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AP World History (600-1450) Flashcards

AP World History (600-1450) from Barron 's flash cards + miscellaneous sources

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4378841260MuhammadAbout 610, Muhammad had a transformational spiritual experience and traveled through the Arabian Peninsula proclaiming that he was the last prophet of Allah. He believed in on God / Allah's words were given to Muhammad and collected by his followers and compiled in Quran0
4378841261Expansion of IslamWork of early caliphs who spread the word through pilgrimages / 633-637, Muslims took control of the Byzantine Syria and Palestine and seized most of the Mesopotamia from the Sassanids / 640, Muslims conquered Byzantine Egypt and North Africa / 651, Muslims controlled the Sassanid dynasty and Persia / 781 Muslims controlled Hindu India, north Africa, and the lberian Peninsula / Muslims allowed conquered people (especially Christians and Jews) to maintain their own religious practices but required those who did not convert to Islam to pay a tax (jizya) / Positions of power and authority were reserved for Muslims1
4378841262Abbasid CaliphateDescendants of the Prophet Muhammad's uncle, al-Abbas, the Abbasids overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate and ruled an Islamic empire from their capital in Baghdad (founded 762) from 750 to 1258. (p. 234)2
4378841263Commercial Trade within Eastern HemisphereCommercial centers in Nishapur, Bukhara, and Samarkand facilitated the revival of trade over the Silk Road / Classical roads, originally commissioned by India and Persia and revived by Muslims, provided quick and efficient travel through the dar al-Islam / Overland trade was conducted by camel caravan / Caravansaries provided lodging, food, and water for traveling merchants and their animals3
4378841264Technological Trade within Eastern HemisphereTechnological advances such as compass, the lateen sail, and the astrolabe led to increasing travel in the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean4
4378841265Abbasids Trade within Eastern HemisphereAbbasids encouraged larger-scale trade by re-instituting letters of credit--sakk (checks, an idea later used in Europe)5
4378841266The Quran and Women 1Improved the security of women in Arabian society: outlawed female infanticide and ruled that dowries go to the bride6
4378841267The Quran and Women 2Described women as honorable individuals equal to men, not property7
4378841268The Quran and Women 3Both the Quran and Sharia emphasized male dominance: descent through the male line, male inheritance, strict control of women by male guardians8
4378841269The Quran and Women 4Social customs were influenced by islamic beliefs: men were permitted to take up to four wives (polygamy), women were veiled in public9
4378841270Dar al-IslamArabic term referring to the 'house of Islam' and the lands under Islamic terms10
4378841271Persian Influences on the Dar al-IslamAdministrative techniques; ideas of kingship (greatly influence caliphs); Persian, the language of literature, poetry, history, and political thought (for example, The Arabian Nights)11
4378841272Indian Influences on the Dar al-IslamMathematics, Arabic/Hindi numbers, symbols for zero, algebra, trigonometry, geometry12
4378841273Greek Influences on the Dar al-IslamPhilosophy, science, medical writings (especially Plato and Aristotle). Arabic Libraries and museums held translated Greek and Roman works13
4378841274QuranBook composed of divine revelations made to the Prophet Muhammad between ca. 610 and his death in 632; the sacred text of the religion of Islam.14
4378841275Grand CanalThe 1,100-mile (1,700-kilometer) waterway linking the Yellow and the Yangzi Rivers. It was begun in the Han period and completed during the Sui Empire.15
4378841276Sui DynastyAs one of the ephemeral dynasties in Chinese history, this existed for only 38 years, was established by Yang Jian in 581. Built a strong central government with work done by peasants. Public works projects included palaces, granaries, and repair of defensive walls; Most elaborate project was the Grand Canal.16
4378841277Tang DynastyEmpire unifying China and part of Central Asia, founded 618 and ended 907. The Tang emperors presided over a magnificent court at their capital, Chang'an. Confucian ruler. Maintained empire through a system of roads with horses, human runners, inns, postal stations, and stables. Equitable distribution of agricultural land kept land out of the hands of wealthy elite. Government jobs in extensive bureaucracy were merit based, determined through a series of civil service examination. Military conquests included Manchuria, Tibet, Korea and the northern part of Vietnam17
4378841278Li ShiminOne of the founders of the Tang Empire and its second emperor (r. 626-649). He led the expansion of the empire into Central Asia. (p. 277)18
4378841279MongolsA people of this name is mentioned as early as the records of the Tang Empire, living as nomads in northern Eurasia. After 1206 they established an enormous empire under Genghis Khan, linking western and eastern Eurasia. >(p. 325)19
4378841280Song DynastyEmpire in southern China (1127-1279; the 'Southern Song') while the Jin people controlled the north. Distinguished for its advances in technology, medicine, astronomy, and mathematics.20
4378841281Bureaucracy too bigFinancial problems faced by the Song21
4378841282Scholar bureaucrats' limited Military experienceReasons for Song's Military Failure22
4378841283Neo-ConfucianismDeveloped in response to the growing popularity of Buddhism. Shows the influence that Buddhism had on Chinese Society and throughout East Asia over a long period23
4378841284Zhu XiNeo-Confucianism philosopher wrote 'Family Ritual'24
4378841285Family RitualBook written by Zhu Xi. Detailed set of instructions for weddings, funerals and other family ceremonies stresing appropriate personal behavior and social harmony25
4378841286XiongnuA confederation of nomadic peoples living beyond the northwest frontier of ancient China. Chinese rulers tried a variety of defenses and stratagems to ward off these 'barbarians,' as they called them, and dispersed them in 1st Century. (168)26
4378841287Nomadic People from Northeastern AsiaWho were the early inhabitants of Japan and where did they come from?27
4378841288NaraThis was an agricultural society inspired by Tang China, instituted a series of reforms to centralize power. It was built as a replica of Chang'an28
4378841289Chinese Buddhism and ConfucianismJapan fused their traditional Shinto beliefs with whom?29
4378841290Heian periodName the Japan's period where power was centralized in Fujiwara family; boys only received a formal education based on Chinese values; women contributed to Japanese literature30
4378841291equal field systemDecline resulted from a failure of this system; land became concentrated in the hands of a small group of wealthy elite31
4378841292Kamakura ShogunateThe first of Japan's decentralized military governments. (1185-1333)32
4378841293Ashikaga ShogunateThe second of Japan's military governments headed by a shogun (a military ruler). Sometimes called the Muromachi Shogunate.33
4378841294Daimyo(in feudal Japan) one of the great lords who were vassals of the shogun. Feudal Warriors in Japan34
4378841295Shoguna hereditary commander-in-chief in feudal Japan. Because of the military power concentrated in his hands and the consequent weakness of the nominal head of state (the mikado or emperor), the shogun was generally the real ruler of the country until feudalism was abolished in 1867.35
4378841296Samuraia member of a powerful military caste in feudal Japan, esp. a member of the class of military retainers of the daimyos. They observed bushido (the way of the warrior), which emphasized the importance of loyalty to the warrior's lord36
4378841297Tokugawa dynastyThis Dynasty ended Japan's medieval period. Centralized power and unified Japan in the sixteenth century37
4378841298Frankish EmpireBuilt a society based on agriculture in northern region of Europe (France, Germany, and Low Countries) and oversaw the development of decentralized political institutions in those areas.38
4378841299CharlemagneKing of the Franks (r. 768-814); emperor (r. 800-814). Through a series of military conquests he established the Carolingian Empire, which encompassed all of Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy. Illiterate, though started an intellectual revival.39
4378841300ClovisDuring the period of 465-511, he was the king of the Franks. He extended Merovingian rule to Gaul and Germany, making Paris his capital. After his conversion to Christianity, he championed orthodoxy against the Arian Visigoths, finally defeating them in the battle of Poitiers40
4378841301FrankishUnification of this western Europeans made possible Muslim defeat at Tours in circa 73241
4378841302Carolingian EmpireThis dynasty is seen as the founders of France and Germany.42
4378841303FeudalismBasic concept refers to the political and social order of medieval Europe; based on a heriarchy of lords and vassals who controlled political and military affairs43
4378841304Vassala person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord44
4378841305Feudal SystemIndependent of European System, instituted in Japan under the Tokugawa Shogunate45
4378841306FiefsLand was given in exchange for protection; lords lived off the surplus crops of their vassals46
4378841307ChivalryFeudalism code of conduct in Europe47
4378841308BushidoFeudalism code of conduct in Japan48
4378841309KnightsFeudalism warriors in Europe49
4378841310KingWhat do you call feudal ruler of Europe50
4378841311EmperorWhat do you call feudal ruler of Japan. Really a fugurehead, control rested with shogun51
4378841312Manor in medieval EuropeA large, self-sufficient landholding consisting of the lord's residence, outbuildings, peasant village, and surrounding land.52
4378841313ManorA large estate consisting of fields, meadows, forests, domestic animals, lakes, rivers, and the serfs bound to the land.53
4378841314manorsSmall local markets (usually located near monasteries) with goods they could not produce themselves (examples: salt)54
4378841315Lord of manorThis is usually a political and military leader responsible to provide police service, and justice for the manor55
4378841316Holy Roman EmpireLoose federation of mostly German states and principalities, headed by an emperor elected by the princes. It lasted from 962 to 1806.56
4378841317Byzantine EmpireHistorians' name for the eastern portion of the Roman Empire from the fourth century onward, taken from 'Byzantion,' an early name for Constantinople, the Byzantine capital city. The empire fell to the Ottomans in 1453.57
4378841318ConstantineRoman emperor (r. 312-337). After reuniting the Roman Empire, he moved the capital to Constantinople and made Christianity a favored religion.58
4378841319Pax RomanaWhat is the Latin word for 'Roman Peace': The stability and prosperity that Roman rule brought to the lands of the Roman Empire in the first two centuries C.E. The movement of people and trade goods along Roman roads and safe seas allowed for the spread of culture/ideas59
4378841320Roman PeaceWhat do you call that Roman period, where: was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the powerful Roman Empire in the first and second centuries AD. Since it was established by the Emperor Augustus it is sometimes called Pax Augustus. ...60
4378841321Feudal MonarchiesWith strong central power uniting western Europe after the fall of Rome, regional monarchies developed in France and England61
4378841322Hugh CapetHe was the king of France elected in 987 and founding the Capetian dynasty (940-996) . He succeeded the Carolingians; his descendants, known as the Capetian kings, used their power and resources to systematically consolidate and expand their power62
4378841323Capetian dynastyHugh Capet, the king of France elected in 987 and founding this dynasty (during 940-996)63
4378841324Norman dukesThese were English feudal monarchies, who built a tightly knit state in which all power disseminated from them64
4378841325Bologna, Genoa, Mila, FLorence and veniceThese feudal monarchies were found in this papacy (the government of the Roman Catholic Church) and Italian city-states65
4378841326Papacythe government of the Roman Catholic Church66
4378841327Feudal MonarchiesMaintained order, provided relatively stable and effective government, later provided impetus (a force that moves something along) for ocean-going explorations67
4378841328impetusa force that moves something along. Something that impels, a stimulating factor; A force, either internal or external, that impels; an impulse; The force or energy associated with a moving body; a stimulus; An activity in response to a stimulus68
4378841329Taxes and ArmyWhat were the essential components to state building in Western Europe?69
4378841330Post Hundred Years' warFrance and England raised armies and levied taxes after .....70
4378841331Hanseatic LeagueAn economic and defensive alliance of the free towns in northern Germany, founded about 1241 and most powerful in the fourteenth century / A trade network that developed in the Baltic and North Sea; encompassed the commercial centers of Poland, northern Germany, and Scandinavia; linked to Mediterranean through the Rhine and Danube River71
4378841332HansaHanseatic League is also called as? The trading system allowed trading of grain, fish, furs, timber and pitch72
4378841333clergy, warrior, workerDuring Feudal Society in Europe, the medieval society was usually divided into three classes?73
4378841334political, social, economicDuring Feudal Society in Europe, the medieval society was usually divided into three; clergy, warrior, and worker--a clear illustration of these inequalities that existed during the Feudal Society in Europe74
4378841335Franks solidified ChristianityWho solidified Christianity as a foundation of the empire when Clovis converted75
4378841336Italy worked to spread Christianity NorthWhich country worked hard to spread Christianity north76
4378841337Pope Gregory IWhich pope protected the city of Rome and the church by mobilizing forces for the purpose of defense; he reasserted papl supremacy and increased the role and importance of the church in people's lives77
4378841338Ghengis KhanThe title of Temujin when he ruled the Mongols (1206-1227). It means the 'oceanic' or 'universal' leader. He was the founder of the Mongol Empire.78
4378841339KarakorumWhere was Ghengis Khan's luxurious capital?79
4378841340ArmyWhat did Ghengis Khan valued theeee most80
4378841341Equestrian skillsWhat was the favorite game during Ghengis Khan era?81
4378841342CavalryGhengis Khan army was made of what? What was the backbone of Ghengis Khan's army?82
4378841343United central Asia, Tibet, northern China, Persia and central AsiaName Ghengis Khan's conquered lands83
4378841344Marco PoloWho traveled from Italy to China during Mongol times?84
4378841345First European merchantsMarco Polo inherited passion from dad and uncle, who were among 'what' to visit China?85
4378841346Kublai KhanMarco Polo was introduced to which Mongol King by his father and uncle?86
4378841347ColumbusMarco Polo inspired whom to attempt to find a passage to the East?87
4378841348MuslimsMongols and western Europe were both enemies of people of which religion?88
4378841349JurasalemEuropean crusaders tried to recapture which state from the Muslims89
4378841350Abbasid EmpireMongols attacked which Muslim empire from the east?90
4378841351Pope Innocent IVWhat was the name of the pope which sent missionaries to convert the Mongol Khan91
4378841352Kublai KhanWho was the grandson of Chinggis?92
4378841353Kublai KhanWho consolidated Mongols rule in China?93
4378841354Mongol EmpireWhich empire failed to conquer Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Java and Japan?94
4378841355Golden HordeWhat is the name of a group of Mongols which overran Russia during 1237-1241 and also explored Poland, Hungary, and eastern Germany?95
4378841356HuleguWhat was the name of Kublai Khan's brother?96
4378841357HuleguWhich of the Mongol Emperors conquered the Abbasid Empire in Persia and attempted to expand to Syria, but failed?97
4378841358il-khanateMongol rule in Persia deferred to local Persian authorities, who administered *whom* as long as they delivered taxes to the Mongols and maintained order?98
4378841359Yuan DynastyMongol Empire established *which* dynasty in China in 1279?99
4378841360Pax MongolicaMongol Empire established Yuan Dynasty in China in 1279, ushering in a period known as *what*?100
4378841361Financial issues (excessive spending and reduced revenues) and Mongols lacked experience in governing a settled societyWhat were the two main reasons for Mongol rule in Persia and China (Yuan Dynasty) to decline shortly after the death of Kublai Khan?101
4378841362paper moneyIl-khan tried to save itself from economic ruin by introducing *what*.102
4378841363Il-khanateMongols declined because of Economic troubles, but that was also couled with fractional struggles in Persia, and when the last Mongol rulers died without an heir in 1335, *what* collapsed?103
4378841364bubonic plagueIn China, one of the growing list of problems for Mongols to deal, inflation and epidemic disease. What was the name of the disease which resulted in depopulation and labor shortage?104
4378841365depopulation and labor shortageDuring Mongols empire, what did Bubonic plague do in China?105
4378841366MongolsBubonic plague started during whose empire?106
4378841367OsmanOttoman empire was established by whom?107
4378841368Ottoman EmpireName the empire, which was established by Osman when he declared independence from Seljuk sultan and begsan to build a state out of the declining Byzantine Empire in 1299108
4378841369Osmanlis or OttomansName the followers of Ottoman Empire109
4378841370multinational centralized bureaucracyWhat did Ottoman empire created (hint 3 word)?110
4378841371BalkanOttoman empire established foundations for empire in *what* Peninsula; delayed by Tamerlane when he destroyed Ottoman forces in 1402, but after Tamerlane's death Ottomans reestablished power111
4378841372IstanbulIn 1453, Sultan Mehmud II (Mehmud the conquerer) captured Constantinople and renamed it to what?112
4378841373Byzantine Empire, Greece, Balkan regionBy 1480 Ottomans controlled these THREE regions. Could you name them?113
4378841374GhanaPrimary State of West Africa--located between the Senegal and Niger rivers ca 750-1250114
4378841375trans-Saharan tradeGhana became increasingly important as a result of increased *what*?115
4378841376FalseDid Ghana produced gold. True / False?116
4378841377southGhana did not produce gold but acquired from the *where*?117
4378841378gold taxation ivory slavesGhana strengthen its empire through these FOUR activities118
4378841379goldGhana received horses, cloth, manufactured goods and salt in exchange of *what*?119
4378841380TrueDid Islam spread in Ghana T/F120
4378841381trade routesIslam spread to Ghana across *what* routes?121
4378841382tradeSoutheast Asia, Africa and India are well connected by ?122
4378841383Han DynastySilk road was established in *which* dynasty?123
4378841384silk roads and seaIn eastern hemisphere goods traveled through two primary routes124
4378841385Major Trading citiesHangzhou, Alexandria, Khanbaliq, Kilwa, Constantinople, Quanzhou, Cairo, Melaka, Venice, Cambay, Timbuktu and Caffa were *what* during the Eastern Hemisphere study?125
4378841386pay taxesTrade cities enjoyed tremendous wealth as a result of their status as major trading ports; inhabitants usually did not have to *what*?126
4378841387Mongol military campaigns and Black DeathWith the exception of *these events*, there were no significant interruptions to trade127
4378841388Black DeathName the famous period where the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe128
4378841389tradeLarger ships and improved commercial organization led to an increase in the quantity and quality of *what* in the Indian ocean basin?129
4378841390Rhythms of monsoons taken into account, larger shipsable to go farther from the coastline, warehouses built to store goodsName 3 advances in planning when trading in Indian Ocean started130
4378841391monsoonsWhen trading in Indian ocean, trade conducted in stages because *this weather* forced mariners to stay in ports for months awaiting for favorable winds131
4378841392Indian portsWhat are these Cambay, Calicut, Quilon132
4378841393trading route between China and AfricaWhat was the importance of Indian ports Cambay, Calicut, Quilon?133
4378841394gold iron ivoryDuring trading in the Indian ocean, East African city-states traded these 3 minerals134
4378841395silk and porcelainDuring trading in the Indian ocean, China provided these 2 things, What were the two most important Chinese exports at the time of the Tang and Song dynasties? (rice and silk/spices and tea/silk and porcelain/jade and paper)135
4378841396PortugalWhich country controlled trading in the Indian Ocean beginning in the 16th century136
4378841397SaharaName the largest desert in the world. Means "desert" in Arabic. It stretches about 3,000 miles across the continent, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, & also runs 1,200 miles from north to south. Temperatures can rise as high as 136.4°F in the summer, hot enough to fry an egg on the sand. But temperatures can also fall below freezing at night in winter. Only about 20% of the this desert consists of sand. Towering mountains, rock formations, & gravelly plains make up the rest. For instance, the Tibesti Mountains, located mostly in northwestern Chad, rise to heights of more than 11,000 feet. Other African deserts include the Kalahari & the Namib137
437884139870 to 90 daysDuring the Trans-Saharan trading time, the caravans of Camels crossed the Sahara in how many days?138
4378841399Ghana Mali SonghaiDuring the Trans-Saharan trading time, Kingdoms such as these three countries of western Africa were important in connecting the Mediterranean basin to sub-Sahara Africa139
4378841400North AfricaArab conquerors established islam in this area during the seventh and eighth centuries, coinquered Ghana in West Africa, and converted leaders of Mali and Songhai140
4378841401Mali and SonghaiArab conquerors established Islam in North Africa during the seventh and eighth centuries, coinquered Ghana in West Africa, and converted leaders of these 2 countries141
4378841402dar al-IslamIslamic merchants were an important part of the trans-Saharan trade and later introduced Islam to Mansa Musa in Mali spreading *what*?142
4378841403south northGold, slaves, ivory from *where* were exchanged for cloth, horses, salt and manufactures wares from *where*143
4378841404ColumbusItalian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506)144
4378841405Isabella1451 - 1504 Spanish queen who funded Columbus's expedition to America145
4378841406FerdinandKing of Aragon; married Isabella to create stronger unitied nation in Spain146
4378841407BahamasWhere did Columbus finally land in 1492147
4378841408Asian mainlandColumbus returned without gold, silk and spices from Asia, but he insisted that he has reached island off *which* mainland148
4378841409discoveriesIn three subsequent voyages, Columbus never admitted he had not reached Asia; his *what* led to other expeditions in the Caribbean and the Americas, and the lands were claimed for Spain149
4378841410Renaissancethe period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world150
4378841411Renaissancea period in European history of the rebirth of learning based on the knowledge of ancient roman and greek learning; mainly in art, philosophy, invention, exploration, and religious reform151
4378841412Humanisma cultural and intellectual movement during the Renaissance, following the rediscovery of the art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. A philosophy or attitude concerned with the interests, achievements, and capabilities of human beings rather than with the abstract concepts and problems of theology or science152
4378841413DonatelloItalian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.153
4378841414MichelangeloHe was born in a Florentine family. He was a sculpter, painter, and architect. His most famous works were the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which portrayed Genesis. His other works were Creation and Flood.154
4378841415Zheng HeLed 7 voyages among the most impressive in history, between 1405 and 1433155
4378841416Zheng Hewas a Chinese mariner of Turkic/Semu descent, explorer, diplomat and fleet admiral, who made the voyages collectively referred to as the travels of "Eunuch Sanbao to the Western Ocean" (Chinese: 三保太監下西洋) or "Zheng He to the Western Ocean", from 1405 to 1433156
4378841417Zheng HeHe traveled to the Southeast Asia, Ceylon, India, the Persian Gulf, Arabia, and the East African coast, where he established tributary relationships. His technologically advanced fleets and armies were able to face any adversity157
4378841418Mansa Musaruled Mali from 1312 to 1332; spread interest in Mali as he journied to Mecca158
4378841419Mansa Musaa king of Mali in the 1300s159
4378841420Mansa Musathis Mali king brought Mali to its peak of power and wealth from 1312 the 1337; he was the most powerful king in west africa160
4378841421Mansa Musamade hajj to Mecca with thousands of slaves each carrying 5lb. bar of gold, europeans wanted slaves and money so they wanted to hook up with West Africa161
4378841422Mansa Musaking of the Mali empire in West Africa, is known mostly for his fabulous pilgrimage to Mecca and for his promotion of unity and prosperity within Mali162
4378841423Mansa Musabuilt mosques to honor Islam and sent subjects to study under muslim scholars163
4378841424Mansa Musathis king established religious schools with Arabian and North African teachers164
4378841425Ibn BattutaMoroccan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan. (p. 373)165
4378841426Ibn Battutaa young Arab lawyer from Morocco, who, in 1325 began his travles through the muslim world for 30 years, covering a distance of more than 73,000 miles166
4378841427Ibn Battuta(1304-1369) Morrocan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan. His writings gave a glimpse into the world of that time period.167
4378841428Ibn Battutawas a Moroccan scholar and traveller who is known for the account of his travels and excursions called the Rihla (Voyage). His journeys lasted for a period of nearly thirty years and covered almost the entirety of the known Islamic world and beyond, extending from North Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the West, to the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the East, a distance readily surpassing that of his predecessors and his near-contemporary Marco Polo.168
4378841429BantusThis east African culture migrated to the eastern coast of Africa--bringing agriculture, cattle herding, and iron metallurgy--and developed complex societies governed by small, local states169
4378841430Swahilia Bantu language widely used as a lingua franca in East Africa and having official status in several countries. Also called Kiswahili .170
4378841431Swahilia Bantu language with Arabic words spoken along the East African coast171
4378841432Swahilicontrolled the eastern coast of Africa from Mogadishu to Kilwa and the Comoro Islands and Sofala172
4378841433Eric the RedNorwegian adventurer who founded a colony on Greenland173
4378841434Eric the Redwas a Viking who found and named Greenland. Even thought this was a cold land Eric the Red named it Greenland to encourage people to come to this area to settle.174
4378841435Lief Ericssonestablished a colony in Newfoundland, Canada, for Scandinavia and called it Vinland--it had plentiful supplies of timber and fish175
4378841436Norwegiansa Scandinavian language that is spoken in Norway. the North Germanic language of Norway.176
4378841437crusades1096 Christian Europe aim to reclaim Jerusalem and aid they Byzantines; 1st success and the rest a failure; weakens the Byzantines; opens up trade177
4378841438crusadesa series of military expeditions in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries by Westrn European Christians to reclain control of the Holy Lands from the Muslims178
4378841439crusadeswars to recapture the holy land of Palestine from Muslims179
4378841440Palestine and JerusalemThere were crusades against the Cathars and other heretics in the Balkans, but the term usually refers to the series of five holy wars declared by Pope Urban II in 1095 against Muslims in an effort to recapture these two states.180
4378841441Results of Crusadeschristians failed to recapture the holyland, feudalism declined, power of kings increased, cultual diffusion, trade grew, conflict between christian, Jews, Muslims, grew181
4378841442Results of CrusadesEuropean-Middle Eastern contact stimulated commerce; breach between Eastern and Western Christianity did not heal; deep seeded hostility arose among Christians, Muslims, and Jews; Europe failed to hold onto Holy Land very long; facilitated exchange of ideas182
4378841443Results of CrusadesEuropean technology improved183
4378841444Results of CrusadesByzantine Empire, feudal nobles, and papal (of or relating to a pope or to the papacy.) power and the church were weakened184
4378841445ToltecsPowerful postclassic empire in central Mexico (900-1168 C.E.). It influenced much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs claimed ties to this earlier civilization. (p. 305)185
4378841446Toltecs70 miles north of Mexico City. Toltecs built their capital city there. 10th-12th centuries the Toltecs dominated most of mexico186
4378841447ToltecsMigrated to central Mexico, settled Tula during the eighth century187
4378841448ToltecsIrrigated crops of maize, beans, peppers, tomatoes, chilies, and cotton from the Tula River to support 60000 people at peak188
4378841449Aztecs(1200-1521) 1300, they settled in the valley of Mexico. Grew corn. Engaged in frequent warfare to conquer others of the region. Worshipped many gods (polytheistic). Believed the sun god needed human blood to continue his journeys across the sky. Practiced human sacrifices and those sacrificed were captured warriors from other tribes and those who volunteered for the honor.189
4378841450AztecsFormed a large empire in present-day Mexico with Tenochtitlán as its capital. Had own writing system. Population destroyed by Cortes. In central mexico. Made their homeland where they say an eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth. Found in Lake Texcoco. Native Americans who lived in Mexico until the Spaniards came in the 16th century. Their most famous leader was Montezuma190
4378841451ChinampasThis is a farming system developed by Aztec. Aztec fished at first, then developed this system (shaped mud from lake floor into small plots of land that 'floated' in the middle of the lake);developed a system of canals to irrigate in the dry season and grew beans, squash, maize, tomatoes, peppers, and chilies for exchange in the maketplace191
4378841452the cannibal kingdomAztecs were known as this kingdom for their widespread practice of human sacrifice192
4378841453MesoamericanAztec religion--Gods: Tezcatlipoca, "The smoking Mirror" (the giver and taker of life) and Quetzalcoatl, "the feathered Serpent" (supported arts, crafts, and agriculture). Sacrificed humans to appease war god, Huitzilppochtli; built a temple in the center of Tenochtitlan193
4378841454Tenochtitlánthe ancient capital of the Aztec empire, founded c. 1320. In 1521, the Spanish conquistador Cortés destroyed it and established Mexico City on its site.194
4378841455Bubonic Plague1/3 of all Europe's pop died, spread by rats, brought by sailors to Crimea, work shortage, wages for skilled laborers soared.195
4378841456Bubonic PlagueThis plague killed 90% of China in the northwest and a third of European population. This completed disrupted trade196
4378841457Bubonic plaguethis plague did not spread in Scandainavia in any appreciable number--cold winters did not foster the spread of pathogens; did not impact India negatively197
4378841458Incan Empirespread through parts of what are now Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. , lived in the Andes Mountains in South America, ate primarily potatoes198
4378841459Incan EmpireIn this empire the bureaucrats used a quipu (a variety of cords in different colors and lengths) to keep track of population, taxes, state property, and labor owed to government199
4378841460CuzxoWhat was the capital of Incan Empire. It was aso center of administrative, religious and ceremonial duties200
4378841461Oceaniaa large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia (and sometimes Australasia and the Malay Archipelago)201
4378841462Development of OceaniaAboriginal people of Australia, isolated from other societies, created trade and exchange networks with other hunting and gathering societies as far away as 1000 miles. Traded items such as stone clubs, trinkets (a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value), flowers, and iron axes. New Guineans herded swine and cultivated toot crops. This development had no contact with advanced societies until late 1700s202
4378841463Ming Dynastythe imperial dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644. Founded by Taizu. Chinese dynasty that provided an interval of native rule between eras of Mongol and Manchu dominance.203
4378841464Emporer HongwuHe established this Ming ("brilliant") dynasty, following the Yuang dynasty, in 1368; his immediate goal was to remove all signs of Mongol rule204
4378841465eunuchsthese kind of people (sterile men who could not produce a family to challenge the dynasty) were used to increase the power of central government during the Ming Dynasty205
4378841466New Zealand, Tahiti, Marquesas Islands, Hawaiian IslandsName four settlements of Pacific Islands206
4378841467yams, potatoes, breadfruits, bananas, coconut and taroName 6 kinds of food Pacific Islands produced207
4378841468Sufismystical Muslim group that believed they could draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, & simple life208

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