship of deity Heaven]; compared family to state: father at top, sons next, wives & daughters in order of age & state: ruler at top, public officials as sons, common people as women; emphasized benevolence, avoidance of violence, justice, rationalism, loyalty, dignity; more optimistic view of basic goodness of human nature than adherents of Legalism5
176805298Daoismrose during Warring States period; Laozi (originator) lived in 6th cent B.C.E. wanted to stop warfare by urging humanity to follow Dao ("path"); take minimal action necessary for task; world always changing and lacks any absolute morality or meaning; expanded later to incorporate pop beliefs, magic, mysticism6
176805299ying/yangcomplementary nature of male & female roles; originally yin & yang = & alternately dominant, but changing role of women in Zhou period & pervasive influence of Confucian ideology = male superior7
176805300yangmale, sun, active, bright shining8
176805301yinmoon, passive, shaded, reflective9
176805302Kushname given by Egyptians to kingdom whose capital was located at Kerma in tropical Africa; beginning around 1750 B.C.E. kings marshaled labor force to build monumental walls & structures of mud brick; servants & wives sacrificed for burial w/ kings, rich objects found in tombs - rulers were rich & powerful & belief in afterlife; good metal & pottery10
176805303Meroecenter of native kingdom in southern Nubia from 4th cent. B.C.E. to 4th cent. C.E.; near 6th Cataract; better situated for agriculture & trade; more than sq. mi. in area; palace, reservoirs, iron smelting; Temple of Amon approached by avenue of stone rams & enclosed "Royal City" filled w/ palaces, temples, admin buildings; collapse possibly due to overrunning by nomads from western desert who had become more mobile b/c of camel in N. Africa - already weakened when commerce w/ Roman Empire diverted to Red Sea & kingdom of Aksum (in Ethiopia)11
176805304Olmecflourished between 1200 & 400 B.C.E.; center located near tropical Atlantic coast of Veracruz & Tabasco; influence reached Pacific coast of Central America & Central Plateau of MX; agricultural advances made urban development possible; cultural core: San Lorenzo (1200-900 B.C.E.); La Venta developed @ about same time as San Lorenzo - most important Olmec center after 900 B.C. (San Lorenzo abandoned or destroyed); Tres Zapotes rose to dominance after La Venta collapsed/was destroyed around 600 B.C.E.; artificial platforms & mounds of packed dirt dominated urban centers & framed collective ritual & political activities that brought rural pop to cities; platforms lifted elite above masses; laid out cities in alignment w/ paths of stars; skilled artisans lived in or near urban core & made jade figurines, necklaces, ceremonial knives & axes; merchants traded w/ distant ppl for obsidian, jade, pottery; rise of major urban centers coincided w/ appearance of form of kingship that combined religious & secular roles; commoners lived in dispersed structure made of sticks & mud; carved stone heads as large as 11 ft (3.4 m) high - each unique; thought to memorialize rulers - close to major urban centers; organization of collective labor by elites = more food & more reliable & diverse diet & ceramics in commoners' homes; rulers & close kin associated w/ gods thru bloodletting & human sacrifice; polytheistic & most deities had male & female natures & human & animal characteristics blended; motif: humans > animals; rulers associated w/ jaguar; shamans & healers directed planning of urban centers to reflect astronomical observations & developed writing that may have influenced innovations among Maya; made calendar based on stars; started ritual ball game12
177027749Chavincapital - Chavin de Huantar at 10,300 ft (3,139 m) in eastern range Andes north of Lima; 900 - 250 B.C.E. Chavin included Peruvian coastal plain & Andean foothills; at intersection of trade routes connecting coast w/ populous mountain valleys & tropical lowlands on eastern flank of Andes; dominance depended on introduction of maize from Mesoamerica; trade linked coastal economy w/ producers of quinoa, potatoes, llamas & Amazonian producers of coca & fruits - accompanied by evolution of reciprocal labor obligations (later organized by related families holding land communally; architecture: large complex of multilevel platforms made of packed dirt or rubble & faced w/ cut stone or adobe; buildings decorated w/ carvings of serpents, condors, jaguars, humans; largest building at Chavin de Huantar 250 ft (76 m) on each side & rose 50 ft (15 m); 1/3 of interior hollow (may have housed royal ancestor remains); 3-D silver, gold, gold alloy ornaments; improvements in manufacture & decoration of textiles; most common decorative motif: jaguar-man; increased warfare around 200 B.C.E. disrupted trade & undermined authority of elite13
177427068llamasuse to move goods promoted specialization of production & increased trade; only domesticated lrg animals in Americas; integrated Andean region; domesticated in mountainous interior of Peru; 1 driver could control 10-30 animals (each carrying 70 lbs.) vs. human porter (50 lbs.)14

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