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AP World History 8000B.C.E-600C.E Flashcards

Hi everyone, these vocab are from the World History AP guide from the timeline of 8000B.C.E-600C.E. Hope you find them helpful in any way!

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138362898Alchemyan early, unscientific form of chemistry that sought to change base metals into gold and discover a life-prolonging elixir, a universal cure for disease, and a universal solvent alkahest Ex: After a time, Daoism became associated with mystical and magical pratices, such as alchemy and fortune-telling.0
137059878Aristocracygovernment of a country by a small group of people, especially a hereditary nobility1
137868063Aqueducta pipe or channel for moving water to a lower level, often across a great distance2
138520056Austerityseverity of discipline, regime, expression, or design Ex: Later Buddhists found the original teachings' austerity to be of little spiritual comfort. (B.86)3
137059879Archaicbelonging or relating to a much earlier period4
136604923artisanskilled craftsperson (C.99)5
137869499Apostlespromoter of idea or cause Ex: The apostles of Jesus extended the influence of Christianity6
137860030Armadaa large fleet of ships Ex: The sea surrounding the Italian Peninsula limited the possibility of a naval attack unless a large armada floated across the sea. (C.110)7
138721934Blockadephysically interfering with a society's ability to move goods across its borders8
136768127bureaucracyan administrative system, especially in a government, that divides work into specific categories carried out by special departments of nonelected officials9
136626114chariota two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle without seats, used in ancient times in races, warfare, or processions10
138536686circa (aka. ca.)used before a date to indicate that it is approximate or estimated Ex: Circa 1500C.E / ca.1500C.E11
138045969Confucianrelating to the teachings of Confucius or his followers, emphasizing self-control, adherence to a social hierarchy, and social and political order12
137067033City-Stateurban centers that controlled the immediate region around them13
138358427counterbalancesomebody or something that has an equal and opposing force or effect on somebody or something else Ex: Daoist served as a counterbalance to Confucian activism. (119)14
137877924despota tyrant or ruler with absolute powers15
138268145Diasporathe dispersion of the Jews outside Israel Ex: The Jewish diaspora, the slave trade are example of modern day migrations caused by people rather than nature. (C.102)16
137877925despoticrelating to, carried out by, or behaving like a despot Ex: Over time, Tome's emperors became more despotic.17
137169712Discernto see or notice something that is not very clear or obvious Ex: They believed the truth could be discerned through rational thought. (C.108)18
135340532EgalitarianA believe in the equality of all people19
136626115ethnocentricbelieving in the superiority of one's own ethnic and cultural group, and having a corresponding disdain for all other groups (C.100)21
136768128ethnicsharing distinctive cultural traits as a group in society22
135331647EurasiaThe land mass formed by the continents of Europe and Asia23
138546041Evangelicalenthusiastic or zealous in support of a particular cause and very eager to make other people share its beliefs or ideals Ex: Confucianism, Hinduism and Judaism, are very different from each other, but they are similar in that they are all closely tied to the culture in which they are practiced, and therefore are not part of the sweeping, evangelical movements that seek to convert the rest of the world. (C.123)24
138520057Fermentstate or situation of extreme agitation or commotion about something Ex: During this century of spiritual ferment, many teachers experimented with various ways of achieving union with the World Soul.25
138378018Filial Pietydevotion and respect for one's parents and ancestors26
136763796feudalismthe legal and social system that existed in medieval Europe, in which vassals held land from lords in exchange for military service27
135340531ForageThe act of searching for food and provisions28
138549113Hierarchyan organization or group whose members are arranged in ranks, e.g. in ranks of power and seniority29
137059876Hellenismthe principles and ideals associated with classical Greek civilization30
135340529IrrigateTo bring water to a dry place in order to grow crops31
135331645IndispensableAbsolutely necessary Ex: Knowledge of the earth's major geographical features is indispensable for any understanding of world history. (B.43 )32
136773058Judeo-Christianin the shared tradition of Judaism and Christianity, or combining their common beliefs33
138076157Legitimatecomplying with recognized rules, standards, or traditions Ex: The Shinto Religion legitimated the emporers, declaring them descendants from the sun goddess. (B.64)34
135984242Metalworkingthe activity of making things out of metal in a skillful manner35
137059877Monarchyan autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority36
135984241Metallurgythe science or art of metals. It includes the study of their properties and structure, the separation and refining of metals from their ores, the production of alloys, and the shaping and treatment of metals by heat and rolling.37
138270627Mesoamerica"Middle America" the region extending from modern-day Mexico through Central America38
135340530NomadPerson who moves from place to place in search of food39
138709541Oligarchya political system governed by a few people40
135331646OceaniaRegion of the Pacific Ocean where Australia and New Zealand and hundreds of other islands are located.41
138045206ostensiblepresented as being true, or appearing to be true, but usually hiding a different motive or meaning Ex: Though, ostensibly, the exam was open to everyone, generally only the wealthy could afford to prepare for it.42
137801973overlorda ruler with overall power, usually over several subservient rulers, especially somebody who ruled over other lords in a feudal system43
135343121PrehistoricOf or relating to times before written history44
137862747Plebeianone of the ordinary citizens of ancient Rome as distinct from the patricians45
136517750polytheisticworshipping or believing in more than one god (C.95)46
137862748Patricianland-owning noble-men47
138340057Pantheonall the deities of a people or religion considered collectively Ex: Some civilizations developed elaborate pantheons of gods, each of whom had a distinct personality and function.48
135958789PastoralismA way of life that depends on raising livestock and living on its milk and meat49
138549114Propagateto spread an idea or custom to many people Ex: Paul of Tarsus originally was an extreme anti-Christian, who was converted by a vision of Christ and became a principle figure in propagatingthe new religion.50
138367634Practitionersomeone who practices a learned profession Ex: The Chinese, specifically during the Qin Dynasty, are the most notable practitioners or Legalism. (C.120)51
137960669paganismAny of the polytheistic religions of the Greco-Roman world, an umbrella term for ancient mediterranean religions other than Judaism and Christianity52
138518369Postulateto assume or suggest that something is true or exists, especially as the basis of an argument or theory Ex. In its earliest form, Buddhism potulates that souls evovle towards a spiritual perfection by means of samsara, the wheel of life. (B.85)53
138366873parablea short simple story intended to illustrate a moral or religious lesson Ex: Daoism is deliberately antirational, using parables to traint he worshipper to perceive the world in non-logical ways. (B.86)54
135340526PreindustrialFound in societies without sophisticated machine technology, where human and animal labor form the basis for economic production (no city moved past this stage until the Industrial Revolution).55
138544699Retributivedone as a penalty or punishment Ex: Among the ancient Hebrews, legal pratices operated on a retributive principle- an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth-that was common throughout the ancient Middle East. (B81)56
138711830republica political system or form of government in which people elect representatives to exercise power for them (All citizens get some role in government but not all citizens are not guaranteed an equal role)57
138338166Schisma major split within an established religious denomination, usually on the grounds of differences in belief or practice, leading to the setting up of a separate breakaway organization, or the offense of causing such a split58
138690252Stirrupa flat-bottomed metal ring hanging from a strap on each side of a horse's saddle to provide support for a rider's foot Ex: A major development in warfare, the stirrup, developed among the nomadic societies of Eurasia steppe. (C.124)59
136768129systematiccarried out in a methodical and organized manner60
138690253steppean extensive, usually treeless plain, often dry and grass-covered Ex: A major development in warfare, the stirrup, developed among the nomadic societies of Eurasia steppe. (C.124)61
138393428Sati RitualOnce a Hindu's husband died, the wife were required to throw themselves on the funeral pyres of their dead husbands.62
138347284salvationthe saving of somebody or something from harm, destruction, difficulty, or failure63
138721935Sanctionrefusing to trade with a society64
136094623scribesomeone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts Ex: Scribes used this form of writing to set down lawss and treaties. (C.95)65
138380582scriptureany writing that is regarded as sacred by a religious group66
138716467SerfdomSerf-holding societies, peasants were unfree. Serfs were not techincally slaves(more freesoms and protection), but were still bound to the land they lived on and unable to move or change profession with permission from the land's owner.67
138338167Secta subdivision of a larger religious group68
136775859representative governmentsystem of government in which public policies are made by officials selected by the voters and held accountable in periodic elections69
135340527TopographyThe surface features of a place or region. The topography of a region includes hills, valleys, streams, lakes, bridges, tunnels, and roads.70
138043360tributepayment made by one ruler or state to another as a sign of submission71
138378019tenetan established fundamental belief, especially one relating to religion or politics Ex: Though they knew social mobility within one lifetime was out of the question, they were confident that they would accomplish it at death if they lived according to the tenets of Hinduism. (C.121)72
138043361tributaryformerly, a person or nation that paid a monetary tribute to another73
138709542TheocracyA goverment dominated by a religious elite.74
138043362tributary systemA system in which, from the time of the Han Empire, courtiers in East and Southeast Asia not under the direct control of emperors based in China nevertheless enrolled as tributary states, acknowledging the superiority of the emperors in China in exchange for trading rights or strategic alliances75
135340528Viability(of living things) Capable of normal growth and development76
135983544Versatileable or meant to be used in many different ways Ex: As a tool-making material, metal is stronger and more versatile than stone77
136763797vassalsomebody who gave loyalty and homage to a feudal lord and received the right to occupy the lord's land and be protected by him78

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