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AP world Chapter 25 and 26 Flashcards

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359844937David LivingstoneScottish missionary doctor that explored southern and central Africa. He traced the course of the Zambezi River, and named its greatest waterfall for queen Victoria.0
359844938Henry Morton StanleyJournalist that wrote about Tippu Tip, and went on an expedition to search for the "lost" missionary doctor Livingstone1
359844939Muhammad AliLeader of Egyptian modernization in the early 19th century. He ruled as an Ottoman governor but had imperial ambitions. His descendants ruled Egypt until overthrown in 1952. Also he is the successor to Napoleon's rule. He headed the strongest state in the Islamic world and the first to employ Western methods and technology.2
359844940Rammohun Roypromoted the development of Indian nationlism. He was a successful administrator for the East India Company. HIs Brahmo Samaj (divine society) attracted Indians who sought to reconcile the values of the west with the religious traditions of India.3
359844941Shakaking of zulu people that united them. He expanded the kingdom by raiding neighbors and spreading a warfare system. He was a military genius4
359844942Usman dan Fodioconquered the former Hausa states in the west and formed the Sokoto caliphate.5
359844943Afrikanersresidents of Africa began to refer to themselves as this term6
359844944AustraliaBrittish settlers displaced the indigenious peoples here. The first permanent British settlers were convicts sent to exile7
359844945Brahmo Samajcreated by Rommohun Roy to attract Indians who sought to reconcile the values of the west with the religious traditions of India8
359844946British rajthe rule over much of South by the East India Company and then by a British government. It was to remake India on a British model through administrative and social reform.9
359844947clipper shiplarge, fast, streamlined sailing vessel, often American built of the mid to late 19th century rigged with vast canvas sails hung from tall mast. they lowered shipping cost and further stimulated maritime trade.10
359844948contract of indenturea voluntary agreement binding a person to work for a specifies period of years in return for free passage to an overseas destination. Before 1800 most indentured servants were Europeans; after 1800 most indentured laborers were Asians. they were usually bound to work for 5 to 7 years. they were pain with a small salary, but were provided with housing, clothing, and medical care.11
359844949durbaran elaborate display of political power and wealth in British India. Ostensibly in imitation of the pageantry of the Mughal Empire.12
359844950Indian Civil Serviceelite professional class of officials who administered the government of british India. Originally composed exculusively of well-educated British men, it graadually added qualified Indians. These men visited the villages in their districts, heard lawsuits and complaints and passed judgments13
359844951Indian National Congressa movement and political party founded to demand greater Indian participation in the gov. It's membership was middleclass, and it had modest demands until WW1. After 1920 it appealed more to the poor and organized mass protest demanding self-government and independance. MOst early members were upper-caste Western educated Hindus and Parsis, and until more people joined it couldn't challenge British rule14
359844952nawaba muslim prince allied with the British India; technically, a semi-autonomous deputy of the Mughal emperor. Term used for Muslim princes who were deputies of the mughal emperor in name only15
359844953new zealandbritish settlers were attracted to this land because of their vast amount of seals for sealskin trade, and sperm whales for oil, lube, soap, and other products.. they also had a brief gold rush. the populist government made land available at low cost to European settlers.16
359844954recaptivesafricans rescued by British's Royal Navy from the illegal slave trade of the 19th century and resorted to free status. they were liberated in sierra leone17
359844955sepoyan Indian soldier in South Asia, especially in her service of the British18
359844956Sierra Leonethis is where many of the recaptives were liberated19
359844957Zanzibarhome of spice plantations owned mostly by Arab and Swahili people. also important center of slaves and ivory20
359844958Zulua people of modern South Africa whom KIng Shaka united in 1818. They were the most powerful and most feared fighters in southern Africa because of Skaka's military knowledge21
359844959Great trekparties of Africaners left Britian ruled Cape Colony for the ferile high plateau to the north that two decades of sulu wars had depopulated. This laid the foundation of three new settler colonies in Africa: the Africaners orange free state, transval and the british colony of natal22
359844960"legitimate" tradeexports from Africa in the 19th century that did not include the newly outlawed slave trade. most successful of these exports from west africa was palm oil23
359844961modernizationthe process of reforming political military, economic, social and cultural traditions in imitations imitation of the early success or Western societies often with regard for accommodating local traditions non-Western societies. ( occurred in Ethiopia)24
359844962sepoy rebellion- The revolt of Inidan soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.25
359844963sokoto caliphate- A large Muslim state founded in 1809 in what is now northern Nigeria. - Was the largest state in West Africa since the 16th century26
359844964commodore matthew perry- A navy commander who became the first foreigner to break through the barriers that had kept Japan isolated from the rest of the world for 250 years.27
359844965emmeline Pankhurst- English political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement which helped win women the right to vote28
359844966Empress Dowager Cixi- Opposed railways and other foreign technologies. - Empress of China that pur her son under house arrest and supported anti-foreign movements and resisted reforms of the Chinese government and armed forces29
359844967Giuseppe Garibaldi- Italian nationalist and revolutiaonly who conquered Sicily and napleles and added them to the unified Italy30
359844968Karl Marx and friedrich Engels- Karl marx was a german journalist an philospher, founder of the Marxist branch of socialism. He is known for two books manifesto of the communist party and das kapital. Marx collabrated with Engles author of the condition of the working class in england in 184431
359844969Otto von Bismark- Chancellor of Prussia, then Germany. He was a a conservative nationalist and led Prussia to victory against Austia and France and was responsible for the creation f the German Empire of 1871.32
359844970Thomas Edison- American inventor best known for inventing the electric light bulb, acoustic recording on wax cylinders, and motion pictures.33
359844971Anarchists- Revolutionaries who wanted to abolish all private property and governments, usually by violence, and replace them with free associations of groups. - EX. Emma Goldman for women.34
359844972electricity- A form of energy used in telegraphy then for lighting, industrial motors, and railroads beginning in the 1880's.35
359844973railroads- Networks of first iron then steel rail on which steam and later electric or diesel locomotives pulled long trains at high speads. The first railroads were built in England. Their success caused them to begin the be built throughout the world until. The 20th century.36
359844974steel- A from of iron that is durable and flexible. It was mass produced and quickly became the most widely used metal in construction, machinery, and railroad equipment.37
359844975submarine telegraph cables- Insulated copper cables laid along the bottom of a sea or ocean for telegraphic communication. The first short cable was laid across the English Channel, and the first successful trans-Atlantic one was built in 1866.38
359844976Boxer Rebellion- Series of antiforeign riots started by Empress Cixi. Military forces from Japan, Europe, And the U.S pur down the riots and occupied Beijing.39
359844977European Migrations- Population of Europe almost doubled, and non Euro countries with predominatlye white populations grew because of the inflow of Wuropeans. - They migrated because of the famine in Ireland, persecution of Jews in Russia, poverty and mass population in Italy, and cultural ties wbetween Great Britian and English speaking countries overseas40
359844978Labor union liberalism- Organization of workers in a particular industry or trade created to defend the interest of members through strikes or negotiations with empoloyers.41
359844979liberalism- Political ideology that emphasizes the civil rights of citizens, representative government and the protection of private property. - This derived from the enlightenment and was populat amoung the property owning middle classes of Europe and N. America.42
359844980Meiji Restoration- Political program that followed the destruction of th Tokugawa Shogunate. - Yong leaders set Japan on a path to centralization, industrialization, and imperialism43
359844981Nationalism- Political ideology that stressed peoples membership in a nation by common culture history, territory. - It was a force for unification and provided the foundation for many countries becoming independent from colonialism44
359844982New Economic Policy- Policy created by Vladmir Lenin to encourage the rivial of the Soviet economy by allowing small private enterprises.45
359844983Separate spheres- 19th century idea in Western sociiteis that men and women9 middle class) whould have clearly differentiated roles in society. Women as wives, mothers, and homemakers and men as bread winners and participants in business and politics.46
359844984Socialism- Political idealogy that originated in Europe. - Socialist advocated government protection of workers from exploitation by property owners and government ownership of industries. - Led to the founding of socialist or labor parties throughout Europe47
359844985Victorian Age- The reign of Queen Victoria of Great Britain. Term is also used to describe the late 19th century society, with its rigid moral standards and sharply differentiated roles for middle and working class people. - They idealized the home as a peaceful and loving environment refuge from the dog eat dog world of capitalism.48

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