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AP world chapter 6 Flashcards

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234635540Indiaafter the demise of the indus-valley civilization, indo-european warriors migrated into0
234635541aryas, dasasthe struggle between ____ and ____ led to the development of the system of varna1
234635542color equivalent to classvarna means2
234635543priests, scholarsclass 1. brahim3
234635544warriorsclass 2. kshatriya4
234635545merchantsclass 3. vaishya5
234635546peasants, laborersclass 4. shudra6
234635547untouchablesoutside the system and consisted of persons who did demeaning or ritually polluting work such as work that involved contact with the dead bodies of animals or humans7
234635548hereditary occupational groupsjati8
234635549jatithe four varna were subdivided into9
234635550castejati is also known by the portuguese word10
234635551atmanimmortal spirit11
234635552rig vedaover 1000 poetic hymns to various deities12
234635553bhagauad gitathe most renowned of all indian sacred texts13
234635554ramayanapoem concerning the war waged by the hero Rama against Ravan, the demon-king of lanka14
234635555ramayanagreat hindu epic poem concerning the war waged by the legendary hero Rama against Ravan, the demon-king of lanka who was terrorizing the earth15
234635556hanumanking of the monkeys16
234635557mokshaliberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth17
234635558upanishadsancient hindu scriptures18
234635559mahavirajainism was founded by19
234635560living thingjains practiced nonviolence and went to extremes in their attempt not to kill any20
234635561swastikajainism's religious symbol21
234635562lucky or favorablethe swastika is derived from the hindu "svastika" meaning22
234635563riceceremonies typically open and close with the creation of the swastika mark around the altar several times with23
234635564naked and starved themselves to deaththe most extreme jains went24
234635565siddhartha gautamawho founded buddhism?25
234635566enlightened onebuddha means26
234635567enlightenmentfour noble truths and the eightfold path would lead the individual to27
234635568nirvanathe individual's goal was to achieve28
234635569the release from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirthnirvana29
234635570theravada, mahayanabuddhism broke into two major schools30
234635573service to a deitypuja33
234635574temples and shrineshindu worship centered on34
234635575ganges riverthe ____ became one of the most popular pilgrimage sites35
234635576cowthe ____ is hinduism's most sacred animal36
234642755magadhathe core of the mauryan empire was the kingdom of37
234642756chandraguptathe mauryan empire was founded by38
234642757kautilyaa machiavellian brahim, ____, guided chandragupta39
234642758pataliputrathe mauryan government made its capital at the walled and moated city of40
234642759akoshathe most famous mauryan emperor41
234642760chandraguptaakosha was the grandson of42
234642761bindusaraakosha was the son of43
234642762184 b.c.e.the mauryan empire collapsed in44
234642763shakasiranian people known as scythians45
235696911bhagauad gitacomprises roughly 700 verses and is part of the mahabharata46
235696912mahabharataconcerns the lengthy feud between two related tribes, the pandavas and the kauravas47
235696913bhagauad gitacovers many aspects of hindu thought between arjuna and the god krishna on the battlefield48
235696914yoga, special diets, or meditationpeople who reacted against the rigid social hierarchy went to the forests and pursued49
235696915upanishadsthe ideas of people who fled to the forest are reflected in50
235696916architecture, science, art, politics, philosophyjainism had a great influence on.... ASAPP51
235696917city dwellersthe less extreme jains devoted themselves to52
235696918first noble trutheverything in life is suffering and sorrow53
235696919second noble truththe cause of all suffering is people's selfish desire for the temporary pleasures of this world54
235696920third noble truththe way to end all suffering is to end all desires55
235696921fourth noble truththe way to overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the eightfold path, which is called the middle way between desires and self-denial56
235696922pressure from new religious movements like jainism and buddhism____ led to a reform of the old vedic religion57
235696923vishnu, shivawhat tow deities took the places of honor in the hindu pantheon?58
235696924goddess devialso prominent in the new religious tradtion was the59
235696925buddhismakosha converted to60
235696926carnage in a brutal war of expansion in the southakosha was shaken by61
235696927kushansthe ____ were from northwest china62
235696928deccanthe satavahana dynasty established an independent state in the63
235696929tamil kingdomssouthern india was divided among three64
235696930cholas, pandyas, cherasthe three tamil kingdoms65
235696931artistic achievementthe mauryan empire was a great period of great66
235696932magadhathe gupta empire began with the kingdom of67
237682514mokshaby distancing oneself from desire for things in this world, one would reach68
237682516priests, scholarswho were the brahims?69
237682518rig vedaover 1000 poetic hymns to various deities70
237682521the foundation of hinduism is the vedic religion of arya peoples of northern indiahinduism can be described as an evolution of the vedic religions- why?71
237682522alex the greatthe mauryan government united much of india after the death of whom?72
237682524sanskrit language in copper platesthe earliest deciphered indian writing was what?73
23768252625 percent tax on agriculturethe chief source of revenue for the gupta empire was what?74
237682528created arabic numerals, concept of zeroone of the most important contributions made by the gupta empire was what?75
237682530agricultural products, iron deposits, salt and metalduring the gupta period, india developed an extensive land and sea trading network by exporting what products?76
237682532the financial burden of defense against the hunswhy did the gupta empire collapse in 550 c.e.?77
237682534india, chinamost of southeast asia's early commerce was conducted with what two countries?78
237682536isthmusfunan dominated what key location for trade?79
237682538aka untouchables. lived in slums. did demeaning workwho are dalits?80
237682540jainismmahariva founded ____81
237688048dalitsuntouchables are also known as82

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