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AP World: Chapter 5 Flashcards

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144647847AllahSupreme God in strictly monotheistic Islam0
144644730animismA religious outlook that sees gods in many aspects of nature and propitiates them to help control and explain nature; typical of Mesopotamian religions1
144644731AxumKingdom located in Ethiopian highlands; replaced Meroë in first century CE; received strong influence from Arabian peninsula; eventually converted to Christianity2
144644732Benedict of NursiaFounder of monasticism in what had been the western half of the Roman Empire; established Benedictine Rule in the 6th century; paralleled development of Basil's rules in Byzantine Empire3
144644733bodhisattvasBuddhist holy men; built up spiritual merits during their lifetimes; prayers even after death could aid people to achieve reflected holiness4
144644734Byzantine EmpireEastern half of Roman Empire following collapse of western half of old empire; retained Mediterranean culture, particularly Greek; later lost Palestine, Syria, and Egypt to Islam; capital at Constantinople5
144644735CoptsChristian sect of Egypt; tended to support Islamic invasions of this area in preference to Byzantine rule6
144644736DeviMother goddess within Hinduism; widely spread following collapse of Guptas; encouraged new emotionalism in religious ritual7
144644737EthiopiaA Christian kingdom that developed in the highlands of eastern Africa under the dynasty of King Lalaibela; retained Christianity in the face of Muslim expansion elsewhere in Africa8
144644738IncaGroup of clans centered at Cuzco that were able to create empire incorporating various Andean cultures; term also used for leader of empire9
144644739IslamMajor world religion having its origins in 610CE in the Arabian peninsula; meaning literally submission; based on prophecy of Muhammad10
144644740Jesus of NazarethProphet and teacher among the Jews; believed by Christians to be the Messiah; executed around 30CE11
144644741JustinianEastern Roman emperor between 527 and 526CE; tried to restore unity of old Roman Empire; issued most famous compilation of Roman law12
144644742MahayanaChinese version of Buddhism; placed considerable emphasis on Buddha as god or savior13
144644743MayaClassic culture emerging in southern Mexico and Central America contemporary with Teotihuacan; extended over broad region; featured monumental architecture, written language, calendrical and mathematical systems, highly developed religion14
144644744Olmec cultureCultural tradition that arose at San Lorenzo and La Venta in Mexico around 1200BC; featured irrigated agriculture, urbanism, elaborate religion, beginnings of calendrical and writing systems15
144644745PaulOne of the first Christian missionaries; moved away from insistence that adherents of the new religion follow Jewish las; use of Greek as language of Church16
144644746PolynesiaIslands contained in a rough triangle whose points lie in hawaii, New Zealand, and Easter Island17
144644747popeBishop of Rome; head of the Christian Church in western Europe18
144644748RajputRegional princes in india following collaps of empire; emphasized military control of their regions19
144644749SaharaDesert running across northern Africa; separates the Mediterranean coast from southern Africa20
144644750ShintoReligion of early Japanese culture; devotes worshipped numerous gods and spirits associated with the natural world; offers of food and prayers made to gods and nature spirits21
144644751Silk RoadsThe most famous of the trading routes established by pastoral nomads connecting the European, Indian, and Chinese civilizations; transmitted goods and ideas among civilizations22
144644752SuiDynasty that succeeded the Han in China; emerged from strong rulers in northern China; united all of northern China and reconquered southern china23
144644753TangDynasty that succeeded the Sui in 618CE; more stable than previous dynasty24
144644754TeotihuacanSite of classic culture in central Mexico; urban center with important religious functions; supported by intensive agriculture in surrounding regions; population of as much as 200,00025
144644755Yellow TurbansChinese Daoists who launched a revolt in 184CE in China promising a golden age to be brought about by divine magic26

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