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AP World History Ch.7-9 Flashcards

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232023550Daodejing(7)Daoism book written by Lao-tzu0
232023551Analects(7)Primary book of Confucianism teaching1
232023552Confucianism(7)A philosophy on how to achieve and maintain social and political order. To achieve this goal people must return to the ways of the past.2
232023553Dao(7)The way of nature3
232023554Wuwei(7)No action4
232023555Daoism(7)"Happy, hippie, harmony in the woods"5
232023556Era of the Warring States(7)Refers to the era of about 475 BCE to 221 BCE. It commenced at a time of when the numerous petty city-state kingdoms had been consolidated into seven major contenders and a few minor enclaves.6
232023557Kong Fuzi(7)Ancient chinese thinker; founder of Confucianism7
232023558Laozi(7)Wrote the Daodejing8
232023559Legalism(7)Strict, literal adherence to the law or to a particular code, as of religion or mortality9
232023560Liu Bang(7)First emporer of the Western Han Dynasty10
232023561Mandate of Heaven(7)Emporer of China rules with the blessing of Heaven as long as he rules justly and wisely11
232023562Mencius(7)Chinese philosopher who was arguably the most famous Confucian after Confucious himself12
232023563Qin Shihuangdi(7)Formed and then became the first emporer of China; 221 BCE13
232023564Xiongnu(7)Ancient nomadic based people who formed a state north of the Han Dynasty14
232023565Wang Mang(7)Founder of the Xin Dynasty, interupted the succesion of han Dynasties15
232023566Han Wudi(7)First emporer who unified China in terms of teritory, then the first emporer who unified china in terms of ideology16
232023567Filial Piety(7)Respect for you parents and those who are older than you17
232023568Ahimsa(8)Non injury; esp. to animals18
232023569Ashoka Maurya(8)Most famous of the Mauryan Dynasty, coquered many placecs to expand his empire; had a change of heart after a war and became a Buddhist19
232023570Buddha(8)The enlightened one20
232023571Chandra Gupta(8)King of India and founder of the imperial Gupta Dynasty21
232023572Chandragupta Maurya(8)Founder of the Maurya Empire, he conquered most of the Indian sub-continent; considered 1st unifier of India22
232023573Siddhartha Guatama(8)Founder of Buddhism23
232023574Dharma(8)Buddhist laws24
232023575Four Noble Truths(8)Life involves suffering Desire id the cause of suffering Elimination of deire eliminates suffering A disiplined lie elimintes desire (folloe the eight fold path)25
232023576Indian Ocean Trade(8)Earliest maritime rade between Mesopatamia and the Indus Valley26
232023577Jati(8)Hindu caste of which there are thousands throughout India27
232023578Karma(8)Fate, what goes around comes around28
232023579Arthashastra(8)Political handbook written for Chandragupta Maurya to rule29
232023580Maya(8)Indian religion centered on the fact that we do not experience the environment itself but rather a projection of it30
232023581White Huns(8)Hepthalites people of obscure regions, originally a tribe31
2320235828 Fold Path(8)"middle path", balanced32
232023583Monsoon(8)Seasonal winf that brings th rain33
232023584Caste System(8)Frigid system of cultural or social distinctions, elaborate and complex social system34
232023585Bhagavad Gita(8)Last 18 chapters of Mahabharta35
232023586Moksha(8)Moment the mind becomes fully awareof the illusion of life36
232023587Nirvana(8)Buddhist heaven37
232023588Asceticism(8)Practice of self denial38
232023589Achaemenid Empire(9)Known as the first Persian empire39
232023590Alexander Macedon(9)aka. Alexander the Great40
232023591Athenian Democracy(9)Developed in the Greek city-state of Athens, comprising the central city-state of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica41
232023592Darius(9)Third king of kings of the Achaemenid Empire42
232023593Illiad(9)An epic poem, traditionally attributed to Homer43
232023594Knossos(9)Well known architecture44
232023595Marathon(9)Battle where the Greeks win; battle of salamus45
232023596Minoans(9)Bronze Age civilization that arose on the island of Crete and flourished from approximately the 27th century BC to the 15th century46
232023597Mycenaeans(9)Linear script b; a Bronze Age civilization on mainland Greece, inhabiting the area from around 1600-1100 BCE47
232023598Peloponnesian War(9)431 to 404 BC, was an ancient Greek war fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta48
232023599Golden Age(9)The Classical Period or Golden age of Greece, from around 500 to 300 BC, has given us the great monuments, art, philosophy, architecture and literature which are the building blocks of our own civilization.49
232023600Philip II(9)Father of Alexander the Great50
232023601Polis(9)Greek word for city-state51
232023602Pericles(9)Ruler of Athens during the golden age, leader of Athens who was responsible for rebuilding Athens following the Persian Wars, also the leader of Athens during the Peloponnesian War52
232023603Xerxes(9)Powerful king who ruled Achaemenid (Persian) Empire from 486-465 BCE; Darius The Great's eldest son53
232023604Aristotle(9)Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great54
232023605Plato(9)Book called the republic; his ideal government; deepest most abstract of the three55
232023606Socrates(9)Explained life56
232023607Tyrant(9)Popular ruler, ambitious57
232023608Hellenism(9)Combination of Greek culture with the best elements of Persian, Egyptian, etc. cultures58
232023609Spartan Social Structure(9)Austere lifestyle, characterized by simplicity and frugality, discouraged development of economic and social distinctions59
232023610Spartan Politics(9)Egalitarian(believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities) practices catered to the need of a militarist state60
232023611TruthWhat did Socrates believe was more important than wealth or fame?61
232023612Clear picture of the truth, a divine gift that was delivered to the Greeks, before the advent of the Lord, philosophy was necessary to the Greeks for righteousnessUpon what was the Greek system of philosophy built?62
232023613AristotleWho was referred to as "the master of those who know"?63

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