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AP World History 600-1450 Flashcards

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170876443Great Schismwhen the east and the west churches divided into Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity; they divided over the issue of icons0
170876444Black Deaththe epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe1
170876445Italian Renaissancea period of European history that began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe; began the dominance of Europe in culture2
170876446Tang Dynastydynasty often referred to as China's Golden age that reigned during 618 - 907 AD; China expands from Vietnam to Manchuria3
170876447Caliphate Systemreligious leader and the political leader one in the same4
170876448FeudalismKing; Lords; Knights; Peasants5
170876449The Byzantine EmpireAt its largest, the Byzantine Empire spread from Italy to Anatolia, and included the southern Mediterranean coastline and the southern coast of Spain. Much land was lost, however, and by 1000 the empire only controlled lands in Greece and Anatolia.6
170876450The CrusadesEuropeans travel to Holy Land - creating a desire to Eastern goods - leads to exploration7
170876451Mongolian empirenew group of "invaders" - from Mongolia; under the leadership of Genghis Khan8
170876452Islamwas a unifying force in culture aspects of Eurasia and Africa - similar religion (Islam), similar language (Arabic), similar art (forbids art of humans so has a lot of geometric designs. COMPARE TO EUROPEAN CATHOLICISM9
170876453Sultanatesimilar to a monarchy, but a government in which the supreme power is in the hands of a sultan (the head of a Muslim state); the sultan may be an absolute ruler or a sovereign with constitutionally limited authority.10
170876454Islamic artsArabesque design - geometric designs; no human figures in art Miniature painting in Persia Poetry Mosques with domes, pillars, and minarets11
170876455Islamic ScienceKnowledge of earth rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun More accurate calendar than Europe's Improved astrolabe Medical treatises Use of steel for swords12
170876456Islamic mathContact with Chinese brought paper and printing to the Arab world Algebra, Arabic numerals, decimal system, and concept of zero13
170876457Trans-Sahara tradeGold, ivory, slaves and spices from below the Sahara with salt, cloth, and metalware from the Sahara Across the Sahara between North Africa and Europe beyond to West Africa Aided the rise of African empires and kingdoms in West Africa and spread Islam through West Africa14
170876458Indian Ocean tradeSlaves, ivory, gold, and iron from Africa; porcelain from China; pottery from Burma; cloth from India Major route between East Africa and Asia; made possible by the monsoons; traded with China through Arabs, Indians, Malayans, and Indonesians; lasted until 1400s when direct trade began Brought prosperity to East Africa through the development of trading networks into the interior of the continent; set stage for the rise of African trading cities such as Sofala and Kilwa; Swahili, mix of Arabic and Bantu languages; brought Islam to coastal Bantu speakers15
170876459Silk RoutesSilks and porcelain from China; woolen and linen cloth, glass, horses, ivory from other trading partners Silk Road from China across Asia to Middle East Spread Buddhism and Christianity; spurred European interest in finding a water route to China16
170876460Missionary outreach of major religionsIslam, Christianity, and Buddhism all had missionaries traveling through Asia17
170876461Contact:Islam and BuddhismTrade;peace18
170876462Contact:Islam and ChristianityCrusades; war19
170876463Song Dynasty(960 - 1279 AD); this dynasty was started by Tai Zu; by 1000, a million people were living there; started feet binding; had a magnetic compass; had a navy; traded with india and persia (brought pepper and cotton); first to have paper money, explosive gun powder; *landscape black and white paintings20
170876464After the fall of the Roman Empirethe Church took control of all aspects of life21
170876465Economics: Mayaagricultural trade, craftwork in jade.22
170876466patriarchya form of social organization in which a male is the family head and title is traced through the male line23
170876467Gener roles: Mayapatriarchy24
170876468Culture: Mayamathematics astronomy medicine pyramids hieroglyphic writing25
170876469Political Structure; Reason for Collapse: Mayacity-states diverse explanations for causes: environmental: overuse of resources; warfare26
170876470Mayaa member of an American Indian people of Yucatan and Belize and Guatemala who had a culture (which reached its peak between AD 300 and 900) characterized by outstanding architecture and pottery and astronomy27
170876471Azteca member of the Nahuatl people who established an empire in Mexico that was overthrown by Cortes in 151928
170876472Economic: Aztecmercenaries war provided slaves29
170876473culture: Aztechuman sacrifice capital - Tenochtitlan30
170876474Gender Roles : Aztecpatriarchy31
170876475Political Structure; Reason for Collapse: Aztecemperor rigid class system tributary states lack of immunity to AfroEurasian diseases like smallpox tributary states allied with Spanish32
170876476Incaa member of the small group of Quechuan people living in the Cuzco valley in Peru who established hegemony over their neighbors to create the great Inca empire that lasted from about 1100 until the Spanish conquest in the early 1530s33
170876477Economic: Incaagricultural inherited array of domesticated plants and animals, e.g. potatoes, quinoa, guinea pigs trade tribute34
170876478Gender Roles: IncaPatriarchy35
170876479Culture: Incaquipu for record keeping textiles important for religious ceremonies36
170876480Political Structure; Reason for Collapse: Incadynastic emperor rigid class system lack of immunity to Afro Eurasian diseases like smallpox tributary states allied with Spanish37
170876481Conquered Areas: ArabsNorth Africa; Spain; West Africa; Central Asia; East Africa38
170876482Impact: ArabsUnified political unit Spread of religihttp://quizlet.com/create_set/on Religious toleration Preservation of Greek and Roman culture39
170876483Conquered Areas: TurksCentral Asia; Middle East; Asia Minor40
170876484Impact: TurksIslam ,Defeated Byzantine Empire , Takes Jerusalem - Crusades41
170876485Conquered Areas: MongolsPersia; China; Russia; Eastern Europe42
170876486Impact: SlavsTrading Orthodox Christianity43
170876487Conquered Areas: SlavsEastern and Central Europe44
170876488Conquered Areas: AztecsCentral Mexico45
170876489Impact: AztecsConquered large areas Human sacrifices Large trading network46
170876490Conquered Areas: VikingsRaped and pillaged along European water routes47
170876491Impact: VikingsLed to Europeans seeking better protection methods Some women taken as slaves to Scandanavia48
170900254Bantusagricultural people who traveled throughout Africa; spread language; slave trade networks established49
170900255New Opportunities for WomenMany women gained right to keep dowry Managed households, Supervised education of children, Cultural patrons,Nuns50
170900256Marco PoloVenetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade.51
170900257Ibn Battutuislamic scholar and adventurer52

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