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AP World: Chapter 35 Flashcards

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153402196Cultural RevolutionMovement initiated in 1965 by Mao Zedong to restore his dominance over pragmatists; used mobs to ridicule Mao's political rivals; campaign was called off in 19680
153402197Dien Bien PhuMost significant victory of the Viet Minh over French colonial forces in 1954; gave the Viet Minh control of northern Vietnam1
153402198Gang of FourJian Qing and four political allies who attempted to seize control of Communist government in China from the pragmatists; arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1976 following Mao Zedong's death2
153402199Great Leap ForwardEconomic policy of Mao Zedong introduced in 1958; proposed industrialization of small-scale projects integrated into peasant communes; led to economic disaster, ended in 19603
153402200GuomindangChinese Nationalist party founded by Sun Yat-sen in 1919; drew support from local warlords and Chinese criminal underworld; initially forged alliance with Communists in 1924; dominated by Chiang Kai-shek after 19254
153402201Ho Chi MinhAlso known as Nguyen Ai Quoc; led Vietnamese communist party in struggle for liberation from French and U.S. dominance and to unify north and south Vietnam5
153402202Jiang QingWife of Mao Zedong; one of Gang of Four; oopposed pragmatists and supported Cultural Revolution of 1965; arrested and imprisoned for life in 19766
153402203Long MarchCommunist escape from Hunan province during civil war with Guomindang in 1934; center of Communist power moved to Shaanxi province; firmly established Mao Zedong as head of the Communist party in China7
153402204Mao ZedongCommunist leader in revolutionary China; advocated rural reform and role of peasantry in Nationalist revolution; influenced by Li Dazhao Communist reaction against guomindang purges in 1920s, culminating in Long March of 1934; seized control of all of mainland China by 1949; initiated Great Leap Forward in 19588
153402205May Fourth movementResistance to Japanese encroachments in China began on this date in 1919; spawned movement of intellectuals aimed at transforming China into a liberal democracy; rejected Confucianism9
153402206Ngo Dinh DiemLeader of South Vietnam, 1954-1963; supported by United States, but not by Vietnamese Buddhist majority; assassinated in 196310
153402207People's Liberation ArmyChinese Communist army; administered much of country under People's Republic of China11
153402208People's Republic of ChinaCommunist government of mainland China; proclaimed in 1949 following military success of Mao Zedong over forces of Chiang Kai-shek and the Guomindang12
153402209Red GuardStudent brigades utilized by Mao Zedong and his political allies during the Cultural Revolution to discredit Mao's political enemies13
153402210Sun Yat-senHead of Revolutionary Alliance, organization that led 1911 revolt against Qing dynasty in China; briefly elected president in 1911, but yielded in favor of Yuan Shikai in 1912; created Nationalist party of China (Guomindang) in 1919; died in 192514
153402211Tayson RebellionPeasant revolution in southern Vietnam during the late 1770s; succeeded in toppling the Nguyen dynasty; subsequently unseated the Trinh dynasty of northern Vietnam15
153402212Viet CongName given by Diem regime to communist guerrilla movement in southern Vietnam; reorganized with northern Vietnamese assistance as the National Liberation Front in 195816
153402213Viet MinhCommunist-dominated Vietnamese nationalist movement; operated out of base in southern China during World War II; employed guerrilla tactics similar to the Maoists in China17
153402214Whampoa Military AcademyFounded in 1924; military wing of the Guomindang; first head of the academy was Chiang Kai-shek18
153402215Yuan ShikaiWarlord in northern China after fall of Qing dynaty; hoped to seize imperial throne; president of China after 1912; resigned in the face of Japanese invasion in 191619

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