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AP world history Bayless Unit 3 Flashcards

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11499978397ScholasticismThe study of a religion in an attempt to use logic as attempted in Europe0
11499993883al-AndalusMuslim kingdom that included spain1
11500005795CahokiaLargest urban center in northern europe2
11500015237MalaccaStrait of water that was the choke point in indian ocean trade3
11500022505MuhammadSuccessful trader who went on to become the founder of Islam4
11500030931Printing pressChinese invention used in the tang dynasty, Diamond Sutra5
11500037572Genghis KhanBorn as Temujin, 16 million descendants, created largest land empire ever6
11500057203Silla kingdom of KoreaGroup who participated in Chinese tribute system7
11500062765ChristendomEuropean society based on faith and church practices8
115000692963 field systemPractice of crop rotation used to enhance food yields in Europe9
11500078272Tribute paymentAn offering made to a leader in exchange for something else such as trade rights or your life10
11510870634gunpowderChinese invention originally for scaring opponents in war, later used in weapons11
11510880561kowtowpractice or bowing in order to show submission to a leader12
11510887333Polythiesmbelief in more than one god13
11510890132mongolsgroup of nomadic warriors from the steppes region, largest land empire in world history14
115109015575 Pillars of Islambasic beliefs and practices including prayer, alms, hajj, fasting, and faith15
11510913797Hagia Sophiachurch of holy wisdom add to by Justinian currently a mosque in constantinople16
11510922780patriarchysystem of domination of males in a society over the females17
11510933266xiongnuearly nomadic confederacy served as an example to mongol organization18
11510940203feudalismsystem where lord provided land in exchange for promises of protection from vassals19
11510947816bushidoJapanese warrior code of conduct, similar to the system in europe20
11510951857khantitle given meaning leader or ruler21
11510984582mansa musawealthy Mali king who gave away gold on his hajj to mecca. upset economic balance for decades22
11510991746Holy Roman Emperor Otto 1king in Germany who rescued the pope and was granted title23
11511009447Vladimir of Kievrussian prince who chose Eastern Orthodox Christianity for the state religion24
11511015434kublai khanmongol prince who established yuan dynasty in china, befriended marco polo25
11511025177mandate of heavenbelief in the approval gods for a leader to be the intermediary with the people26
11511102100Marco Poloeuropean merchant traveled to china, book written27
11511108516Bubonic Plaguespread rapidly along trade routes28
11511112890yuanChinese dynasty ruled by mongols29
11511116496Great Schismdivison of christendom into orthodox and catholic churches30
11511128813Horse collarChinese invention that helped maximize animal labor31
11511131910Timbuktucenter of islam schools and trade in W Africa32
11511138824Neo-ConfucianismArose as a response to the spread of Buddhism in China33
11511144530BaghdadCapital city of the Abbasid Caliphate34
11511155709dar al islamPeople unified under the Muslim faith35
11511164021ibn battutamuslim traveller and legal scholar who criticized african women36
11511171933diffusionthe spread of ideas from one region to another37
11511181136Eastern OrthodoxBranch of Christianity in Byzantine Empire, spread to Russia38
11511183959Guildsorganizations of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen that controlled the means of production39
11511191208jizyaspecial tax for non-muslims40
11511195664crusadeswars that led to increased cultural diffusion between Europe and the East41
11511208984Swahili city-statestrade centers on East African coast42
11511215144Indian Ocean maritime trade networkTrade network where the compass and lateen sails were diffused43
11511215145shintoTraditional Japanese belief based on veneration of nature and ancestors44
11511222466Charlemagnemost important Carolingian emperor45
11511226761suiChinese dynasty that built the Grand Canal46
11511229420serfsPeasants legally bound to their land47
11511237407veilingSocial practice that Arabs adopted from Persia and Mesopotamia48
11511240664samuraiwarriors of Japan, dedicated to daimyo49
11511245461shogunheld political power in feudal Japan50
11511252859champaFast growing rice from Vietnam, caused population boom in China51
11511256379algebraislamic mathematical creation based on Indian numbers52
11511260861quipuandean form of record keeping, consists of series of knots53
11511275256junksLarge Chinese trade ships54
11511278387caliphsIslamic leaders regarded as successors of Muhammad for Sunni Muslims55
11511281749Scholar-gentryLandowning class in China: produced government employees56
11511286968Pax MongolicaTime of secure trade routes across Eurasia57
11511289949Japanmongols failed to conquer this country58
11511293421justinians codeByzantine law code influenced by Roman tradition59
11511297675hajjA pilgrimage to Mecca, performed as a duty by Muslims(part of 5 pillars)60
11511308334Byzantine empireEastern half of the Roman Empire61
11511311592FootbindingPractice that inhibited upper-class women in post-classical China62
11511315283Golden HordeMongol rulers of Russia63
11511317603tangChinese dynasty that persecuted Buddhism64
11511321718temujinname of Genghis khan , founder of the mongol empire65
11511328009cosmopolitan citiesmerchant communities, many lang. goods, beliefs,etc66
11511338284turksCentral Asian nomads who migrated into Middle East67
11511342317SerfdomSocial practice used by Russian princes over their peasants68
11511348315Ghana, Mali, SonghaiKingdoms of Africa that were established based on the gold and salt trade.69
11511351979flying moneyPaper currency developed by Song Dynasty70
11511355440sufisMystics who spread Islam into India and SE Asia71
11511358826Hanseatic Leagueintra-regional trade network or Northern Europe72
11511365769trans saharatrade network where slaves and gold were exchanged for salt and textiles73
11511369477porcelainNew major export from China74
11511374868shariahIslamic code of law75
11511374869animismtraditional religion in north america and sub-saharan africa76
11511383027matrilinealafrican practice of tracing ones lineage along the mothers side77
11511390921Axumchristian trading kingdom in E Africa78
11511399049vikingsexpanded throughout N Europe with their sea-faring strength79
11511405881bantu migrationsCreated cultural and linguistic ties in sub-Saharan Africa80
11511411775Sultanate of DelhiMuslim Turk rulers of northern India81
11511414344trunk sistersVietnamese women who lead rebellion82
11511419250mosqueIslamic house of worship, distinctive architecture83
11511425891ottoman turksSunni Muslims that conquered the Byzantines and formed in modern day Turkey84

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