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AP World History 2.1 Flashcards

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200756715AbascusAn ancient Chinese counting device that used rods on which were mounted movable counters0
200756716AnasaziCultural group of people known as the ancestors of the modern Pueblo peoples. The ancestral Puebloans were a prehistoric Native American culture centered around the present-day Four Corners area of the Southwest United States.1
200756717ArabesqueComplex designs typical of Islamic art, combining intertwining plants and geometric patterns2
200756718AstrolabeA navigational instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars3
200756719AyllusIn Incan society, a clan or community that worked together on projects required by the ruler4
200756720BakufuA military government established in Japan after the Gempei Wars; the emperor became a figurehead, while real power was concentrated in the military, including the samurai5
200756721BeneficeIn medieval Europe, a grant of land or other privilege to a vassal6
200756722BushiRegional military leaders in Japan who ruled small kingdoms from fortresses7
200756723BushidoThe code of honor of the samurai of Japan8
200756724Battle of ToursThe 732 battle that halted the advance of Muslim armies into Europe at a point in northern France9
200756725CaliphThe chief Muslim political and religious leader10
200756726CalpulliAztec clans that supplied labor and warriors to leaders11
203509597CeladonType of pottery having the a pale green glaze, originally produced in China. Chemically, is formed by combining chromium oxide, cadmium yellow, and titanium-zinc white. It was most commonly used in Korean art.12
203509598ChimorPolitical grouping of the ChimĂș culture that ruled the northern coast of Peru, beginning around 850 AD and ending around 1470 AD. was the largest kingdom in the Late Intermediate period, encompassing 1000 km of coastline and including up to 2/3 of the people of the Andes.13
203509599chinampasPlatforms of twisted vines and mud that served the Aztecs as floating gardens and extended their agricultural land14
203509600chivalryA knight's code of honor in medieval Europe15
203509601DaimyoA Japanese feudal lord in charge of an army of samurai16
203509602Dar al-IslamThe House of Islam; a term representing the political and religious unity of various Islamic groups17
203509603ExcommunicationThe practice of the Roman Catholic and other Christian churches of prohibiting participation in the sacraments to those who do not comply with church teachings or practices18
203509604FeudalismA political, economic, and social system based on the relationship between lord and vassal in order to provide protection19
203509605FiefIn medieval Europe, a grant of land given in exchange for military or other services20
203509606Flying MoneyPaper money that was first used in China in the 9th century AD. Originally it was called (fei-chien) because it could blow out of your hand. To start with it was used by merchants as a note of exchange, but the government soon caught onto the idea and used it for forwarding tax payments. Real paper money backed by deposited money started in the 10th century.21
203509607footbinding- In China, a method of breaking and binding women's feet; seen as a sign of beauty and social position, footbinding also confined women to the household22
203509608Gempei wars(1180-85), final struggle in Japan between the Taira and Minamoto clans that resulted in the Minamoto's establishment of the Kamakura shogunate, a military dictatorship that dominated Japan from 1192 to 1333.23
204042695Gothic ArchitectureArchitecture of the twelfth-century Europe, featuring stained-glass windows, flying buttresses, tall spires, and pointed arches24
204042696InvestitureThe authority claimed by monarchs to appoint church officials25
204042697JunksLarge Chinese sailing ships especially designed for long-distance travel during the Tang and Song dynasties26
204042698KowtowA ritualistic bow practiced in the China court27
204042699HadithA collection of the sayings and deeds of Muhammad28
204042700HajjThe pilgrimage to the Ka'aba in Mecca required once of every Muslim who was not limited by health or financial reasons29
204042701HijrahThe flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina; the first year in the Muslim calendar30
204042702JihadIslamic holy war31
204042703Ka'abaCube like structure housing a black stone or meteorite that became the most revered shrine in Arabia before the introduction of Islam; situated in Mecca, it later was incorporated in the Islamic faith32
204042704KamikazeThe "divine wind" credited by the Japanese with preventing the Mongol invasion of Japan during the thirteenth century33
204042705Magna CartaA document written in England in 1215 that granted certain rights to nobles; later these rights came to be extended to all classes34

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