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AP World Ch 4 Flashcards


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261823457Social DarwinismThe belief that if a country or area is not as advanced, that country deserves to be taken over. This describes how Europe felt about Africa0
261823458Berlin ConferenceThe European meeting in Berlin to discuss the division of Africa. This meeting drew new borders across Africa, disregarding pre-existing ones.1
261823459New ImperialismThe conquest of other areas by the Europeans, Japanese, and Americans in the late 19th-20th centuries. Much of Africa, Asia, and South America was colonized during this period.2
261823460"White Man's Burden"Europe's belief that it was their duty to control uncivilized areas.3
261823461ProtectorateA form of imperialism in which the coutry has its own government, but policies are guided by imperial powers.4
261823462IdeologyThe desire to "civilize" people around the world, assuming whites are superior. this was a motive to imperialize5
261823463Hegemonythe dominant influence of one country over all others in an area. usually an imperial based system.6
261823464paternalisma governing system in which the mother country intervenes in affairs of the colony. Ex: Dutch to Java, England to India7
261823465assimilationto take in an area under an empire. such as Britain taking India8
261823466indigenousdescribes the people who lived in an area before it was colonized. these people were usually forced to abide by the principles of the mother country9
261823467nationalismHaving extreme pride in your nation. this involves protesting or revolting against the ruler10
261823468destitutelacking resources or means of survival. this describes most colonized countries.11
261823469indolentavoiding change or work. pre-industrialized countries were usually this way12
261823470faminea severe shortage of food. can be caused by poor governing by mother country13
261823471heathenoften how imperialized nations saw colonies. a person who does not believe in your god14
261823472indirect rulea type of imperial government in which the mother country made most of the laws, but the local leaders still held some authority15
261823473direct rulethe mother country completely controls the government, with no power in the hands of local leaders16
261823474extractive economiesan empire that takes resources from its colonies to ship back to the mother country. Ex: Britain17
261823475Boer Wara conflict between the Dutch and British over the assimilation of South Africa18
261823476Sphere of Influencean imperial system in which the mother country has conrol over the trade and economy in a region.19
261823477Creolesa person of Spainish decent born in colonial Latin-America. also used by natives to describe all foreigners20
261823478mestizosa person of mixed ethnicity. these were common in colonies21
261823479Monroe Doctrinethis American document stated that outside powers should not interfere in the western hemisphere22
261823480Panama Canala canal through the isthmus of panama created by the U.S in the early 1900s. in greatly shortend the trip from the east coast to the west coast23
261823481Suez Canal ("lifeline to India")a canal through Egypt that went from the Mediterranean to the red sea24
261823482Sepoy Mutinya revolt by the Indian natives serving in the British army after an insult to their religion. this leader to a series of loses by the British army25
261823483viceroya representative of the mother country who rules over a colony26
261823484Indian National ConferenceIndia's first political party which was mostly hindus that fought peacefully for freedom.27
261823485Opium WarWhen the Chinese refused further illegal importation of opium into China, the British went to war with them. after British victory, they imposed the treaty of Naijing.28
261823486Tai Ping RebellionChinese Civil war between the Qing Dynasty and the Chinese 'Christian' rebels who belived they should create a new heavenly kingdom to replace the corrupt dynasty29
261823487self-strengthening policythe belief tha through western learning and practices, China could rebuild itself30
261823488Open Door Policya policy that would leave China open to all countries for trade. Proposed by the U.S31
261823489Boxer Rebellionan effort to revolt by a group of Chinese nationalists. this conflict was soon repressed by the British32
261823490Guomindangthe political party founded in 1911 by Sun Yat-sen33
261823491King MongkutKing of Siam who successfully negotiated with the west for open trade. he also brought western education to siam34
261823492Emilio Aguinaldolead the Filipino independence movement in 1895 but was defeated by U.S35
261823493Rudyard KiplingEnglish author who was born in India36
261823494Cecil RhodesBritish statesman who ran a wealthy diamond mine in south Africa37
261823495Muhammad Alitried to unite the Muslim League and the Congress party in India to establish freedom38
261823496David LivingstoneMissionary during the victorian period who disappear in africa then found living amoung the natives39
261823497Henry StanleyExplored Africa to find Livingstone. helped establish the Congo Freestate40
261823498Gandhifamous for leading non-violent protests against the British in India41
261823499King Leopald IIKing of Belgium who helped establish the Congo Free State and exploitted the labor for the wealth of the colony42
261823500Otto Von Bismarkresponsible for uniting german states into Germany43
261823501Sun Yat-senChinese radical who sought to reform China through a series of reforms44
261823502Chiang kia-sheksuboordinate of Sun Yat-Sen who tried to rid China of the Communists and contiue Sun Yat-Sens beliefs45
261823503BoersDutch settlers in South Africa who were later forced out by the British46
261823504Zulua south african tribe who held off the British at first, but eventually lost to their superior weaponry47
261823505Queen Victoria"Empress of India", ruler of india at the end of the British East India Company48
261823506Jose de San MartinSouth American general and statesman, born in Argentina. leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile49
261823507Simon BolivarSouth American Leader who lead his people against Spain50
261823508Benito JuarezMexican hero who brought liberal reforms to Mexico51

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