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AP World Chapter 5 Flashcards

An Age of Empires: Rome and Han China

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274542173Georgraphy of RomeMidpoint of Rome (Italy). TIber River on one side, and double ring of several hills on other. Rome's location contributed to the sucess of unifying Italy0
274542174Rome's Arable Land25% live here. Fertile volcanic soil.1
274542175Rome's AgricultreEssential economic activity. Land was the basis of wealth.2
274542176Rome RepublicPower was in an assembly of male citizens. Wealthy votes counted more than poor votes.3
274542177Rome Senate "Council of Elders"Heads of wealthy families were members. Had the most power.4
274542178Consuls2 of them, presided over meetings of the senate and assembly. Commanded army.5
274542179Particians/PleabiansThe elite were particians. Majority of population were plebians. "Conflict of Orders": plebians refused to work or fight.6
274542180TribunesCreation of new officials, they were drawn from non elite classes and could veto actions of the assembly.7
274542181PaterfamiliasOldest male had absolute authority over family members.8
274542182Patron/Client RelationshipPatron provided legal advice, representation, physical protection and loans in money. Client supported economic interests of the partron.9
274542183Rome Legal Right of WomenPlayed no public role. Under power of paterfamilias. Unable to own property, represent herself10
274542184Numinainvisible forces11
274542185Pax Deorum"Peace of Gods" Romans worked to maintain this, a covenant between Gods and Roman State.12
274542186Causes of Roman ExpansionSome credit this to greed, but it is mainly caused by the Romans wanting to expand their land for buffers to help out with attacks.13
274542187LatifundiaRanchers. Replaced peasent owners, caused a decline of peasent farmers.14
274542188OctavianJulies Caesar's grandnephew and hier, eliminated all rivals and set up new Roman gov't system. Dictator but not called King, instead "Princeps" (equal). Prinicpate period.15
274542189Equitesclass of well-to-do Italian merchants and landowners second in weath and social status.16
274542190Roman Townhouses VS. Slumsupperclass lived in townhouses. Poor lived the slums in bad parts of the city.17
274542191Trade within Romeglass, metalwork, and pottery were exported throughout the empire. Imported silk from China, spices from India and Arabia18
274542192RomanizationThe spread of the Latin Language and Roman way of life.19
274542193Roman CitizenshipEmpire granted citizenship with privelages. Granted to people or communtites for good service, men who completed 26 year term military.20
274542194JesusA young Jewish carpenter. Hailed as Messiah and son of God. Central figure for Christianity.21
274542195PaulJew from Greek city in Anatolia. Initially persecuted followers of Jesus, but eventually became a Christian. Preahced the new religion.22
274542196Aqueductslong elevated or underground conduits, carried water.23
274542197ParthiaKingdom Hier to Meso. Rivalry with Rome.24
274542198Third Century CrisisPolitical, Economic and military problems nearly destroyed the Roman Empire. Ex. frequent change of rulers,25

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