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AP World History - 2011 Summer Assignment Flashcards

Vocabulary words.

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192452357Abolishdo away with0
192452358Acquisitionan ability that has been acquired by training1
192452359Agrarianrelating to rural matters2
192452360Agriculturethe practice of cultivating the land or raising stock3
192452361Annexattach; add to a large thing; take possession of; incorporate (territory) into a larger existing political unit (by force); N: building added to a large one4
192452362Asceticpractices self denial as spiritual discipline5
192452363Atrocitiescruel and inhumane acts that people commit against each other6
192452364Bureaucracynonelective government officials7
192452365Caliphthe civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth8
192452366Capitalista person who invests capital in a business (especially a large business)9
192452367CapitulationsAgreements with European powers that gave European bankers and merchants unfair advantages in the Empire10
192452368Colonizationthe act of colonizing11
192452369Communisma form of socialism that abolishes private ownership12
192452370Conscriptioncompulsory military service13
192452371Conservatisma political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes14
192452372Cultural Diffusionthe spread of cultural elements from one society to another15
192452373Decentralizedwithdrawn from a center or place of concentration16
192452374Democracya political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them17
192452375Disillusionmentfreeing from false belief or illusions18
192452376Domestica household servant19
192452377Dynastya sequence of powerful leaders in the same family20
192452378Empirea group of countries under a single authority21
192452379Envoysomeone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else22
192452380ExtraterritorialityRight of foreigners to be protected by the laws of their own nation.23
192452381Fascisma political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)24
192452382Feudalismthe social system that developed in Europe in the 8th C25
192452383Immigranta person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there26
192452384Imperialisma policy of extending your rule over foreign countries27
192452385Indentured Laborlabor under contract to an employer for a fixed period of time, typically three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, clothing, lodging and other necessities28
192452386Indigenousoriginating where it is found29
192452387Industrializationthe development of industry on an extensive scale30
192452388Kingdoma monarchy with a king or queen as head of state31
192452389Maritimebordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea32
192452390Mercantilisman economic system (Europe in 18th C) to increase a nation's wealth by government regulation of all of the nation's commercial interests33
192452391Merchanta businessperson engaged in retail trade34
192452392Metallurgythe science and technology of metals35
192452393Migrationthe movement of persons from one country or locality to another36
192452394Monasticismasceticism as a form of religious life37
192452395Monotheismbelief in a single God38
192452396Nationalismlove of country and willingness to sacrifice for it39
192452397Nomadic(of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently40
192452398Pastorala literary work idealizing the rural life (especially the life of shepherds)41
192452399Patriarchalrelating to a society in which men hold the greatest legal and moral authority42
192452400Polytheismbelief in multiple Gods43
192452401Popular Sovereigntypeople hold the final authority in all matters of government44
192452402Prohibitcommand against45
192452403Reforma change for the better as a result of correcting abuses46
192452404Reparationcompensation (given or received) for an insult or injury47
192452405Ruralliving in or characteristic of farming or country life48
192452406Secularconcerning those not members of the clergy49
192452407Sedentarycharacterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place50
192452408Self-determinationthe ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will51
192452409Shiathe branch of Islam whose members acknowledge Ali and his descendants as the rightful successors of Muhammad52
192452410Socialisma political theory advocating state ownership of industry53
192452411Subservientabjectly submissive54
192452412Sufferagethe right to vote55
192452413Sunnia member of the branch of Islam that accepts the first four caliphs as rightful successors to Muhammad56
192452414Taxcharge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government57
192452415Totalitarianisma form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)58
192452416Urbanrelating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area59

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