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AP World History 04 Flashcards

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298792145Cyrus the Greatfounded Persian Empire by 550 B.C.E.; successor state to Mesopotamian empires0
298792147ZoroastrianismPersian religion that saw material existence as a battle between the forces of good and evil; stressed the importance of moral choice; a last judgment decided the eternal fate of each person.1
298792149HellenismCulture derived from the Greek civilization that flourished between 800 and 400 B.C.E.2
298792151Hellenistic cultureculture associated with the spread of Greek influence and intermixture with other cultures as a result of Macedonian conquests.3
298792153Iliad and OdysseyGreek epic poems attributed to Homer; defined relations of gods and humans that shaped Greek mythology.4
298792154poliscity-state form of government typical of Greek political organization from 800 to 400 B.C.E.5
298792156SolonAthenian reformer of the 6th century; established laws that eased the burden of debt on farmers, forbade enslavement for debt6
298792158SocratesAthenian philosopher of late 5th century B.C.E.; tutor of Plato; urged rational reflection of moral decisions; condemned to death for "corrupting" minds of Athenian young.7
298792160direct democracyliterally, rule of the people—in Athens it meant all free male citizens; all decisions emanated from the popular assembly without intermediation of elected representatives.8
298792161PericlesAthenian political leader during 5th century B.C.E.; guided development of Athenian Empire.9
298792163Olympic Gamesone of the pan-Hellenic rituals observed by all Greek city-states; involved athletic competitions and ritual celebrations10
298792165Oracle of Delphiperson representing the god apollo; received cryptic messages from the god that had a predictive value if the seeker could correctly interpret the information11
298792167Persian Wars5th century B.C.E. wars between the Persian Empire and Greek city-states; Greek victories allowed Greek civilization to define identity.12
298792168Delian Leaguealliance formed by Athens with other city-states after Persian wars; later taken over by Athens and became Athenian empire13
298792170Peloponnesian Warwar from 431 to 404 B.C.E. between Athens and Sparta for domination in Greece; the Spartans won but failed to achieve political unification in Greece.14
298792171Macedonkingdom of northern Greece; originally loosely organized under kings; became centralized under Philip II; conquered Greek city-states.15
298792172Phillip IIMacedonian king, he was a brilliant military leader who defeated the Greeks. Alexander the Great was his son.16
298792173Alexander the Greatson and successor of Phillip II; conquered Persian Empire and advanced to borders of India; attempted to combine Greek and Persian culture17
298792174Ptolemiesa regional dynasty that followed the death of Alexander the Great; ruled in Egypt18
298792175Seleucidsa regional dynasty that followed the death of Alexander the Great; ruled in Persia19
298792176Antigonidsa regional dynasty after the death of Alexander, ruled in Macedon and Greece.20
298792177AristotleGreek philosopher; teacher of Alexander; taught that knowledge was based on observation of phenomena in material world21
298792178StoicsHellenistic philosophers; they emphasized inner moral independence cultivated by strict discipline of the body and personal bravery.22
298792179PlatoGreek philosopher; knowledge based on consideration of ideal forms outside the material world; proposed ideal form of government based on abstract principles in which philosophers ruled23
298792180SophoclesGreek writer of tragedies; author of Oedipus Rex and Antigone24
298792181Aristophaneswriter of Greek comedy; author of the Frog25
298792182Doric, Ionic, Corinthianthree distinct styles of Hellenic architecture; listed in order of increasing ornate quality.26
298792183Alexandriagreat city founded in Egypt by Alexander; site of Mediterranean world's greatest library; great intellectual center27
298792184helotsconquered by Spartans; provided agricultural labor for Spartan landowners; only semi free; largest part of the population28

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