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AP World History 2011 Flashcards

Based on the book "Ways of the World"

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168777772Neolithic RevolutionThis period is characterized by the domestication of plants and animals and is caused by the end of the ice age, large animals becoming extinct, and the appearance of new plants.0
168777773intensificationplanting more food in smaller areas.1
168777774AfricaThis regional variety during the Neolithic Revolution domesticated donkeys, used sorghum as their first form of wheat, and used scattered farming as their technique to farm.2
168777775AmericasThis regional variety during the Neolithic Revolution grew corn, maize, squash and beans. They continued to hunt and gather and had less animals for domestication. They had to adopt to different climates due to the vertical lands.3
168777776Agriculturalthis lifestyle was pastoral (relied on herding animals). Some used a bureaucratic system that turned into an autocratic system. They respected the lineage system and primarily used Chiefdoms.4
168777777Persian EmpireThis Empire relied on oppression for conquering and ruling other people. Ethnically, it was a mixture of 2 Indo-European Empires: Cyrus and Darius. Their bureaucracy is characterized by 23 separate Providences. The infrastructure is composed of: taxation of the Providences, standard coinage, roads and canals that lead to the Nile and Red Sea.5
168777778SatrapThe governor of a Providence--would use local power to help rule. Primarily used in the Persian Empire.6
168777779Greek City-StatesThis Empire was divided geographically. These areas despised each other except during wars and only had 2 things in common: language and religion. They were not conquerors but colonizers and was ruled by the Council of Elders. Slaves were primarily used.7
168777780Roman RepublicThis Empire was dominated by the patricians. Had a written law code that declared equality for all. Citizens were allowed to sit at the lower house (Assembly).8
168777781Silk RoadThis prominent trade route starts from Eastern China and branches off into three areas of the Indian Basin. The outer part of this route is warm and agricultural based, while the inner part is drier and domestication based. This later influenced unity of the classical civilizations and allowed pastoral people to pick up trade. Also spread diseases from east to west and vice versa.9
168777782Sand RoadThis trade route goes from north to south Africa. Primarially used caravan trading by camels. This route also traded slaves--first women as concubines, then brought male slaves from southern Africa who weren't able to defend themselves because of their weak government.10
168777783Sea RoadThis trade route was the largest oceanic trade system until 1500. Its advantages included: faster trading than by foot, cheaper, ships can carry in bulk, more profitable, and the reliable monsoon winds.11
168777784Islamic EmpireThe rise of this empire had a good political system that was friendly for commerce and proved to be a good stimulant to the Sea Road.12
168777785Silk RoadThis trade route greatly influenced Buddhism--allowed the religion and traditions to spread into east Asia and many merchants built monasteries and supported monks to "cleanse their souls." Mahayana Buddhism developed as well.13
168777786ZoroastrianismDeveloped in Ancient Persia by Zoroaster, this religion proposed the idea of worshipping only one God (Ahura Mazda). The enemy to Ahura Mazda is Ahriman, the God of darkness.14
168777787JudaismA religion with a belief in one god. It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. Yahweh was responsible for the world and everything within it. They preserved their early history in the Old Testament.15
168777788Diasporathe dispersion of the Jews outside Israel after the Romans destroyed the second temple.16
168777789Hinduisma body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a belief that at the center of time and space is the World Soul, or Brahman. The Indian Caste system was inspired by this religion17
168777790BuddhismThis religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama. This belief supports that suffering is caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth.18
168777791Daoismphilosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events. This religion is deliberately anti-rational and is not concerned with politics, money, or material possession--only empathizes individuality.19
168777792ConfucianismThe system of ethics, education, and statesmanship, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct. Believed that order and hierarchy are paramount in society and that a good government is the responsibility of the ruler--as long as the ruler does his duties well, his people have an obligation to obey him.20
168777793Islamthe monotheistic religion of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran21
168777794Eastern OrthodoxThe Christian religion of the Byzantine Empire in the middle east that formed from Christianity's schism between the remains of the western and eastern Roman Empire. The Christian church ruled by the Byzantine emperor and the patriarchs of various historically significant Christian centers/cities.22
168779076Gupta/Mughal EmpiresThese Empires were 20% Buddhist and 80% Muslim. They governed the entire peninsula of India and from 1526 effectively kept a partnership and agreement between Muslims and Hindus.23
168779077Mongolian EmpireThis Empire was characterized by a religion that worshiped their ancestors, and the disinterest in religious imperialism. Their government and army was ruthless and used Psychological Warfare as one of their army strategies. They were extremely pastoral and greatly enhanced trade through relay systems and gave tax breaks to merchants.24
168779078Chinggis KhansThe Mongolian leader who united mongol and Turkish tribes, began campaign west, using fear as a tactic25
168779754YuanThis dynastic title was given to the Mongolians by the Mongolians when they conquered China.26

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