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AP World History (Africa) Flashcards

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122540072How many languages and dialects does Sub-Saharan Africa have?about 2,0000
122540074Of what tribe are most of the people in Africa descendents from?Bantu1
122540076Obstacles to increasing the size of local populations and the number of workers were....Insect and animal borne diseases in sub-saharan regions2
122540080Describe the basic features of Sub-saharan societies.Small commnuties. The people hunted, herded, and had limited agriculture. Metal working & story telling abilities. Role of story telling in educating young people about moral values and religious beliefs were important.3
122540082Describe the art and culture in Africa.Carving & sculpture (especially wood and ivory) Metal sculptures, bronze and iron statures, detailed bronze, brass, and copper sculptures of head ornaments, animal figures, and relief pictures depicting court life.4
122540084Great Zimbabwe stood out because of its.......impressive stone buildings and walls.5
122540087What did Zimbabwe use for decortations on buildings?Coral6
122540088What were the professional story tellers called?Bards7
122540089What did the bards do?They chronicled history and social custom.8
122540090What is an animistic faith based on?The worship of the spirts of animals and ancestors.9
122540091Who penetrated to the south of Africa, capturing Africans and forcing them into bondage?Arabs from the Middle East10
122540092Some traders owned how many slaves apiece?more than 1,00011
122540093Traders spread the Islam faith through the......north and the west of Africa12
122540094What country had the great city of Timbuktu?Mali13
122540095Who was the major supplier of gold to the world economy?Ghana14
123136742Which two metals were more valuable than gold to the Africans?Iron and copper15
123136743What carried iron, copper, and copper alloy across the Sahara?Caravans16
123136745What was the cause of Ghana's immediate downfall?Muslim conquest17
123136747Name two powerful central African states.Kongo and Benin18
123136749Mutapa and Great Zimbabwe controlled 700 miles of the...Zambezi river basin19
123136750The height of Great Zimbabwe was in....1000-1400 C.E.20
123136751Describe Great Zimbabwe.It was a political and religious center. It was a great walled city that encircled 193 acres and consisted of 20,000 people.21
123136752When did Great Zimbabwe collapse?In the mid-to- late 1400's22
123136753In east Africa, what was traded the most along the Indian Ocean Trade network?Ivory and Slaves23
123136754African made goods were reaching China by the tenth and eleventh centuries by the means of....the Indian Ocean trade network24
123136755Describe the urban centers in the East African city states.About 40 of them were sprinkled along the 1,500 mile stretch of coast running from Mogadishu to the south. They were multi-ethnic & ruled by Arab sheiks (who were the leaders of rich mercantile familes)25
123136756Name four key cities in East Africa.Malindi, Mobasa, Sofala, and Zanzibar26
123136757East Africa was very diverse, containing native Africans of many types. Name a few.Arabs, Turks, and other Middle Easterners, along with Indians and others from South and Southeast Asia.27
123136758When did East Africa have a booming economy?1200 to 1500 C.E.28
123136759In what two parts of northeastern Africa was Christianity a dominant religion?Islamic Egypt and the Sudan29
123136760Which African country had a Christian Kingdom for many centuries?Ethiopia30
123136761What year did the Ethiopians visit Italy?130631
123136762When did Ethiopia become a Christian autocracy?In the 1500's32
123136763Describe Askia Mohammed (1493-1528 C.E.)He gained power by killing his uncle. He was a muslim and a skilled general who sponspered art and scholership. He expanded Songhai's bounderies greatly.33
123136764Describe Songhai.Prospered during most of the 1500's C.E. until its conquest by Morracco (1590)34
123136765Describe Kongo.Located in west central Africa. In the 1600-1700's, Kongo split into a number of smaller states.35
123136766What were west and central Africa rich in?Ivory, gold, foodstuffs, and animal hides.36
123136767When did the Europeans arrive on the African coast? Who was first?1400's, the Portuguese were first37
123136768What did the Europeans seek control over upon arriving?The gold and ivory trade networks38
123136769Describe the role of women in West and Central Africa.Mother, wife, and sisters of the chief would play an influential role in each group. Sometimes, women were involved in co-rulerships or even became chiefs themselves. Women sold surplus produce from their land and some administered the market system on a larger scale. Women's councils formed to administer the markets.39
123136770Who was Queen Nzinga?1582-1663 C.E. ruled the Mbundu people in what is now Angola.40
123136771Which cities were the ones to cooperate with the European slave trade?Oyo, Benin, Dahomey, Kongo, and the Asante kingdom.41
123136772Who founded the Asante Kingdom in 1680?Osei Tutu42
123136773The leaders of the Asante Kingdom sold gold and slaves in exchange for....muskets and gunpowder.43
123136774When did Dutch settlers arrive in Africa?165244
123136775What was the chief city of the Dutch?Cape Town45
123136776What were Boers? Describe them.(possible essay question)Dutch settlers. They enslaved the nearest African tribe, Xhosa. Many wars broke out between the Boers and Zulu. When the entire region came under British control (in the early 1800's), the boers continued to live there.46
123136777What was Vasco de Gama's jumping off point in 1498 to Calcult, India?the East African port of Malindi47
123136778The Portuguese conquered a chain of cities along the East African coast during the early 1500's. What did they turn them into, and give some examples.They turned them into colonies and garrisons. Some examples include Malindi, Kilwa, Sofala, Mozambique and Mombasa.48
123136779What was African culture's most dominant medium?Sculpture49
123136780Other characteristics of African culture include...masks & elaborate beadwork, wood carvings, sculpture, metal work, painting, woven basketry, and melded gold into elaborate swords of state, brightly colored wall paintings of holy events in churches.50
123136781Who was arcitecture influenced by?Arabs and Europe colonists who built fortresses and residents in East and West Africa51
123136782Desribe the orgins of the Atlantic Slave Trade.Portuguese began the process. The slave trade became a central part of the European economy. Starting in 1441 C.E. slaves were taken to Portugal and sold in Europe. (1,000 slaves per year)52
123136783What were the reasons for expansions of the Atlantic slave trade?There was an increase in demand for African slaves. Needed help planting, harvesting, and refining sugar.53
123136784When and where did the Portuguese begin usuing slaves on the sugar plantations?1490 C.E. / Sao Tome54
123136785What year did the Portuguese bring the first recorded shipment of slaves directly from Africa to the new world?1518 C.E.55
123136786What percentage of slaves went to Brazil?37%56
123136787What percentage of slaves went to Spanish America?15%57
123136788What was the destination for fully 41 percent of all slaves taken from Africa?the Caribbean58
123136789Southern colonies of North America recieved how much of all slaves?5%59
123136790Describe the Triangle Trade.European manufactured goods (metal ware, cotton textiles, processed alchol, firearms) would be bought to Africa and exchanged for gold, ivory, timber. Slaves were taken to the Americas and sold for hard cash or traded for goods.60
123136791Describe the scramble for Africa.In the late 19th century, the European imperial powers engaged in a major territorial scramble and occupied most of the continent, creating many colonial territories. Egypt and Sudan were never formally incorporated into any European colonial empire; however, Egypt was effectivly under British administration (until 1922) after the British occupation of 1882.61
123136792Which two African states were left fully independent?Ethiopia (Abyssinia) and Liberia62
123136793What was the Berlin Conference?an important event in the political future of African ethnic groups. Held in 1884-1885. Attended by the European powers that laid claim to African territories. It sought to bring an end to the scramble for Africa by European powers by agreeing on political division and spheres of influence.63
123136794Who convened the Berlin Conference?King Leopold 11 of Belguim64
123136795How many soverign countries make up Africa today?5465
123136796What happened to African states since colonialism?They have frequently been hampered by instablilty, corruption,violence, and authoritarianism. Most of them are republics that operate under some form of the presidential system of rule. However few of them have been able to sustain democratic governments on a permanent basis. Many of cycled through a series of coups, producting military dictatorships.66
123136797Imperial rule by Europeans wcontinued until...after the conclusion of WWII67
123136798What was the result of marginilization of ethnic groups and graft under these leaders?Great instability68
123136799During the 1970's and 1980's, who ruled many nations in Africa and was percieved as being the only group that could effectively maintain order?The military69
123136800In the early 1960's ato the late 1980's Africa had more than ____coups and ____ presidential assasinations.70, 1370
123136801What was common with the European imposed borders of many nations being widely contested through armed conflicts?Border and territorial disputes71
123136802What has been a threat to international shipping since the second phase of the Somali Civil War in the early 21st century?Piracy72
123136803What has piracy contributed to?an increase in shipping costs and impeded the delivery of food aid shipments.73

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