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Ap World Flashcards

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82543889Foundations8000 B.C.E.- 600 C.E. "Ancient Stuff"0
82543890Classical Era1000 B.C.E. - 600 C.E.1
82543891Postclassical Era600 - 1450 C.E. "Really Old Stuff"2
82543892Early Modern Era1450 - 1750 C.E. "Old Stuff"3
82543893Modern Era1750 - 1914 C.E. "Not So Old Stuff"4
82543894Contemporary Era1914 - Present "Recent Stuff"5
82543895Patriarchal(1600-1100 B.C.E.) Hwang ho river valley in china during the shang dynasty it was most prominent, multiple generation families lived together with the eldest male as the head of the family, once elders died worked as advocates for gods in heavens6
82543896Gupta Dynasty(320-550 C.E.) based out of india and ruled by chandra gupta, many advances in arts & sciences (pi, zero, decimal system, & arabic numerals), main religion was hinduism, child marriage was pushed extremely young girls7
82543897bureaucraciesa set of "rules" in place as a way of managing government, karl marx was big in the upbringing8
82543898paterfamilias(509 B.C.E. - 476 C.E.) women inferior to men in roman society (less rights), family structure where eldest male was the head9
82543899Han Dynasty(200 B.C.E. - 200 C.E.) in china huns ruled throughout all trade routes, Wu Ti was leader in spreading culture and buddhism, known as invaders, created the civil service system for government positions, many beliefs were of Confucius10
82543900Mahayana Buddhism(483 B.C.E.) eastern civilizations siddartha guatama led mahayana buddhism, buddha was a god like deity, could reach nirvana while still on earth, created because traditional teaching didn't offer enough spiritual comfort11
82543901Abbasid Dynasty(750-1258) baghad was capital, system of itemized bills & receipts, mohammad al-razi wrote first medical encyclopedia, built many libraries & universities, empire built around trade12
82543902Sufis(750-1258) abbasid dynasty, islamic mysitcs were missionaries converting people to islam to make empire more adaptable to more situations, stressed a personal relationship with god13
82543903T'ang and Song Dynastiesemperors xuanzong and Taizu led dynasties, T'ang flourished in poetry and song did in the printing process, modified the civil service system to use with bureaucracy, extensive communication and transportation systems, paper money, gun powder, strong international trade, Wu Zhao was first and only empress in china because women are inferior to men14
82543904Civil Service in China(618-1279 C.E.) t'ang and son modified the civil service system but it still focused on confucism for stability to created and educated class of loyal workers15
82543905foot bindingin the song dynasty women had their feet bound at birth to keep them small because big feet were considered ugly and masculine16
82543906feudal japan(1192) yoritomo minamoto divided the land into vassals-land for loyalty like code of bushido, shogun was chief general who held all power, samurai would commit suicide if didn't complete a mission and owned large lands17
82543907delhi shogunate(1206) islamics in delhi made non muslims pay a tax because they were spreading islam throughout N.india and were offended by anything hindu, built mosques and colleges18
82543908mongol empire(1234-1368) genghis khan led mongols to be warriors on horse back and created the largest empire of the time, russia not unified, expanded trade, not forced to switch religion so not many revolts19
82543909post classical trade networksindian ocean trade: persians and arabs trade from persian gulf to w. india, bigger and safer ships led to bi-racial families silk road: "east met west", china to med. sea, traded everything even religion Hanseatic league: 100 city states established a trade monopoly equaling the middle class in europe20
82543910protestant reformation(600-1450) martin luther printed a lost of what he disapproved of the church which led to lutherans and calvinism(john calvin), king henry VIII took political power over the church21
82543911scientific revolution(1492-1700) nicholas copernicus said sun wasn't center of universe, galileo said earths rotation on axis can't be shown through stars, figured out scientific method, atheist and deists were popular because of findings, led to industrial revolution22
82543912enlightenment(17th and 18th C.) people to government relationship, no more divine right or mandate of heaven, thomas hobbes=people are greedy & warlike, john locke said everyone was born equal with unalienable rights, gov was to protect people, jean-jacques rousseau=society should be majority rule foundation, helped shape the US constitution23
82543913columbian exchangeeurope and americas, cultures and food of many countries was shipped to mix and enlarge populations, sugarcane supply out grown by spanish as well as the silver supply in the andes(peru) and mexico24
82543914mercantilismcountries sought to trade & keep equal numbers of importing and exporting goods, colonization to "find" more raw goods, resentment because had to pay a tax for european goods25
82543915Louis XIV(1643-1715) absolute monarchy, never summoned estates general and revoked the edict of nantes, put john colbert to manage royal funds= paid for many wars that ended up being ineffective and costly26
82543916peter the great(1682-1725) westernized russia, built st.petersburg where people came to thrive in a trade, women had to dress western and men had to shave their beards27
82543917ottoman empire(1450-1922) osman bay founded it, capital=istanbul, christians and jews allowed, churches to mosques, janissaries=children fighting warriors, selim 1 expanded empire with a strong army, safavids were greatest enemy28
82543918akbar(1556-1605) unified india through religious tolerance, eliminated jizya (tax on hindus) and sati, golden age of art, architecture, and thought29
82543919zeng he(1644) chinese navigator, led fleets through indian ocean, suddenly stopped and chinese society turned inward30
82543920tokugawa shogunate(1600-1868) tokugawa leyasu seculded japan from almost all other nations and put out a rigid social class model like a caste system, allowed culture to thrive with haiku poetry and kabuki theatre31
82543921industrial revolution(1700-1900) new farming technologies in europe which let people go to the city to thrive in new trades and create new inventions, changed life of workers and family32
82543922capitalism(1800-1900) adam smith said that free market with private ownership was the best way for the economy to thrive which increased the number of factory workers and major investment firms, maarx & engels agreed but said factory workers would revolt and over throw the government33
82543923karl marx1800 german economist, wrote the communist manifesto and said capitalism was flawed and working class would revolt34
82543924british east india company(1700) joint stock firm, rights over british trade with india, robert clive raised and army against the company that rid india of british and french rule35
82543925opium war1839-1842 british and chinese fought for control of the opium trade, china forced to sign treaty of nanjing (unfair to china) revolted and second war in 1856-1860 which created internal rebellion in china36
82543926meiji restoration(1870) rid japan of western rules, increased cultural creativity, new japan based mainly on military37
82543927suez canal(1869) abbas 1 (ottoman) worked with french to build it, connected med sea to indian ocean, british held control which led to their control over egypt38
82543928national assembly(6/17/1789) the third estate (everyone except the nobles and clergy) declared themselves the national assembly forcing king louis XVI to call everyone together to write a new constitution but it was too late and the peasant rebellions had already begun in france39
82543929reign of terror(1793-1812) maximilien robespierre ruled the committee of public safety and in order to protect france from inside and outside threats he beheaded many french citizens and ended up having to be beheaded himself40
82543930napoleon bonaparte(1799-1812) first was part of the directory but overthrew it and the government, restored tolerance and stability through the napoleonic codes, while creating a massive empire, was conquered by russia in 181241
82543931simon bolivar(1811) leader of venezuela, established independence from spain through a national congress and won civil war revolt against the spanish rule support42
82543932emancipation edict(1860) russia, alexander 2 issued it to abolish serfdom but the serfs just had to pay big to the government for small lands43
82543933treaty of versailles(1919) brought and end to WWI, france and britain forced germany to sign for all war reparation costs and take blame for the war which caused unrest in germany leading up to adolf hitlers rule44
82543934bolsheviks(1918) led by vladmir lenin the socialist party took over the gov and signed the treaty of breat-litovsk forcing russia to resign from the war45
82543935joseph stalin(1930's) took over communist party after lenin put the five years plan into action and took private farms and turned them into state land(collectivization) and made many national factories, kept up communism through terror tactics46
82543936fascismdestroy the will of the people for "the people", based on racism, parties turned up between the world wars, benito mussolini was prime minister of italy & a fascist who took over parliament in italy & rid all democracy47
82543937cold war(1945-1990's) Us and russia were at a stand off right after WWII, US france and Britain formed the democratic west side of germany while russia had the communistic east side, it lead to the berlin wall splitting germany in half in 196148
82543938fidel castro(1956) led a peasent revolt in cuba against the batista dictatorship, continued on to take over the government and made allies with russia which freaked out the US leading to the cuban missile crisis49
82543939mao zedong(1949) led the communist revolution in china, collectivized agriculture and industry then destroyed all progress from the "great leap forward" which lead to starvation of millions because of the high quota needed. later in 1966 led the cultural revolution which brought communism back to china50
82543940mohandas gandhi(1920's) a major leader of the indian self rule cause, used civil disobedience rather than violence to gain change, called for indian unity above religion51
82543941apartheid(1948) "separation of races" put in place when south africa gained independence from britain, blacks given the homelands of the country and kept from certain jobs, nelson mandela led the african congress to try to stop apartheid but he was arrested for anit-apartheid violence, was released and is now the first freely elected president of south africa52
82543942PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)helps reclaim land and helps establish palestinian state, been unsuccessful because of intifolda(uprising)53
82543943iranian revolution(1979) stopped westernization, ayatollah "mirror if god" khomeini led, women dressed traditional and qu'ran became basis of legal system54
82543944"mcdonaldization"metaphor for the spread of western culture throughout the world, some terrorism is the response of the threat of globalization55

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