13653445809 | Paleolithic Period | the era of prehistory that lasted from at least 2 million B.C. to about 9000 B.C.; also called the Old Stone Age | 0 | |
13653447580 | Foraging Societies | Nomadic, small communities and population, no political system, economic distribution is more equal ---hunter-gahterer clans ---climate change, disease, famine, and natural disasters could endanger or eliminate entire communities | 1 | |
13653453795 | Pastorial Socieites | domestication of animals, often found in mountainous regions and in areas with sufficient rainfall to support other types of settlement ---small-scale agriculture such as eggs or milk ---women had few rights; still, these societies were far more egalitarian than the ones to come in the near future | 2 | |
13653482363 | The Neolithic Revolution | The switch from nomadic lifestyles to a settled agricultural lifestyle is this revolution. ---the Agricultural Revolution ---as people figured out how to cultivate plants and domesticate animals, they were finally able to say at one place, as long as there was soil and a stable source of water --- | 3 | |
13653517297 | Effects of the Agricultural Revolution | ---Food surplus ---the rise of leisure ---arts begin to develop ---gender norms ---trading quality for quantity when it comes to food and nutrition ---social classes ---division of labor and specialization of labor ---social stratification ---conflicts over land ---rise of religion ---the beginning of CIVILIZATION ---the invention of irrigation techniques ---environmental degradation | 4 | |
13653539802 | Bronze Age | The Bronze Age is a historical period characterized by the use of bronze, and in some areas proto-writing, and other early features of urban civilization | 5 | |
13653555328 | River Valleys | Centers of early civilization because they contained rich fertile soils from annual floods, rivers that helped for transportation. Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Indus, etc. ---in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China | 6 | |
13653557798 | Mesopotamia | A region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that developed the first urban societies. In the Bronze Age this area included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires, In the Iron Age, it was ruled by the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian empires. *part of the Fertile Crescent *unpredictable flooding of the rivers -- made people see the world as a bad place and the gods as - bad-wishing and injust *under constant treath of invadors due to its geographical location | ![]() | 7 |
13654001230 | Sumer | The first major Mesopotamian civilization which rose in the southern part of Mesopotamia; it is characterized by successful agriculture and river management, a form of writing known as CUNEIFORM; enhanced trade by the introduction of the wheel; development of the calendar and a mathematical system based on units of sixty (60 sec, 360 degrees).; used geometry *Sumerians were polytheistic | ![]() | 8 |
13654026584 | Ziggurats | Sumerian temples built to appease the gods | ![]() | 9 |
13654055362 | Babylon | The largest and most important city in Mesopotamia. It achieved particular eminence as the capital of the king Hammurabi in the eighteenth century B.C.E. and the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth century B.C.E. (p. 29) *Babylon was a key kingdom in ancient Mesopotamia from the 18th to 6th centuries BC. The city was built on the Euphrates river and divided in equal parts along its left and right banks, with steep embankments to contain the river's seasonal floods. | 10 | |
13654032837 | Code of Hammurabi | A collection of 282 laws that dealt with every part of daily life. It distinguished between major and minor offenses and it established a sense of justice and fairness by applying the laws to nearly everyone (set the beginning of "rule of law"). *One of the first (but not THE first) examples of written law in the ancient world. | 11 | |
13654075153 | Hitties | group of people who lived in modern-day Turkey and northern Syria, invaded Babylon and became a military power due to their profficiency in using iron | 12 | |
13654035619 | Babylon | Babylon was a key kingdom in ancient Mesopotamia from the 18th to 6th centuries BC. The city was built on the Euphrates river and divided in equal parts along its left and right banks, with steep embankments to contain the river's seasonal floods | 13 | |
13654003056 | Polytheism | Belief in many gods | 14 | |
13654003057 | Monotheism | Belief in one God | 15 | |
13654092882 | Assyrians | The Assyrians are people who lived in the Middle East since ancient times and today can be found all over the world. In ancient times their civilization was centered at the city of Assur (also called Ashur), the ruins of which are located in what is now northern Iraq. *strong brutal army *many people sent into exile -- cultural diffusion *later defeated by the Medes and Chaldeans | 16 | |
13654101949 | Nebuchadnezzar | A Babylonian king who conquered Jerusalem, and built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon | 17 | |
13654105330 | Persian Empire | Mesopotamian empire that conquered the existing Median, Lydian, and Babylonian empires, as well as Egypt and many others. Also known as the Achaemenid Empire. | ![]() | 18 |
13654113676 | The Code of Hammurabi and the Use of Iron are two Continuities | Continuities | 19 | |
13654118383 | Egyptian Civilization | Egyptian civilization emerged in northern Africa along the Nile River by about 3000 B.C.E. It benefited from trade and influences from Mesopotamia, but it also produced its own distinct social structures and cultural expressions. Unlike Mesopotamia, Egyptian civilization featured very durable and centralized institutions. Mathematical achievements and impressive architectural structures also characterized Egyptian civilization. *rich soil *the Nile flooded in predictable times helping ancient Egyptians follow a very predictable agricultural cycle and compile substantial food surpluses *good well-wishing gods *polytheism *interested in astronomy *became dependent on trade since the civilization needed a constant supply on timber and stone *King Menes -- had Memphis as capital *Nubia -- a region along the Nile river encompassing the area between Aswan in southern Egypt and Khartoum in central Sudan. It was the seat of one of the earliest civilizations of ancient Africa, with a history that can be traced from at least 2500 BC onward with the Kerma culture. | ![]() | 20 |
13654183141 | Pharaohs | The most powerful people in ancient Egypt. The pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles: 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple'. As 'Lord of the Two Lands' the pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. *gods themselves | ![]() | 21 |
13654224144 | Mummification | A process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying; since Egyptians beleived in afterlife and using one's body and belongings in a future life, they often mummificated the rich pharaohs | 22 | |
13654192723 | Pyramids | Huge stone tombs with four triangle-shaped walls that met in a point on top; goes with the idea about the afterlife | ![]() | 23 |
13654221284 | Hieroglyphics | Egyptian writing system | 24 | |
13654232473 | Egyptian Women | were in charge of household and education of children; had more rights than women in Mesopotamia. During the New Kingdom, women could have control over their property and had the right to dissolve their marriages under certain circumstances. | 25 | |
13654233594 | Egyptian Female Rulers | Queen Hatshesput ruled the New Kingdom for 22 years to expand trade | 26 | |
13654254775 | Egyptian Social Structure | -Pharaoh and royal family -govt. officials, priests, scribes, military leaders, landowners and doctors -artisans, craftspeople, merchants -peasant farmers -slaves | ![]() | 27 |
13654296476 | Yet, by 1110 B.C.E., Ancient Egypt fell into decline and both the Assyrian Empire and the Persian Empire conquered parts of this one-great civilization. Later, the Greeks occupied Egypt and the Romans compleately absorbed Egypt into their empire. | Decline of Anceint Egypt | 28 | |
13654321461 | Both Eqypt and Mesopotamia got too big to be able to efficiently govern their territories. Same with the Greeks and Romans. | Decline of civilizations: a Similarity | 29 | |
13654296477 | Indus Valley Civilization | Built along the banks of a river system. However, due to the huge mountains north and west of the Indus River, contact with outside civilizations was more limited than in Mesopotamia, which was under continual threat by invaders. *The Khyber Pass provided a connection to the outside world and was used by merchants on trade excursions. *Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were two of its biggest cities with sophisticated wastewater systems *the civilization crumbled with the arrival of the Aryans | ![]() | 30 |
13654393602 | Aryans | Nomadic tribes from the north of the Caucasus Mountains who used horses and advanced weaponry to defeat the populations in the Indus Valley. So, they settled and established their Caste System and, with their polytheistic beliefs, set the beginning of Hinduism. *they recorded their beliefs in the Vedas and the Upanishads | 31 | |
13654399637 | Caste System | A Hindu social class system that controlled every aspect of daily life, still present in today's society | ![]() | 32 |
13654447825 | Shang on the Hwang | Shang China rose in the Hwang Ho River Valley (aka the Yellow River Valley) and used its stable agricultural surplus to create a trade-centered civilization. *militarily powerful *so isolated that they beleived they were the center of the world *first Chinese dynasty | 33 | |
13655632575 | Patriarchy | The eldest male leads the family | 34 | |
13655634722 | Zhou Dynasty | The longest lasting Chinese dynasty, during which the use of iron was introduced. *feudal system in China - the king was the ruler of the entire empire, but because it was too big to manage, nobles were given power over smaller areas within the empire; however, a number of those nobles built up a lot of wealth and power within the empire and split off into independent kingdoms *Mandate of Heaven - heaven grants the Zhou power only as long as its rulers governed justly and wisely; the Zhou would remain in power only as long as it had the blessing of heaven *in 205 B.C.E., fighting and warfare among the feudal kingdoms brought an end to the Zhou dynasty | 35 | |
13655736587 | Mandate of Heaven | a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source *similar to the Egyptian concept that the pharaohs were gods -- prevents peasant uprisings | 36 | |
13655773257 | Bureaucracy | a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives. | 37 | |
13655940833 | Bantu | A major African language family. Collective name of a large group of sub-Saharan African languages and of the peoples speaking these languages. Famous for migrations throughout central and southern Africa. | 38 | |
13662240759 | Bantu Migrations | farmers and herders who migrated south and spread language and skills-1000BC - 1000 A.D. *settled into areas previously inhabited by nomads *brought around their knowledge of agriculture and metallurgy | ![]() | 39 |
13654274598 | Yet, by 1110 B.C.E., Ancient Egypt fell into decline and both the Assyrian Empire and the Persian Empire conquered parts of this once-great civilization. Later, the Greeks occupied Egypt and the Romans completely absorbed Egypt into their empire. | Decline of Egypt | 40 | |
13654026585 | Just like in ancient Greece, each Sumerian state had its own god to be worshipped by the memebers of this city; there were also gods that all the city-states worshipped collectively | Greece and Sumer | 41 | |
13662309500 | Olmec | the first Mesoamerican civilization, that lived in the rain forest of Mexico's Gulf Coast *an urban society supported by the surpluses of corn, beans, and squash; *mastered irrigation techniques and built large-scale buildings *polytheistic *developed a system of writing and a calendar ***did not develop in a river civilization | 42 | |
13662313247 | Chavin | the first major South American civilization, which flourished in the highlands of what is now Peru from about 900 to 200 B.C. *urban civilization *had access to the coast and ate a lot of seafood *agriculture ***did not develop in a river civilization | 43 | |
13662374168 | Olmec and the Chavin | Latin American civilization did not develop in a river civilization | 44 | |
13662384718 | Technology and Innovatons to 600 B.C.E. | Farming tools, metallurgy, and the ability to manipulate the environment caused humans to transition from nomadic hunters and gatherers to builders of civilizations and empires in this 10, 000-year period. *ploughs *hoes *rakes *wheels (the cart) *pottery in which to store food surplus for the off-season *copper was one of the first metals used *irrigations *plumbing *massive architectural achievements - ziggurats, walls, temples, aqueducts, coliseums, theathers, stadiums, and roads *trade based on luxury items such as silk, cotton, wool, semi-precious gems, jewery, olive oil, spices. | 45 | |
13662464485 | Changes and Continuities in the Role of Women | The role of women became more important. She was reposnible for the "gathering" part of the hunting-and-gathering euqation. *raising children *the socialization of their children *spread of religion, values, and beliefs *lawgivers *counselors *storytellers *healers, shamans, magicians | 46 | |
13662516386 | Sources of Change | Conquest and Trade | 47 | |
13662926074 | The Mauryan Empire | Arose around 321 B.C.E in India to become the largest empire *founded by Chandragupta Maurya who united smaller Aryan kingdoms into a civilization *Ashoka Maurya -- took the empire to its greatest heights *trade (silk, cotton, elephants) *Buddhism | ![]() | 48 |
13666383368 | Ashoka | Leader of the Mauryan dynasty of India who conquered most of India but eventually gave up violence and converted to Buddhism. *Buddhism *Rock and Pillar Edicts | ![]() | 49 |
13666386084 | Rock and Pillar Edicts | laws written by Ashoka reminding Mauryans to live generous and righteous lives | 50 | |
13666395865 | The Gupta Dynasty | A more decentralized and smaller than the Mauryan Empire, yet it also is a "golden age" since it enjoyed relative peace and saw significant advances in the arts and sciences *the concept of pi and zero *Arabic numerals -- numbers 1 through 9 *Hinduism *Women were increasingly losing their rights -- child marriage and no right to study religion and possess control over property | ![]() | 51 |
13666556171 | The Warring States Period | The Warring States period was an era in ancient Chinese history characterized by warfare, as well as bureaucratic and military reforms and consolidation. | 52 | |
13666468759 | Qin Dynasty | The Qin dynasty was the first dynasty of Imperial China, lasting from 221 to 206 BC. Named for its heartland in Qin state, the dynasty was founded by Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of Qin. *Qin Shi Huang - the dynasty's first emperor, who recentralized various feudal kingdoms; standardized all laws, currencies, weights, measures, and systems of writing *The Great Wall of China *A strong economy based on agriculture, an organized powerful army equipped with iron weapons. *burning of books if they opposed the emperor *patriarchal *Legalism | ![]() | 53 |
13666545252 | Legalism | A Chinese philosophy that was devoted to strengthen and expand the state through increased agricultural work and military service. *burning of books *military strength *punishments | 54 | |
13666577786 | Daoism | A philosophical system developed by of Lao-Tzu and Chuang-Tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events *no need for education *focus on oneself, staying aside from political life and society *yoga, meditation | 55 | |
13666573516 | Confucionism | the system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucious and his disciple, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct. *focus on education, society | 56 | |
13666568929 | Han Dynasty: The Xiongnu | (202 BCE-220 CE) This dynasty continued the centralization of the Qin Dynasty but focused on Confucianism and education instead of Legalism. *Confucianism *The Civil Service System - based on the teachings of Confucianism -- those in the government should be highly educated and excellent communicators *Civil Service Examination - a difficult test lasting for several days (open to everyone, yet only the wealthy could afford it) *Wudi - Warrior Emperor - greatly enlarged the Han Empire to central Asia *trade thrived along the Silk Road, same with the spread of Buddhism *the Silk Road carried disease, religion, goods, and cultures | ![]() | 57 |
13666638615 | The Silk Road | An ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea extending some 6,440 km (4,000 mi) and linking China with the Roman Empire. Marco Polo followed the route on his journey to Cathay. *silk | ![]() | 58 |
13666726983 | Sub-Saharan Trade | This trade connected to the Indian Ocean trade along the eastern coast of Africa, which in turn connected the people of sub-Saharan Africa to trade centers in Cairo and India | 59 | |
13666771800 | The Persian Empire | Greatest empire in the world up to 500 BCE. Spoke an Indo-European language. A multi-ethnic and multi-religious empire. Fell to Alexander the Great. *satraps - the local governors who helped the emperor control small territories from the massive empire (known as satrapies) *****had to pay taxes and contribute soldiers to the Great King in return to self-government *the Great Royal Road - the longest road that improved communication across the Persian Empire (one of many roads that the Persians built) | ![]() | 60 |
13669084963 | Lydians | -Occupied western Asia Minor (500s B.C.) -Their culture reached its zenith under King Croesus (Golden King) -Were responsible for the first coinage of money *came up with the concept of using coined money to conduct trade rather than using the barter system (in which goods are exchanged for other goods) | ![]() | 61 |
13669099376 | Pheonicians | Lived in the area of Palestine along the Mediterranean coast, created their own alphabet. *established important powerful naval city-states all along the Mideterrenian *Pheonician alphabet | 62 | |
13669109557 | Hebrews | Believed in Judasim; also known as the Jews, who were monotheistic. *Established Isreal, and even though they were frequently invaded, they managed to keep their cultural identities | 63 | |
13669157663 | Ancient Greece | A civilization that lasted from the 8th/6th century BCE to 600 AD. Immediately following this period was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine Era. Because of conquests by Alexander the Great of Macedonia, Hellenistic civilization flourished from Central Asia to the western end of the Mediterranean Sea. *Classical Greek culture, especially philosophy, had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire, which carried a version of it to many parts of the Mediterranean Basin and Europe, for which Classical Greek is generally considered to be the seminal culture which provided the foundation of modern Western culture. *separated into city-states, known as polis, which shared a common culture and identity *each polis was a part of a broader civilization and shared a common language and many similar traditions, each was independent from, and often in conflict with, the others (very similar to the early Mesopotamian civilizations of Sumer or Babylon) *the two main city-states were Athens and Sparta | ![]() | 64 |
13669282845 | Polis | Greek city-state which shared a common culture and identity; each polis was a part of a broader civilization and shared a common language and many similar traditions, each was independent from, and often in conflict with, the others (very similar to the early Mesopotamian civilizations of Sumer or Babylon) *Members of the polis were separated into 3 groups: 1. Citizens, composed of adult males, often engaged in business or commerce 2. Free people with no political rights 3. Noncitizens (slaves - 1/3 of the population) | 65 | |
13669257208 | Athens | One of the two main city-states in Ancient Greece; it was the political, commercial, and cultural center of Ancient Greece *often regarded as the first democracy, a democracy created buy Draco and Solon | 66 | |
13669260873 | Sparta | One of the two main city-states in Ancient Greece; it was an agricultural and highly militaristic region *most citizens in Sparta lived a very austere, highly disciplined existnace *military traineing *greater equality for women | 67 | |
13669319638 | The Persian Wars | A series of wars between the Greeks (mainly Athens) and the Persians in which the Greeks were usually victorious. *they united all the Greek city-states agains the mutual enemy, Perisa *much of Athens was destroyed *two huge victories for the Greeks - at Marathon and Salamis - the Greeks maintained controll over the Aegean Sea *With Persia held back, Greece was free to enter into an era of peace and prosperity, which is often called the Golden Age of Pericles | 68 | |
13669755756 | The Golden Age of Pericles | Under the leader of Pericles, Athens became a cultural power. He established democracy for all adult males and rebuilt the destruction caused by the Persian Wars. *Delian League was established *philosophy and the fathers of rational thiking, Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato, who believed that truth could be discerned through rational thought and deliberate and careful observation, and that virtue and the quest for goodness would lead to internal peace and happiness *art flourished *Greek drama was dominated by the comedy and tragedies of Aeschylus and Euripides *sculptures *Illiad and the Odyssey | 69 | |
13669350305 | The Golden Age of Pericles | Fifth-century Athens is the Greek city-state of Athens in the time from 480-404 BC. This was a period of Athenian political hegemony, economic growth and cultural flourishing formerly known as the Golden Age of Athens with the later part The Age of Pericles. | 70 | |
13670420624 | Peloponnesian War | Sparta vs. Atens; Athens tried to hide behind its defensive walls; yet, a great plague killed many and then the navy suffered a devastating defeat at Syracuse on the island of Sicily Sparta did not destroy Athens out of pure respect for the defeated city's former role in the Persian War *The Macedonians invaded Athens and encouraged Greek culture to flourish | 71 | |
13712675911 | The Macedonians | a group of people who lived in Macedonia and were grouped into tribes. They were referred to as barbarians by the Greeks (whom they conquered with Philip II and united all polises into a country). | 72 | |
13712682341 | Alexander the Great | son of Philip II; received military training in Macedonian army and was a student of Aristotle; great leader; conquered many lands in Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, and Mesopotamia; his goal was to conquer the known world *died at the age of 33 | 73 | |
13712702768 | Hellenism | Greek culture spread across western Asia and northeastern Africa after the conquests of Alexander the Great. The period ended with the fall of the last major Hellenistic kingdom to Rome, but Greek cultural influence persisted until the spread of Islam. | 74 | |
13712714853 | Ancient Rome | A civilization that began on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BCE. During its 12 centuries of existence, Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy to a classical republic and then to an increasingly autocratic empire. Through conquest and assimilation, it came to dominate Southern and Western Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa, and parts of Northern and Eastern Europe. Ancient Roman society has contributed to modern government, law, politics, engineering, art, literature, and society. It achieved impressive technological and architectural feats, such as the construction of an extensive system of aqueducts and roads, as well as large monuments, palaces, and public facilities. *Republic made of the Senate (patrician families) and the Assembly (made of patricians and plebeians) *patriarchy *slavery; yet, slaves had the opportunity to gain their freedom | ![]() | 75 |
13712734790 | Patricians | The wealthy, hereditary aristocrats during the Roman era. | 76 | |
13712731115 | Plebians | Members of the lower class of Ancient Rome including farmers, merchants, artisans and traders | 77 | |
13712771335 | Twelve Tables of Rome | Roman civil laws to protect individual rights (similar to the Bill of Rights). The laws of Rome were codified (similar to Hammurabi's code) and the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" originated there | 78 | |
13712816733 | Punic Wars | A series of three wars between Rome and Carthage (264-146 B.C.); resulted in the destruction of Carthage and Rome's dominance over the western Mediterranean. First Punic War - Romans gained control over the island of Sicily Second Punic War - Hannibal and his army rode elephants Third Punic War - Rome invaded Carthage and burned it to the ground to continue its expansion throughout the Mediterranean | ![]() | 79 |
13712859503 | Collapse of Rome | 1. The country got too big to be able to control all its territories 2. Restlessness and use of more slaves 3. Inflation 4. Political unrest and weakening of the Senate | 80 | |
13712879036 | The First Triumvirate | Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar *Caeser had power over Gaul and later became an "emperor for life" until his assassination | ![]() | 81 |
13712910933 | Pax Romana | A period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180. | 82 | |
13712936385 | When a major empire expands its territories, it become the center of cultural and artisitc progress. Much wealth flows into the country. This happened in Rome, Greece, Gupta India, and Han China. | Similarities | 83 | |
13712936387 | Christianity | *grew out of Judaism A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior. *was largely persecuted by the Roman Empire until Emperor Constantine got baptized and issues the Edict of Milan in 313 C.E. | 84 | |
13712972225 | Mayan Civilization | American civilization located in Central America that saw its height from 200-900 CE. *A collection of city-states *Tikal - an important Mayan political center *Wrote with hieroglyphics *A complex calendar system *Cosmos divided into three parts: the cosmos, the humans in the middle, and the underworld *Humans created out of maize and water *Sacrifice and rituals *Warfare was combined with religious significance *Slaves and peasants *Merchants enjoyed a high status *Elaborate cotton techniques | ![]() | 85 |
13713040368 | Collapse of the Mayans | Disease, drought, declining health, political unrest or warfare in the ninth century C.E. | 86 | |
13713054549 | Collapse of Han China | The dynasty was interrupted by the reign of Wang Mang who established the Xin Dynastry and using the Mandate of HEaven to undermine the ruling family. *chaos and economic instablitliy *persistant famines *devastating floods along the Yellow River *increasing prices of commodity goods | 87 | |
13713090154 | Collapse of the Gupta Empire | It was invaded by the Huns -- yet much of the Indian culture and religion persisted. | 88 | |
13713104507 | Collapse of the Western Roman Empire | *Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into two parts *Civil War *Constantine ordered the building of Constantinople to become the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire *tax revolts by upper class and church exempt from taxes *decrease in trade *epidemic | 89 | |
13713134887 | Zoroastrianism | system of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster noun *the Sassanid Persian Empire with its powerful military *the constant struggle between good and bad | 90 | |
13713165046 | The Silk Road | Rose under Genghis Khan and his violent rule and smart militaristic ideas Conquered from China to Poland in less than 50 years The biggest empire known to man. The Golden Horde -- the violent army Pax Mongolica eventually came in as the Mongols did not enforce thier culture on others. Similar to Pax Sinica and Pax Romana. Genghis Khan established the first pony express and postal system and gave tax breaks to teachers and clerics within his empire. ***The Mongols were diffusers of culture | ![]() | 91 |
13713206488 | Technology and Innovations from 600 B.C.E to 600 C.E | Improved farming technology, new weapons, the stirrup, new means of communication and record keeping The 365 day Mayan calendar Windmills in China and distillation of alcohol | 92 | |
13713243050 | Role of Women | They lost their power as people and their role in society became more limited. In difference to lower class women, upper class women did not work. In Daoism, Buddhism, and Christianity, women were seen as equals to men. Many became nuns. Hinduism and Confucionism were far more restrictive and structured. | 93 | |
13713306377 | Confucionism | Ren - humanity, kindness, benevolence Li - courtesy, respect, deference to elders Xiao - filial piety, respect for family obligations | 94 | |
13713342607 | Hinduism | the religion that believes in Karma. The leaders are called Brahmans. They believed in a main god called Branhman. This religion was formed around 1500 b.c! caste system Brahma - the creator Vishnu - the preserver Shiva - the destroyer The life goal of Hindus is to merge with Brahma, Reincarnation and karma. Dharma | 95 | |
13713366450 | Buddhism | *Came from Hindusim *Four Noble Truths : 1. all life is suffering 2. suffering is caused by desire 3. one can be freed of this desire 4. one is freed of desire by following what's called the Eightfold Path *After the death of the Buddha, Buddhism spread into two large movements; Theravada (Hinayana -- meditation and simplicity) and Mahayana 9Buddha becoems a godlike deity) *In Mahayana Buddhism, bodhisattvas - deities who achieved nirvana but chose to remain on Earth *Due to its wide rejection of social hierarchies and castes, it appealed greatly to the lower classes and women (very much like Christianity), | 96 | |
13713454681 | Judaism | A religion with a belief in one god. It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. Yahweh was responsible for the world and everything within it. They preserved their early history in the Old Testament. | 97 | |
13713462782 | Confucionism, Hindusim, and Judaism | Although Hinduism is a polytheistic religion and Judaism is monotheistic, all closely tied to culture and therefore did not seek to convert the rest of the world. Strict belief systems. | 98 | |
13713493402 | Islam | A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims. *Five Pillars of Islam *Qu'ran *jihad - struggle *Shia vs. Sunni *thocracy and caliphate | 99 | |
13713525298 | Umayyad Dynasty | An Islamic Dynasty based on succession rather than election following the first period of caliphates. Continued advances in the kingdom, venturing as far as China in the East. Fell apart in 750 CE due to internal tensions. *A period of immense cultural and religious growth *Damascus is the new capital *Subjects were encouraged ti convert to Islam * | ![]() | 100 |
13718136542 | Charles Martel | A Christian leader who stopped the Muslim advance in its tracks as Muslim armies tried to advance towards Paris *found the Carolingian Dynasty | 101 | |
13718136543 | Dome of the Rock | a shrine in Jerusalem, located on the Temple Mount, which houses the spot where Muslims believe Muhammad rose into heaven and where Jews believe Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac to God | ![]() | 102 |
13718142040 | Abbasid Dynasty | From 750-1258 this was the 3rd dynasty of the Islamic Caliphate. They built their capital in Baghdad after overthrowing the Umayyad caliphate. *golden age -- the arts and sciences flourished *capital Baghdad *trade *overthrown by the Mongols | ![]() | 103 |
13718160626 | Muhhamad al-Razi | A Muslim who published a massive medical encyclopedia | 104 | |
13718182383 | The Muslims, like the Romans and the Mongols, were also toldernat of the lical customs of the areas they conquered | Yet, Christians and Jews very persecuted in the Levant | 105 | |
13718189469 | Sufis | mystical Muslim group that believed they could draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, & simple life *great missionaries | 106 | |
13718211075 | Because of the Koran, women became to be treated with more dignity, had some legal rights, and were considered equal before Allah. The infanticide was also strictly forbidden. Yet, men were allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Women, on the other hand, had to be faithful to only one man. Women's testimonies in court did not matter and women had to veil themselves. | Women and Islam | 107 | |
13718260111 | Middle Ages | The period after the fall of Rome and before the Renaissance; ended somewhen in the 11th century *construction of cathedrals in Romanesque style and then in the Gothic style to draw worshippers to God --- churches became arenas of art | 108 | |
13718274568 | Byzantine Empire | The Eastern half of the Roman Empire; A lot more centralized and organized; practiced Orthodox Christianity. *patriarchs | 109 | |
13718305713 | Justinian | A ruler of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 C.E. who restored the former glory of the Roman Empire in Constantinople. He wanted to reconquer the lost provinces of the western half of the Roman Empire. He did extend the empire's territories, yet not to the extent he wanted. *Justinian Code -- a codification of Roman Code which kept Ancient Roman legal principles alive *flourishing of the arts and sciences *Hagia Sophia was built | 110 | |
13718346913 | Franks | A German tribe that united under the leadership of King Clovis in the late 5th century. He built a rather large empire that stretched from present-day Germany to France. He converted to Christianity. | 111 | |
13718855905 | Battle of Tours | Marked the victory of the Frankish and Burgundian forces under Charles Martel over the invasion forces of the Umayyad Caliphate led by Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus. | 112 | |
13718909938 | Charlemagne | Charles the Great; revitalized the concept of the empire in Western Europe; built the Holy Roman Empire (Northern Italy, Germany, Belgium, and France) *lack of heavy taxation -- he failed to build a strong and united empire *feudalism A strong focus on arts and education and much effort centered in the monasteries under the direction of the church *upon his death, the treaty of Verdun divided his empire among his three grandsons | 113 | |
13718953836 | Vikings | any of the Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th-11th centuries. *had an enormous influence on England, particularly on the English language *raided the Catholic monasteries *merchants and fishermen who developed some of the earliest commercial fisheries in northern Europe *Christianity | 114 | |
13718953837 | Magyars | a member of a people who originated in the Urals and migrated westward to settle in what is now Hungary in the 9th century AD. | 115 | |
13719082131 | Feudalism | the European political, economic, and political structure of the Middle Ages. At the top -- a king Beneath him -- the nobles (granted power over sections of the kingdom in exchange for military service and loyalty to the king) Vassals -- mini nobles *The real estates granted to the vassals were called fiefs (manors) Peasants (serfs) -- worked the land and had few rights *women's education was limited to domestic skills *a man's world | 116 | |
13719111015 | Code of Chivalry | a code of behavior that governed the aspect of all knights behavior (feudalism) ---condemned betrayal and promoted mutual respect | 117 | |
13719095443 | Agricultural Surpluses | Enabled both the Ancient Civilizations and the Middle Ages to build cities, which then made it possible to form complicated institutions and promote the arts and sciences | 118 | |
13719086522 | Three Field System | A rotational system for agriculture in which one field grows grain, one grows legumes, and one lies fallow. It gradually replaced the two-field system in medieval Europe. | 119 | |
13719173988 | Primogeniture | When a lord dies, his money and title pass down to his eldest son | 120 | |
13719173989 | Serfs | Peasants who were bound to the land where they worked for a lord and had very little rights; became self-sufficient and learned how to keep the manor going | 121 | |
13719190547 | Banking Began in Europe | Somewhen towards the end of the Middle Ages to lead to the emergence of the "middle class" made up of urban craftsmen and merchants; lured many to come to the cities to make money or learn new skills. | 122 | |
13719212224 | Burghers | Merchant class town dwellers who became highly influencial and politically powerful | 123 | |
13719220865 | Hanseatic League | An economic and defensive alliance of the free towns in northern Germany, founded about 1241 and most powerful in the fourteenth century. *controlled trade in northern Europe *increased social mobility | ![]() | 124 |
13719292421 | Thomas Aquinas | (Roman Catholic Church) Italian theologian and Doctor of the Church who is remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology *Summa Theologica -- both reason and faith are gifts from God and therefore never in conflict | 125 | |
13719271182 | Crusades | A series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule. | 126 | |
13719323179 | The Bubonic Plague | The Black Death; originated in China and spread around via the Silk Road; killed around 35 million people; more than a third of Europe's population died; its dramatic effects sped up social and economic changes and led to a shift towards commercial economy, more individual freedoms, and development of new industries | 127 | |
13719826372 | Interregnum | in Germany; an interval between reigns; gap in continuity | 128 | |
13719835870 | William the Conqueror | an English king who began the practice of feudalism in England | 129 | |
13719884429 | King Hugh Capet | king of France (987-96), first of the Capetians; son of Hugh the Great; he gave away much of his land to secure the dynasty. He spent much of his reign fighting Charles and later became involved in a controversy with the papacy—unsettled at his death—over deposition of the Carolingian archbishop of Reims | 130 | |
13719860861 | Magna Carta | a document which reinstated the feudal rights of the growing burgher class, laying the foundation for the Parliament and divided into two houses: the House of Lords (nobles and clergy) and the House of Commons (knights and wealthy burghers). | 131 | |
13719889503 | Joan of Arc | French heroine and military leader inspired by religious visions to organize French resistance to the English and to have Charles VII crowned king; claimed to have heard voices that told her to liberate France from the hands of England -- the French authorities supplied her with military backing | 132 | |
13719909905 | Hundred Years' War | War between France and Britain, lasted 116 years, mostly a time of peace, but it was punctuated by times of brutal violence (1337 to 1453) *over the successor of the French throne *a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 by the House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against the French House of Valois, over the right to rule the Kingdom of France. Each side drew many allies into the war *the French won | ![]() | 133 |
13719950298 | Wars of the Roses | The Wars of the Roses were a series of English civil wars for control of the throne of England fought between supporters of two rival branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: the House of Lancaster, associated with a red rose, and the House of York, whose symbol was a white rose. | ![]() | 134 |
13719953058 | Queen Isabella | Queen of Castile in Spain, she helped complete the Reconquista. She and her husband Ferdinand banned Islam and forced all Jews in Spain to become Christian or leave. She also helped pay for the voyages of Christopher Columbus. *married Ferdinand of Aragon to unite all Spanish kingdoms | 135 | |
13719969636 | Spanish Inquisition | A program ordered by the Spanish monarchy to investigate and eliminate heresy in the kingdom. *The Spanish Inquisition. In 1478, the Catholic Monarchs began the famous Inquisition to purify Catholicism in all their territories. The Inquisition was established to act as a tribunal to identify heretics and bring them to justice. *established a tradition of religious coercion in the late medieval Western church that was inherited by both Catholics and Protestants in the 16th century. | 136 | |
13720001972 | Tataras | A group of Mongols from the east that ruled a big chunck of Russia for two centuries, leading to a cultural rift that further split eastern and Western Europe | 137 | |
13720040677 | Rise of Russia | By the 14th century, Mongol power started to decine and the Russian princes of Muscovy grew in power. By the late 1400s, Ivan III had expanded much of the Muscovy territory into much of modern-day Russia and declared himself czar, the Russian word for emperor. By the mid 1500s, Ivan the Terrible had centralized power over the entire Russian sphere, ruling ruthlessly and using the secret police against his own nobles. | 138 | |
13720088722 | Tang Dynasty | (618-907 CE) The Chinese dynasty that was much like the Han, who used Confucianism. This dynasty had the equal-field system, a bureaucracy based on merit, and a Confucian education system. *Emperor Xuanzong who expanded Chinese territory into parts of Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, and Korea. Yet, the empire became too big to maintain and the locals gained power. *Poetry to tell about daily life *BUDDHISM *Tribute System -- neighboring countries to pay respect to China and acknowledge its supremacy | 139 | |
13720085370 | Song Dynasty | (960-1279 CE) The Chinese dynasty that placed much more emphasis on civil administration, industry, education, and arts other than military. *reunified China after the Tang and still collapsed when the Mongols came *new printing processes that facilitated the spread of the Song's literary accomplishments throughout Asia and later influenced the development of literature in Korea and Japan *city of Hangzhou to build an industrial society *moveable type -- an increase in literacy and bureaucrats among the lower classes *increase in productivity and technological knowledge *Gunpowder *The magnetic compass *Junks *NEO CONFUCIONISM *Iron production surpassed the British iron production *Fast Ripening Rice -- more food supplies and population growth and expansion of urban centers | 140 | |
13720128455 | Both the Tang and the Song | Art, architecture, science, philosophy, porcelain-making, silk-weaving, construction of transportation and communication systems. A bureaucratic system that emphasized merit through the use of the Chinese civil service examination focused on Confucian values; Paper money and letters of credit | 141 | |
13720092479 | Ming Dynasty | Succeeded Mongol Yuan dynasty in China in 1368; lasted until 1644; initially mounted huge trade expeditions to southern Asia and elsewhere, but later concentrated efforts on internal development within China. *the Ming dynasty restored many of the traditional Chinese beliefs and values | 142 | |
13720226287 | Chinese Women under the Tang and Song Dynasties | Wu Zhao -- the first and only Empress of China -- ruthless toward her adversities and compassionate towards peasants Yet, China was highly patriarchical. Foot binding. | 143 | |
13720290735 | Many Confucians saw Buddhism as a drain to the labor pool as Buddhism dismissed the pursuit of material accumulation. | Buddhism in China | 144 | |
13720290736 | Japan | The Yamato clan. Shinto religion ("the way of the gods") to encourage obedience and proper behavior. The Yamato clan claimed that the emperor was a direct descendant of the sun goddess, one of the main forces int he Shinto religion, which helped the Yamato stay in power (similar to the Mandate of Heaven). *Spread of Buddhism via missionaries; *Prince Shotoku borrowd bureaucratic and legal reforms (Taika Reforms) based on Chinese values | 145 | |
13720342758 | Japan experienced a golden age under the Fujiwara | Especially women enjoyed it; | 146 | |
13720342759 | Japanese Feudalism | 1. Chief general, shogun 2. Daimyo, the lords -- powerful samurai, much like the knights 3. Lesser samurai (vassals) 4. Peasants and artisans who worked the fields *Code of Bushido -- similar to the code of chivalry in Europe -- stressed loyalty, honor, courage -- if a samurai failed to meet his obligations, he was expected to commit suicide | 147 | |
13720345728 | European and Japanese Feudalism | similarities: armed knights fought each other, land parceled out to support warriors, Kamakura period, hierarchy of nobles, warriors, and farmers; code of honor different: treatment of women and legal arrangement | 148 | |
13720362848 | Korea | became a vassal state of the Tang, spread of Confucionsim and Chan Buddhism to Korea | 149 | |
13720358434 | Vietnam | Chinese ideas did not really take root as they did in Korea, so the Vietnamese maintained local culture and traditions. They also rebelled against the Chinse authorities. | 150 | |
13720382055 | Delhi Sultanate | The first Islamic government established within India from 1206-1520. Controled a small area of northern India and was centered in Delhi. *like non-Muslims under the Umayyads in Arabia, non-Muslims under the sultans had to pay a taz | 151 | |
13720391705 | Rise of the Mongol Empire | Rose under Genghis Khan and his violent rule and smart militaristic ideas Conquered from China to Poland in less than 50 years The biggest empire known to man. The Golden Horde -- the violent army Pax Mongolica eventually came in as the Mongols did not enforce their culture on others. Similar to Pax Sinica and Pax Romana. Genghis Khan established the first pony express and postal system and gave tax breaks to teachers and clerics within his empire. ***The Mongols were diffusers of culture; sometimes, they assimilated into the cultures they conquered ***Growth of global awareness | 152 | |
13720522296 | Timur Lang | Tamerlane; Timur, sometimes spelled Taimur and historically best known as Amir Timur or Tamerlane, was a Turco-Mongol Persianate conqueror. As the founder of the Timurid Empire in and around modern-day Iran and Central Asia, he became the first ruler of the Timurid dynasty. | 153 | |
13719304103 | The Bubonic Plague | 154 | ||
13718266385 | Byzantine Empire | 155 | ||
13669755757 | Delian League | An alliance against aggression from its common enemies | ![]() | 156 |
13662835251 | The Maurian Empire | The Maurya Empire was a geographically-extensive Iron Age historical power based in Magadha and founded by Chandragupta Maurya which dominated the Indian subcontinent between 322 and 187 BCE. | 157 |
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