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AP World History ch. 27 Flashcards


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127358547Catherine the Greatenlightened despot who expanded Russian territory and got warm water ports and introduced enlightnment ideas like universal education, she later retracted her reforms0
127358548Alexander Iconservative, formed Holy Alliance, made cultural advancements1
127358549PushkinRussian Romantic poet2
127358550Nicholas Iput down revolts with a secret police, censored schools and newspapers, expanded into Ottoman territory, put down liberal revolts, had little/ no industry, tightened serfs' labor obligations, imported manufactured goods for wealthy3
127358551Decemberist Uprisingrevolt by military officers who wanted Nicholas' brother to rule, put down Nicholas I4
127358552Crimean WarRussians vs. Ottomans, French, and English for Ottoman territory and ports, Russia lost b/c of less superior military technology5
127358553Russificationforcing ethnic groups to learn Russian culture6
127358554Emancipation Edictunder Alexander II, freed Russian serfs, life for serfs not much better, had to pay redemption payments for the land7
127358555Zemstvoslocal political councils, helped to regulate roads and schools8
127358556Intelligentsiaeducated radicals, used violence, wanted political voice9
127358557Pan Slavica call for unification among all slavic people10
127358558anarchiststired of tsar, don't believe in ANY gov't, used violence11
127358559pogromsmass executions of the Jews12
127358560Leninrevoltionary who supported Marxism, supported unions and workers going on strike13
127358561Nicholas IIreversed reforms and became more conservative, insisted on fighting in Russo-Japanese War14
127358562Bloody SundayAKA Revolution of 1905, caused by Russian loss of Russo-Japanese war, which led to protests and strikes15
127358563October Manifestodocumant that created the duma in Russia, created by Nicholas II16
127358564Dumarepresentative body in Russia17
127358565Stolypin Reformspeasants gained some freedom of redemption payments18
127358566Kuluksduring Stolypin Reforms, landlords who bought up land that the peasants couldn't afford19
127358567Tokugawa Shogunateinculuded regional daimyos and samurai who controlled most of Japan under the shogun20
127358568daimyoa Japanese feudal lord21
127358569Samuraia Japanese feudal warrior, like a knight, owed loyalty to daimyo anf shogun22
127358570Neo- Confucianismrevival of Confucianism in Japan23
127358571Commodore Matthew Perryopened Japan to western trade24
127358572Meji Restorationthe period after the collapse of the Tokugawa shogunate in which Japan centralized, imperialized, and industrialized25
127358573prefectsdistrict administrators26
127358574Yataroformer samurai who est. Mitsubishi Co.27
127358575DietJapanese legislature, modeled after Germany28
127358576Zaibatsua family who controls a certain aspect of the economy, AKA Old Wealth29
127358577Eiichiwent from peasant to investing money and becoming rich, example of new wealth30

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