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AP World Chapter 26 Terms Flashcards

Mr. Brown AP World ECHHS

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374521364Selim IIOttoman sultan (1789-1807); attempted to improve administrative efficiency and build a new army and navy; assassinated by Janissaries0
374521365Mahmud II19th Ottoman sultan who build a private, professional army; crushed the Janissaries and initiated reforms on Western precedents1
374521366Tanzimat reformsWestern-style reforms within the Ottoman Empire between 1839 and 1876; included a European-influenced constitution in 18762
374521367Abdul HamidOttoman sultan (1878-1908) who tried to return to despotic absolutism; nullified constitution and restricted civil liberties3
374521368Young Turksmembers of the Ottoman Society for Union and Progress; intellectuals and political agitators seeking the return of the 1876 constitution; gained power through a coup in 19084
374521369Muhammad Alicontrolled Egypt by 1811; began a modernization process based on Western models but failed to greatly change Egypt; died in 18485
374521370Ahmad Orabistudent of Muhammad Abduh; led a revolt in 1882 against the Egyptian government; forced the khedive to call in British aid6
374521371MahdiMuhammad Achmad, the leader of a Sudanic Sufi brotherhood; began a holy war against the Egyptians and British and founded a state in the Sudan7
374521372Nurhaciunited the Manchus in the early 17th century; defeated the Ming and established the Qing dynasty8
374521373Taiping Rebellionmassive rebellion in southern China in the 1850s and 1960s led by Hong Xinquan; sought to overthrow the Qing dynasty and Confucianism9
374521374Cixiconservative dowager empress who dominated the last decades of the Qing dynasty10
374521375Boxer Rebellionpopular outburst aimed at expelling foreigners from China; put down by intervention of the Western powers11
374521376compradorswealthy group of merchants under the Qing; specialized in the import-export trade on China's south coast12
374521377Lin Zexu19th-century Chinese official charged during the 1830s with ending the opium trade in southern China; set off the events leading to the Opium War13
374521378Opium Warfought between Britain and Qing China beginning in 1839 to protect the British trade in opium; British victory demonstrated Western superiority over China14

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