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AP World Chapter 28 Terms Flashcards

Mr. Brown AP World ECHHS

Terms : Hide Images
375017846internationalizationthe idea that peoples should unite across national boundaries; gained popularity during the 19th century; led to the establishment of organizations like the International Red Cross0
375017847World Courtpermanent arbitration court established at the Hague in 1899; failed to resolve problems of international conflict1
375017848eastern frontwar zone from the Baltic to the Balkans where Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians, and Balkan nations fought2
375017849Balfour Declaration (1917)British promise of support for the establishment of Jewish settlement in Palestine3
375017850Brest-Litovsk Treaty (1918)Russia and Germany agreement; Russia withdrew from World War I and lost territory to Germany in return for peace4
375017851Treaty of Versaillesended World War I; punished Germany with loss of territory and payment of reparations; did not satisfy any of the signatories5
375017852League of Nationsinternational organization of nations created after World War I: designed to preserve world peace; United States never a member6
375017853anschlussunion between Germany and Austria under Hitler in 19387
375017854Munich Conferencemeeting caused by German occupation of part of Czechoslovakia in 1938; Western leaders afreed to the action after Germany promised future peace8
375017855appeasementname given to the policy of British leader Neville Chamberlain because of his acceptance at the Munich Conference of German aggression9
375017856Tripartite Pact1940 alliance between Japan, Germany, and Italy10
375017857Munich Conference1938 meeting between German, French, and British leaders; allowed Czechoslovakia to be dismembered by Germany in return for promises of future peace11
375017858Vichycollaborationist French government established at Vichy in 1940 following defeat by Germany12
375017859HolocaustGermany's attempted extermination of European Jews; resulted in six million deaths13
375017860Teheran Conference (1943)meeting between the leaders of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union; decided to open a new front against Germany in France; gave the Russians a free hand in eastern Europe14
375017861Yalta Conference (1945)agreed upon Soviet entry into war against Japan, organization of the United Nations; left eastern Europe to Soviet Union15
375017862Postdam Conference (1945)meeting between the leaders of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union in 1945; the allies accepted Soviet control of eastern Europe; Germany and Austria were divided among the voctors16
375017863iron curtainterm coined by Churchill for the division between the Western and Soviet spheres17
375017864Marshall PlanUnited States program begun in 1947 to help Western European nations recover from the devastation of World War II18
375017865NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization; formed in 1949 to counter the threat of Soviet Union; included western European democracies, Canada, and the United States19

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