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AP World History BZ Chapter 15 Flashcards

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126539489Yang JianAn ambitious ruler and founder of the Sui dynasty (589-618) that brought all of China once again under a centralized imperial rule.0
126539490Sui YangdiThe second emperor of the Sui dynasty (reigned 604-618 C.E.), who completed the Grand Canal (a link from the Huang He River to the Chang Jiang River, or from the west to the east), linking North and South China and making rice easier to ship; due to his harsh rule- using human labor to build the canal, setting high taxes- wealthy lifestyle, and military failures, a rebellion was started that led to his murder.1
126539491XuanzangSeventh century Chinese monk who made a famous trip to India to collect Buddhist texts.2
126539492Tang TaizongChinese emperor (reigned 627-649) of the Tang dynasty (618-907).3
126539493Murasaki ShikibuJapanese court lady who wrote the Tale of Genji, the first novel written in Japan.4
126539494Zhu Xi(1130-1200) Most prominent of neo-Confucian scholars during Song, who stressed importance of applying philosophical principles to everyday life and action.5
126539495An LushanTang dynasty's foremost military commander; mounted a rebellion in 755 and captured Chang'an and Luoyang- murdered by a soldier in 757.6
126539496Huang ChaoMilitary commander that led an uprising of Eastern China for almost a decade (875-884) that helped to weaken the Tang empire, leading to its demise.7
126539497Song TaizuReigned 960-976 C.E.; a junior military officer and was known for his honesty and effectiveness and in 960 his troops proclaimed him emperor. For the next several years he and his army defeated other warlords and brought China under unified rule under the Song dynasty.8
126539498Grand CanalThe 1,100-mile (1,700-kilometer) waterway linking the Yellow and the Yangzi Rivers. It was begun in the Han period and completed by Sui Yangdi during the Sui Empire. (p. 277)9
126539499BuddhismReligion, base on Four Noble Truths, associated with Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 B.C.E.), or the Buddha; its adherents desired to eliminate all distracting passion and reach nirvana.10
126539500Neo-ConfucianismPhilosophy that attempted to merge certain basic elements of Confucian and Buddhist though; most important of the early Neo-Confucianists was the Chinese thinker Zhu Xi.11
126539501Sui DynastyChinese dynasty (589-618) that constructed the Grand Canal, reunified China, and allowed for the splendor of the Tang Dynasty that followed.12
126539502Tang DynastyThe imperial dynasty of China from 618 to 907, often referred to as The Golden Age; established its capital at Xi'an; government corruption, rebellions, and drought led to the collapse of the dynasty.13
126539503Song DynastyChinese Dynasty (960-1279) that was marked by an increasingly urbanized and cosmopolitan society; noted for its art, literature, and philosophy.14
126539504Equal-field SystemChinese system during the Tang Dynasty in which the goal was to ensure an equitable distribution of land.15
126539505SamuraiA Japanese Warrior.16
126539506Nara PeriodJapanese period (710-794), centered on the city of Nara, that was highest point of Chinese influence.17
126539507Heian PeriodJapanese period (794-1185), a brilliant cultural era notable for world's first novel, Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Gengi.18
126539508Kamukara ShogunateThe Kamakura shogunate (Japanese: 鎌倉幕府, Kamakura bakufu) was a military dictatorship in Japan headed by the shoguns from 1185 (or 1192, when it was formally recognized) to 1333. It was based in Kamakura.19
126539509Muromachi ShogunateThe Muromachi period (室町時代 Muromachi jidai?, also known as the Muromachi era, the Muromachi bakufu, the Ashikaga era, the Ashikaga period, or the Ashikaga bakufu) is a division of Japanese history running from approximately 1336 to 1573.20
126539510Silla DynastyRuling dynasty in Korea from 668 to the late 9th century.21
126539511Chan BuddhismInfluential branch of Buddhism in China, with an emphasis on intuition and sudden flashes of insight instead of textual study.22
126539512UighursA group of Turkic-speakers who controlled their own centralized empire from 744 to 840 in Mongolia and Central Asia.23
126539513HangzhouCapital of Song dynasty; located near East China Sea; permitted overseas trading; population exceeded 1 million.24
126539514Chang'anCapital of Tang dynasty; population of 2 million, larger than any other city in the world at that time; huge, bustling trading center.25
126539515ZhuoChinese dynasty (1122-256 B.C.E) that was the foundation of Chinese thought formed during this period: Confucianism, Daoism, Zhou Classics.26
126539516Huang He RiverOfter called Yellow River or ("river of sorrows") with deadly floods in northern china, 3,395 miles long, carries loess.27
126539517Yangzi RiverRiver in Central China used as a major east-west trade and transportation route for a long time; also called "long river".28
126539518KoreaTang forces brought Manchuria under imperial authority and forced the Silla kingdom in Korea to acknowledge the Tang emperor as overlord.29
126539519VietnamVietnamese authorities entered into tributary relationships with the Chinese court.30
126539520JapanChinese traditions deeply influenced Japanese political and cultural development.31

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