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AP World History 1900 - Present Flashcards

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2468755945Anti-ImperialismThe political science in which people are opposed to colonialism and desire to secede from a larger entity. Opposition to Imperialism0
2468771898Anti-SemitismHostility or Prejudice against Jews1
2468782833ApartheidThe segregation and separation on races into different societal areas where people were treated differently and with less equality2
2468788822AppeasementThe Systematic permission of certain military or political action to avoid war conflict by giving what a ruler wants (Hitler)3
2468793607Fundamentalist movementsA conservative movement in theology among nineteenth- and twentieth-century Christians. Fundamentalists believe that the statements in the Bible are literally true.4
2468803794Liberation TheologyLiberation theology refers to forms of local or contextual theology that proposes that knowledge of God based on revelation leads necessarily to a Christian theological praxis that opposes unjust social and political structures (further research needed)5
2468806402AuthoritarianHeaded by a single leader with all power and say6
2468808024RegimesMilitary authoritarian political governments7
2468810273BedouinNomadic Arab of the Desert8
2468818435Biafra Secessionist MovementThe country of Biafra which seceded from the country of Nigeria9
2468821131Chemically and Genetically Enhanced forms of AgricultureGenetically modified agriculture with genes that may be removed or added which allows for higher crop yields and the lowered use of insecticide and pesticides10
2468825481Cold WarThe ideological struggle between communism and capitalism for world influence11
2468835935CollectivizationRussian form of economic reform where small private farms were consolidated into vast collectives where food was to be "mass produced" for the people and any leftover was left the workers12
2468841509CommunismKarl Marx ideology where society had no class structure and all property publicly owned allowing for equal pay no matter what ability level13
24688510005 Year PlanStalin's plan to industrialize the Soviet Union rapidly beginning in 1928. Goals on steel output, electricity, machinery, and most other products. All was enforced by the Police allowing for them to become a world power by WWII14
2468864876Great Leap ForwardChinese ideology by Mao Zedong which planned to propel china into world ranking by maximizing small scale village industries and instituting mass collectivism farms15
2468869470ConsumerismProtection and promotion of interest of consumers promoting acquisition of good and services at accelerated and greater amounts16
2468873944ContainmentThe US policy of stopping the permeation and spread of communism to countries which were deciding or turning17
2468876559Cultural ConverganceA world culture fusing and interacting based on new technologies and world interactions thus making cultures similar to each other18
2468880784Pan-AfricanismIdeology and movement that encourages solidarity of africans worldwide19
2468902699Pan-ArabianismIdeology in unification of people and countries within the north african and arabian peninsula area20
2468919406Pan-SlavismMovement of russian intellectuals within the second half of the 19th century to identify culturally and politically with the eastern euro slav people21
2468923834NégritudeLiterary and ideological movement by black intellectuals in France22
2468927497Decolonizationleaving the colonized area to let the country be independent23
2468928829DeforestationThe mass removal of forest to clear for farming or urban development24
2468930754DesertificationThe transformation of a dry land region that becomes more arid losing bodies of water25
2468937660DissolutionThe closing down or dismissal of an assembly or official body26
2468938665DomesticA countries personal problems within its borders27
2468941540DraftUS compulsory military service during war time28
2468944126Economic liberalizationlessening the government regulation on an economy in exchange for greater participation by private entities29
2468949300XenophobiaAn exclusionary reaction based on the intense or irrational dislike of people from other countries30
2468955214Race RiotsAn exclusionary reaction where people will riot about new races within the area which people are threatened by31
2468960499Citizenship restrictionsAn exclusionary reaction where countries will not allow citizenship because of racial differences32
2468963097FeminismAdvocacy of women's rights on grounds of political, social and economic equality to men33
2468968393FascismAuthoritarian and nationalistic right winged system of government and social organization34
2468971605Free market economies and policiesPolicies and economies where the government has very little to no say in the economic doings and institutions of a country35
2468975737Free tradetrade left to course with no tariffs, quotas or other restrictions36
2468978907GenocideThe mass murder of a group37
2468979900GlasnostRussian policy that called for increased transparency in government institution and activities38
2468984375Global WarmingTerm used to describe the gradual increase of greenhouse gasses increasing the overall temperature of Earth39
2468987339New DealEconomic policy to Stimulate the american economy after the Great Depression40
2468990756Great depressionThe Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939.41
2468993615Green environment movementsMovements by protesters and others alike to start saving and bringing awareness to the earth and its condition42
2469001299Greenhouse GassesCarbon dioxide and carbon emissions by new technologies43
2469003937HolocaustThe systematic mass murder of jews during WWII44
2469006301Home countriesThe country in which a person is usually born and raised45
2469009763Human rightsBasic rights that are believed to belong justifiably to every person (UN declaration on human rights important document)46
2469013237Imperial MetropolesImperialist nations which contained a large metropolis strong influence draws power47
2469023980Indian NAtional CongressA movement and national political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government.48
2469027771Intensified conflictHigher heated conflict between nations where the eminent threat of mass destruction was evident49
2469031455League of NationsThe League of Nations was an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes.50
2469032454MandatesLeague of nations Official orders and commissions to do something51
2469035465Medical InnocationsWith new breakthroughs in science it allows for worldwide vaccines and antibiotics to be distributed elongating estimated ages52
2469039079Militarized statesStates where Military organization is evident with regimes or states where military governs the state53
2469043292Mobilization of state resourcessociological theory which stresses acquisition of resources and mobilization of people toward accomplishing movement goals54
2469049880Anti-Nuclear MovementThe anti-nuclear movement is a social movement that opposes various nuclear technologies55
2469049881Self ImmolationSelf-immolation refers to killing oneself as a sacrifice to bring light to a movement or ideal56
2469055187Mujahideen/TalibanMujahideen refers to the guerrilla type military outfits led by the Muslim Afghan warriors in the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan.57
2469063411Multinational/Transnational CorporationsAn organization that owns or controls productions of goods or services in one or more countries other than the home country58
2469068763NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty. Constitutes a system of collective defence where the member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party59
2469074500New Economic InstitutionsWorld bank and trade organization. The World Bank is a United Nations international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs.60
2469080621KrishnaDerivation of Hinduism which recognizes the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu61
2469080622Falun GongChinese spiritual practice for mind and body62
2469087839Non-ViolenceThe racial movements of Apartheid and Segregation as well as Indian Independence where protest was done by peaceful means63
2469091730Nuclear WeaponryWeapons of mass destruction using the splitting of Uranium (and later hydrogen) atoms to create a chain reaction explosion of mass proportions64
2469096982OPECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. An organization of countries which meets to promote collective interest and generating revenue for oil65
2469108386Pacific RimTerm coined to describe nations bordering the Pacific Ocean66
2469120445Perestroikapolitical movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the 1980s (1986), widely associated with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev67
2469124252Popular Culture(Pop culture) the entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, images, and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture68
2469130629Population resettlement and PartitionPopulation transfer or resettlement is the movement of a large group of people from one region to another as well as the division of peoples in an area69
2469132800Propagandainformation, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.70
2469140807Proxy WarsDuring Cold War, local and regional wars in which superpowers armed, trained and finances the combatants71
2469167296Québécois Separatist MovementPolitical movement as well as an ideology of values, concepts and ideas that advocates for sovereignty for the Canadian province of Québec.72
2469169608Redistribute Land and ResourcesIn developing and reforming nations. Land is Redistributed and developed to promote economic growth73
2469172183RefugeeA person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.74
2469175656Populations/Displacement of peoplesWith decolonizations it leaves countries either divided where peoples are pitted against one another for land or the immigration of large amounts of peoples displaces or threatens the native population75
2469185230Regional trade agreements or BlocsReciprocal trade agreements between 2 partners where free trade or agreed trade is promoted and agreed upon by Terms (EU, NAFTA, ASEAN)76
2469194055Religious FundementalismStrict adherence to religious doctorine77
2469201583Scientific Paradigmsdistinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field. (Relativity, Quantum Theory, Psychology)78
2469205064SegregationThe separation of humans into racial groups in daily life79
2469208891Self-determinationthe process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.80
2469218243SuperpowersA superpower is a state with a dominant position in international relations and is characterised by its unparalleled ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale81
2469234953Trench WarfareMilitary tactic where trenches were dig and soldiers would shoot and battle within adjacent and parallel trenches (WWI)82
2469241600FirebombingMilitary tactic used to target and destroy strategic and large cities to weaken the enemy (WWII)83
2469248277Technological StagnationTechnological period of no grown of very slow growth (think depression)84
2469252250TerrorismUse of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims85
2469255770"Third World" Developing NationsThese nations recently decolonized and are building political identity and world influence within political and population structure. The economy is developing and is still goring in population with standard of living still low86
2469260805World WarsWWI and WWII were wars fought on the European, and European and Asian continents respectively where the fighting over ideals and land was an international conflict between nations which took powerful sides to fend of the other side.87
2469270205TotalitarianismPolitical system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible88
2469272250United Nationsintergovernmental organization established to promote international co-operation. Effective replacement for League of Nations89
2469280031Warsaw PactCollective defense treaty among eight communist states of Central and Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War.90
2469285986Womens Emancipation/SuffrageThe woman's rights which were fought for and eventually granted to women in the Us and in certain countries around the world allowing womens basic rights such as voting.91

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