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AP World Civilizations Ch 6 Flashcards

AP Edition of World Civilizations

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279308385bedouinnomadic pastoralists of the Arabian peninsula; culture based on camel and goat nomadism; early converts to Islam0
279308386shaykhsleaders of tribes and clans within bedouin society; usually men with large herds, several wives, and many children1
279308387Meccacity located in mountainous region along Red Sea in Arabian peninsula; founded by Umayyad clan of Quraysh; site of Ka'ba; original home of Muhammad; location o chief religious pilgrimage point in Islam.2
279308388UmayyadClan of Quraysh that dominated politics and commercial economy of Mecca; clan established dynasty as rulers of Islam, 661-7503
279308389QurayshTribe of bedouins that controlled Mecca in 7th century CE4
279308390Ka'baMost revered religious shrine in pre-Islamic Arabia; located in Mecca; focus of obligatory annual truce among bedouin tribes; later incorporated as important shrine in Islam5
279308391MedinaAlso known as Yathrib; town located northeast of Mecca; grew date palms whose fruit was sold to bedouins; became refuge for Muhammad following flight from Mecca (hijira)6
279308392MuhammadProphet of Islam; born c 570 to Banu Hashim clan of Quraysh tribe in Mecca; raised by father's family; received revelations from Allah in 610 CE and thereafter; died in 6327
279308393Khadijahfirst wife of the prophet Muhammad, who had worked for her as a trader8
279308394Qur'anRecitations of revelations received by Muhammad; holy book of Islam9
279308395AliCousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; one of orthodox caliphs; focus for Shi'a10
279308396ummacommunity of the faithful within Islam; transcended old tribal boundaries to create degree of political unity11
279308397zakattax for charity; obligatory for all Muslims12
279308398five pillarsthe obligatory religious duties of all Muslims; confession of faith, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, zakat, and hajj13
279308399RamadanIslaic month of religious observane requiring fasting from dawn to sunset14
279308400hajjA Muslim's pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, to worship Allah at the Ka'ba15
279308401caliphthe political and religious successor to Muhammad16
279308402Abu Bakr(c 573-634) One of Muhammad's earliest converts; succeeded Muhammad as first caliph of Islamic community17
279308403Ridda WarsWars that followed Muhammad's death in 632; resulted in defeat of rival prophets and some of larger clans; restored unity of Islam18
279308404jihadstruggle; often used for wars om defense of the faith.19
279308405CoptsChristian sect of Egypt; tended to support Islamic invasions of this area in preference to Byzantine rule20
279308406NestoriansChristian sect found in Asia; tended to support Islamic invasions of this area in preference to Byzantine rule; cut off from Europe by Muslim invasions21
279308407Uthman3rd caliph and member of Umayyad clan; murdered by mutinous warriors returning from Egypt; death set off civil war Islam between followers of Ali and the Umayyad clan22
279308408Battle of Siffinfought in 657 between forces of Ali and Umayyads; settled by negotiation that led to fragmentation of Ali's party23
279308409Mu'awiya(602-680) Leader of Umayyyad clan; 1st caliph following civil war with Ali24
279308410SunnisPolitical and theological division within Islam; supported the Umayyads25
279308411Shi'aAlso known as Shi'ites; political and theological division within Islam; followers of Ali26
279308412Karbalasite of defeat and death of Husayn, son of Ali; marked beginning of Shi'a resistance to Umayyad caliphate27
279308413DamascusSyrian city that was capital of Umayyad caliphate28
279308414mawalinon-Arab converts to Islam29
279308415JizyaHead tax paid by all non-believers in Islamic territories30
279308416dhimmiliterally "people of the book'; applied as inclusive term to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories, later extended to Zorastrians and even Hindus.31
279308417hadithstraditions of the prophet32
279308418AbbasidDynasty that succeeded the Umayyads as caliphs within Islam; came to power in 750 CE33
279308419Battle of the River ZabVictory of Abbasids over Umayyads; resulted in conquest of Syria and capture of Umayyad capital34
279308420BaghdadCapital of Abbasid dynasty located in Iraq near ancient Persian capital of Cteisphon35
279308421wazirChief administrative official under the Abbasid caliphate; initially recruited from Persian provinces of empire36
279308422dhowsArab sailing vessels with triangular or lateen sails; strongly influenced European ship design37
279308423ayanthe wealthy landed elite that emerged in the early decades of Abbasid rule38

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