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AP World: East Asia Flashcards

Regional outline for East Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam. Divided into five units and seven categories (political, economic, social, science, art, empire, and religion).

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151657442Political, 8000-600 CEDynasties with emperors; mandate of heaven; start of bureaucracy0
151657443Economic, 8000-600 CELots of money flowing from Silk Roads, otherwise agricultural1
151657444Social, 8000-600 CEConfucian principles, women only power in court; scholars/officials > military > artisans; few live in cities2
151657445Science, 8000-600 CEIron Age; modernized army; paper, accurate sundials/calendars, agricultural improvements (plow)3
151657446Art, 8000-600 CEBrush painting; palaces4
151657447Empire, 8000-600 CECollapse of empires in China from internal problems, economic depression5
151657448Religion, 8000-600 CEPolytheism; animism; ancestor worship; Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism; spread of Buddhism from India6
151657449Political, 600-1450 CEJapan borrowed from China; increased bureaucracy; tributary system; constant threat from North Prince Shotoku then daimyos7
151657450Economic, 600-1450 CEPaper money; credit or 'flying money;' high taxes cause peasant revolts; serfs bound to land8
151657451Social, 600-1450 CECode of Bushido: chivalry; women lost freedom in Japan9
151657452Science, 600-1450 CEGunpowder for military; boats: junks; navigation/block printing; iron production; agricultural technique = population = cities10
151657453Art, 600-1450 CEInfrastructure (roads, inns, postal stations); Japan: haiku, pencil sketches, ink sketches, Noh drama, tea ceremony11
151657454Empire, 600-1450 CEMongol empires conquer China, fail in Japan; replaced by Ottoman Turks and Ju Yuanzahng of Ming dynasty12
151657455Religion, 600-1450 CEBuddhist missionaries; Shinto religion; influenced by monotheistic religions; neo-confucian13
151657456Political, 1450-1750 CEFall of Ming from internal/external, Manchu; Japan: Era of Warring States period to Tokogawa Shogunate; centralized rule14
151657457Economic, 1450-1750 CEChina: trade with Europeans in Qing; Japan: manufacturing merchant class get wealth and power; urbanization and population growth15
151657458Social, 1450-1750 CEForeigners allowed in China; Manchus higher than Chinese; Japan: hierarchy becomes unbreakable, samurai at top16
151657459Science, 1450-1750 CEGunpowder more prevalent; globalization of trade17
151657460Art, 1450-1750 CEJapan: kabuki theatre replaces restrained drama; woodblock prints becomes art form; borrowed Korean ceramics and western oil painting18
151657461Empire, 1450-1750 CEJapan empire centralized; fall of Manchu empire; interaction with west-China: relatively isolated, Japan: periods of isolation and acceptance19
151657462Religion, 1450-1750 CENew sects of Buddhism from China to Japan; neo-confucianism increase20
151657463Political, 1750-1914 CEAbdication of Qing and unification of China; fight for control with Mao; Japan: abolishes feudalism, civil code, regional governments; nationalism rises21
151657464Economic, 1750-1914 CEProvide labor for plantations/mines; Meiji Restoration and industrialization in Japan22
151657465Social, 1750-1914 CERigid Tokogawa hierarchy ended; middle class grows; lower classes have terrible conditions, taxed a lot23
151657466Science, 1750-1914 CEBritish introduce opium to China; westernization of Japan; steamships/railroads; communication revolution24
151657467Art, 1750-1914 CEStyles change more rapidly and radically than ever25
151657468Empire, 1750-1914 CEFall of China: opium wars, internal rebellions, external pressure, boxer rebellion; Japanese imperialism: Taiwan, Korea, Russia26
151657469Religion, 1750-1914 CEScientific and secular world becomes dominant27
151657470Political, 1914-nowDecolonization from Europe, nominally democratic; tensions between China and West, USSR and China split; birth of Chinese Republic; parliamentary capitalism in Japan28
151657471Economic, 1914-nowModernization of Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea; less affected by global depression; need natural resources29
151657472Social, 1914-nowSlow to embrace diversity and individualism; high degree of social services30
151657473Science, 1914-nowAtomic bombs, nuclear weaponry, militarism in Japan; computer, internet, biotechnology and genetic science31
151657474Art, 1914-nowTheme for literature is to resist US; new style of cubism; movie industry; use of concrete and glass; new skepticism32
151657475Empire, 1914-nowJapan: WW2 invade Manchuria, China, Siberia, take over Southeast Asia, bomb Pearl Harbor to bring US into war = atomic bomb = US occupies Japan33
151657476Religion, 1914-nowReligious fundamentalism; western appreciation for science spread34

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