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AP World History (600-1450) Flashcards

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66919135Ka'abaShrine in Mecca. Reveared by polytheists and later muslims.0
66919136HijrahMuhammed's flight from Mecca. Started the islamic calender.1
66919137Faith, Prayer, Fasting, Alms-giving (Zadith), Hajj (pilgramige to the Ka'aba)Five pillars of Islam include?2
66919138HadithA booked compiled with the sayings of muhammed after his death.3
66919139Quranholy book of the muslims4
66919140Shariahmoral law of the muslims5
66919141Alithe third caliph, desendent of Muhammed.6
66919142ShiiteA member of the branch of Islam that supports the descendants of Muhammad (including Ali) as the rightful caliphs.7
66920749Sunnia follower of the majority branch of Islam, which feels that caliphs should be chosen by the Muslim community8
66920750military conquest, Eurasia and AfricaIslam first expanded by _____ throughout ______.9
66920751661-750, the death of Ali, riotsUmayyad caliphate (yr-yr) began after _____ and ended because of ____.10
66920752People of the bookJews, Christians and Muslims11
66920753Arabic ethnicity, aherence to IslamThe Ummayad Caliphate emphisized _____ over _____.12
66920754Abbasid CaliphateA caliphate that had many advancements in math, ancient greek preservation, trade, anatomy, astronomy, urbanization and liturature.13
66920755Mosques, MinaretsMuslum places of worship, topped by towers called _____.14
66920756SufisMystics who focused on a union with Allah and missionary work.15
66920757large, taxes, independent kingdomsThe Abbasid Caliphate was challenged by a ____ empire, increased ______, and arising _____.16
66920758al-AndalusIslamic spain, ruled by the Caliphate of Corboda.17
66920759Battle of Tours, 8thThe Berbers form North Africa advanced into the Iberian Peninsula until the ______ in (yr).18
66920760Dehli SultanateRuled North India from 1206-1526 where it introduced Islam19
66965286JihadIslamic holy war20
66965287MamlukIslamic Dynasty in Egypt. Internal disorder led to takeover by the ______ in the 16th century.21
66965288TangDynasty that began in 618 after internal disorder in China22
66965289WuEmpress _______ supported Buddhism.23
66965290Confucianism, BuddhismTang supported _____. Later they supported _____, but when they began to fear it, they returned to the first.24
66965291907, rebellion, invasionThe Tang fell in _____, due to internal _____ and _______ of nomads.25
66965292JunkThe largest ship of the time. Dominated Indian Ocean trade.26
66965293paper money, gunpowderThe Tang introduced ______ and invented ______.27
66965294SongDynasty that began in 960, it was unable to to contol the Khitan, the nomads who threatened the Tang, and had to pay them ______.28
66965295Neo-ConfucianismA blend of Confucianism and Buddhism. Reinforced genger and class distinctions.29
66965296Chinese, Shintoby the 7th century _____ culture reached Japan and Buddhism combined with ______.30
66965297divided into small states, Bushi, Samurai, fuedalismBy the 11 century Japan was _____ led by _____. They often hired _____ to protect thier land, which led to ______.31
66965298BushidoSamurai code of honor32
66965299SeppukuRitual suicide for disgraced warriors33
66965300Gempei Warsconflicts between the peasants and Samurai34
66965301bakufuMilitary government in japan35
66965302ShogunsMilitary leaders who were controled by prominent families.36
66965303Civil DisorderThere was _______ in the 14th century in Japan.37
66965304daimyoWarlord who controlled one of the 300 kingdoms in Japan38
66965305SillaKingdom in Korea that forced the Tang to leave. It then reunited Korea.39
66965306Mongols_____ invaded Korea in the 13 century.40
66965307Korea, Vietnamthe Han dynasty moved into _____ and conquered _____.41
67051712manorialism, trade, disordereconomic system during the middle ages that revolved around self-sufficient farming estates where lords and peasants shared the land. developed because of a decine in _____ and political _____ in western Europe.42
67051713fuedalism, fiefa political system in which nobles are granted _______ that legally belong to the king, in exchange for thier loyalty, military service and protection of of the people who live on the land43
67100163moldboard plowa tool developed in 9th century West Europe to help with farming.44
67100164unificationThe long term effect of the holy roman empire was that it delayed the ______ of Germany and Italy.45
67100165FranksDecendents of Germanic tribes that overran Gaul. Christian.46
67100166William the Conquerer, Norman invasion_______ began a type of fuedalism in england. He required all vassels to owe thier allegience directly to the monarch. He took over after the ________.47
67100167Magna Carta, ParliamentA document that english nobles forced King John to sign. It started a ______ in 1265.48
67100168Crusades, tradeCampains to retake the holy land (Constantinople) from the Seljuk Turks. It increased ____ between East and West and Westerners were exposed to new inventions and ideas.49
67100169investiture, excommunicationThe controversy between Pope Gregory VII and Henry VI over ______ ended in the _____ of Henry.50
67100170songThe mongols overcame the _____ dynasty.51
67100171Golden HordeMongol tribute in Russia. Kept Russia isolated.52
67100172Yuan, Kubilai KhanMongol Dynasty in China. Controled by ______.53
67100173Pax MongoliaA period of peace and trade in Eurasia facilitated by the Mongols in mid 13th through mid 14th century.54
67100174KamikazeWinds that prevented mongol domination of Japan.55
67100175BantuThe people that migrated throughout sub-saharan Africa and spread ideas, technology and language.56
67100176SwahiliA language that combined Bantu and Arabic57
67100177Kinship, ageBantu political organization was organized aroung _____ groups and ______ grades.58
67100178Zheng HeA Ming explorer and general who led several oversea voyages.59
67100179RenaissanceA renewed interest in the Greco-Roman world that began in Italy and focused on life instead of afterlife.60
67108889toltecs, QuetzalcoatlPowerful postclassic empire in central Mexico (900-1168 C.E.) after the decline of the mayans. It influenced much of Mesoamerica. Thier god was ______.61
67108890Moundbuilders (or Mississippians)pre-columbian native americans (. Settled allong the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.62
67108891Tenochtitlancapital city of the Aztec empire, located where Mexico city now stands63
67108892Aztecs, HuitzilopochtliA tribe that settled in Central Mexico after the fall of the Toltecs(1200-1521). Practiced human sacrifices. Thier main god was ____.64
67108893chimpanasAztec floating gardens.65
67108894calpulliAztec clans66
67108895Inca, MitaAlso known as Quechua. Moved into the Andes Mountains around 1300. Used the _____ system for labor.67
67108896Chimorthe most powerful andean state between 900-1465. Taken over by Incans.68
67108897CuzcoThe capital city of the Incan Empire, Located in present-day Peru69

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