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AP World Chapter 37 Vocab Flashcards

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63411624BlitzkriegGerman style of rapid attack through the use of armor and air power that was used in Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France in 1939-19400
63411625Battle of Britainlaunched by the Germans; led by its air force, the Luftwaffe; hoped to defeat Britain almost solely through air attacks' the Blitz as the British called this air war, rained bombs on heavily populated metropolitan areas, especially London; The Royal Air Force staved off defeat, however forcing Hitler to abandon plans to invade Britain1
63411626KamikazeA Japanese term meaning "divine wind" that is related to the storms that destroyed Mongol invasion fleets; the term is symbolic of Japanese isolation and was later taken by suicide pilots in WWII2
63411627The "final" solutionNazi solution that entailed the attempted murder of every Jew living in Europe3
63411628Comfort Womenconsisted of as many as 300,000 women aged 14-20 to serve in military brothels called "comfort houses" or "consolation centers" presented the women to the troops as gift from the emperor; women came from Japanese colonies such as Korea, Taiwan, Manchuria, and occupied territories in the Philippines; forced into the imperial prostitution service; catered to 20-30men each day4
63411629Truman DoctrineUS policy instituted in 1947 by President Harry Truman in which the United States would follow an interventionist foreign policy to contain communism5
63411630Marshall PlanU.S. plan, officially called the European Recovery Program, that offered financial and other economic aid to all European states that had suffered from WWII, including Soviet bloc states6
63411631NATOThe North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which was established by the United States in 1949 as regional military alliance against Soviet expansionism7
63411632Warsaw PactWarsaw Treaty Organization, a military alliance formed by Soviet bloc nations in 1955 in response to rearmament of West Germany and its inclusion in NATO8
63424315Winston Churchill1874-1965; prime minister of Britain; Worked w/ Joseph Stalin and President Franklin D. Roosevelt in wartime conferences that were held at Yalta and Potsdam9
63424316Tojo Hideki1884-1948; a defense minister general who assumed the office of prime minister; set his cabinet set in motion for plans of war against Great Britain and the US10
63424317Harry S. Trumanassumed presidency after Roosevelt's death11
63424318Rape of Nanjingbrutal warfare against civilians and repressive occupation where Japanese forces used methods of warfare that led to mass death and suffering; Japanese soldiers raped 7,000 women, murdered hundreds of thousands of unarmed soldiers and civilians, and burned 1/3 of the homes in Nanjing12
63424319Munich Conferenceheld in September 1938; where European politicians formulated the policy known as appeasement; representatives from Italy, France, Great Britain, and Germany were there; revealed how most nations outside the revisionist sphere had decided to deal w/ territorial expansion by aggressive nations13
63424320Russian-German Treaty of Nonaggressionsigned in August 1939 by the foreign ministers of the Soviet Union and Germany; where the two nations agreed not to attack each other and there would be neutrality in the event that either of them went to war w/ a third party; a secret protocol divided eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence; gave German control over western Poland while granting the Soviet Union eastern Poland, eastern Romania, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania14
63424321Axis PowersJapan, Germany, and Italy; the name of the alignment between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy15

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