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AP World History- Ch. 28 and 29 Flashcards

combined from steph

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158728684The Great War: Another name for World War I, used by Europeans until the advent of World War II.Another name for World War I, used by Europeans until the advent of World War II.0
158728685Kaiser Wilhelm II:German emperor in World War I; his aggressive foreign policy is often blamed for starting the war. King of England and King of Germany were related to each other1
158728686Triple Alliance:Military and political alliance formed before World War I; consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Germany and Italy were fairly new, more aggressive beacuase they felt they needed to catch up2
158728687Triple Entente:Military and political alliance formed before World War I by England, France, and Russia; created to challenge moves made by the Triple Alliance. Entente-french sooo: French alliance3
158728688The Great Powers:The industrialized, colonizing nations of Europe before World War I; includes England, France, Germany, Russia, and Italy; their rivalries led to the war.4
158728689Allied Forces:Name used by countries fighting the Central Powers; major members were Britain, France, Russia, and Italy; also later in the war, the United States and Japan The triple Entente- THE GOOD GUYS Italy switches and decides to join allies5
158728690Central Powers:Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were the chief powers at war with the Allies.6
158728691Jingoism:Warlike nationalist sentiment spread to and among the middle and working classes in Europe before the war. Pro-war, super patriotism, kind of arrogant7
158728692Dreadnought:Class of modern battleship launched by Britain before the war; triggered naval rivalry, especially with Germany.Battleship- most powerful weapon (Germany and Britain fought on the seas)8
158728693Archduke Ferdinand:Heir to Austro-Hungarian throne; his assassination precipitated the events that developed into World War I.9
158728694Sarajevo:Capital of the Bosnian province in Austria-Hungary; site of Ferdinand's assassination. City where Ferdinand was killed10
158728695Blank check:Promise of support from Germany to Austria-Hungary after Ferdinand's assassination; Austria-Hungary sought reprisals against Serbia what germany gives austria11
158728696White dominions:Britain's territories consisting of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand who sent soldiers into World War I.12
158728697Western Front:.trenchessss War zone that ran from Belgium to Switzerland during World War I; featured trench WW2warfare and massive casualties among the combatants, including Britain, France, Russia, and Belgium; later included the United StatesWORLD WAR 1 IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF EUROPEAN DOMINANCE- MORE IMPORTANT THAN13
158728698Eastern Front:War zone that ran from the Baltic to the Balkans where Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and the Balkan nations fought. Russias only advantage is that it is a big country with lots of people butttt they get slaughtered14
158728699Tsar Nicholas II:Last emperor of Russia whose poor military and political decisions led to his downfall and Russia's loss in the war. Loses so much that he looks really bad15
158728700Propaganda:Government-sponsored media coverage of the war designed to disseminate one sided versions of "friendly" and enemy conduct; used to stir up support for the war Try to present your side to prove that you are right16
158728701Bolsheviks:Socialists in Russia who promoted overthrow of the tsar and the establishment of a socialist state; means "majority" in Russian. Rise up against Nicholas II and want no government- form of anarchists... COMMUNISTS17
158728702New women:Term used to describe career-oriented women in western Europe and the United States in the 1920s; they sought increased social and political rights. Liberated western women- GREAT GATSBY18
158728703German East Africa:Fighting occurred in Africa between British-led Indian and South African troops on one side, and German-trained east African troops on the other; today's Tanzania.19
158728704Treaty of Versailles:Wide-ranging postwar conference that promoted much of Wilson's idealistic plan for peace but at the same time blamed and punished Germany for starting the war; included creation of a League of Nations20
158728705Woodrow Wilson:American president who initially claimed neutrality in the war but later joined the Allied cause; his Fourteen Points and American fighting forces hastened an Allied victory; one of the Big Four at Versailles. selfdeterminism21
158728706Georges Clemenceau:French premier at Versailles peace conference who insisted on punishing Germany after the war; one of the Big Four.22
158728707David Lloyd George:British prime minister at Versailles who attempted to mediate between Wilson's "peace without victory" stand and Clemenceau's, but with only partial success.23
158728708Armistice:All sides agreed to lay down their weapons without declaring victory; promoted by Woodrow Wilson to end the fighting; concept later rejected by France and Britain.24
158728709Stab in the back:Myth promoted in Germany after the war that, on the brink of victory, socialists and Jewish politicians conspired to surrender to the Allies; used by Nazis as part of their drive to power in the 1920s.25
158728710Self-determination:Wilson called for national independence from colonial rule before Versailles; this encouraged colonial subjects in Asia and Africa until they discovered Wilson intended his rhetoric only for Europe.26
158728711Ho Chi Minh:Young nationalist from Vietnam seeking self-determination for his country at Versailles; was ignored, like many representatives from Asian and African colonies who were there. French control Vietnam at this time and selfdeterminism encouraged freedom for Vietnam but it didn't happen and disappointed the people Ho chi minh turned communist party to get rid of france and eventually succeeded. Americans enter Vietnam with fear they will go communist Capital named after him27
158728712Indian Congress Party:Nationalist group in India that called for independence from Britain; led by Western-educated Indian elites; led India in the early postcolonial era.28
158728713Mohandas Gandhi:Successful leader of the Indian nationalist movement who combined religious, social, and political know-how into a massive nonviolent campaign. NONVIOLENCE29
158728714Satyagraha:"Truth force," a term used by Gandhi to describe peaceful boycotts, strikes, noncooperation, and mass demonstrations to promote Indian independence. nonviolent movement30
158728715Effendi:Prosperous Egyptian families who made up the middle class; leaders of the Egyptian nationalist movement came largely from this group. Egyptians want independence31
158728716Dinshawai:Egyptian village where British violence came to represent the heavy-handed nature of colonial rule and united nationalists in their cause.Leads to british crackdown in Egypt- VIOLENT Egyptians now hate britians like the massacure in america32
158728717Mandates:The Treaty of Versailles established British or French control over territories formerly held by Germany and the Ottoman Empire; especially important in regard to Arab areas after the war. Authority to do something Ataturk (a.k.a. Mustafa Kemal): Postwar leader of Turkey who launched sweeping reforms, including women's suffrage and a Latin-based alphabet. SECULAR Considered a hero by Turks33
158728718Zionists:Supporters of Jewish nationalism, especially a creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.34
158728719Lord Balfour:British foreign secretary who pledged in a declaration the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, which encouraged Jewish nationalists and angered Arabs.35
158728720Pogroms:Violent assaults against Jewish communities, especially in Russia and Romania in the latter half of the 19th century.36
158728721Theodor Herzl:Prominent journalist who led the cause of Zionism in the late 19th century.37
158728722Alfred Dreyfus:French officer and Jew who was falsely accused of spying for Germany in the late 19th century; his mistreatment spurred Herzl and other Zionists to increase their call for a Jewish homeland.38
158728723World Zionist Organization:Formed by Herzl and other prominent European Jewish leaders to promote Jewish migration to Palestine in advance of the creation of a Zionist state in Palestine.39
158728724Gamal Abdel Nasser:Led a military coup in Egypt in 1952; ruled until 1970; established himself as a major Arab force in the Middle East.40
158728725Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. DuBois:Americans who promoted African nationalism and unity.41
158728726Pan-Africanism:Movement begun in the 1920s to promote African nationalism and unity; did much to arouse anticolonial sentiment.42
158728727Negritude:Literary movement in France that argued precolonial African societies were superior in many ways to European colonial societies in Africa; writers included L.S. Senghor, Leon Damas, and Aime Cesaire.43
158728728Armenian genocide:Assault carried out by mainly Turkish military forces against Armenian population in Anatolia in 1915; over a million Armenians perished and thousands fled to Russia and the Middle East.44
158728729Adolf Hitler:Nazi leader of fascist Germany from 1933 to his suicide in 1945; created a strongly centralized state in Germany; eliminated all rivals; launched Germany on aggressive foreign policy leading to World War II; responsible for attempted genocide of European Jews.45
158728730League of Nations:International diplomatic and peace organization created with the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I; one of the chief goals of President Wilson of the United States in the peace negotiations; the United States was never a member. United states was never a member because the us senate refused to ratify the treaty of versallies. Us never joined league of nations Refused to do it because they didn't want to be forced into war at later times46
158728731Hussein:Sherif of Mecca from 1908 to 1917; used British promise of independence to convince Arabs to support Britain against the Turks in World War I; angered by Britain's failure to keep promise; died 1931.47
158728732Leon Pinsker:(1821 - 1891) European Zionist who believed that Jewish assimilation into Christian European nations was impossible; argued for return to Middle Eastern Holy Land.48
158728733Wafd party:Egyptian nationalist party that emerged after an Egyptian delegation was refused a hearing at the Versailles treaty negotiations following World War I; led by Sa'd Zaghlul; negotiations eventually led to limited Egyptian independence beginning in 1922.49
158728734Leópold Sédar Senghor:(1906 - 2001) One of the post-World War I writers of the negritude literary movement that urged pride in African values; president of Senegal from 1960 to 1980.50
158728735Kellogg-Briand PactA multinational treaty sponsored by American and French diplomats that outlawed war; an example of the optimism that existed during part of the 1920s.51
158728736The Roaring Twenties:Great social and economic changes were the hallmark of this decade.52
158728737Cubist movementArtistic style rendering familiar objects in geometric shapes; headed by Pablo Picasso, who was influenced by African art.53
158728738FascismNationalist political form that featured an authoritarian leader (dictator), aggressive foreign policy, and government-guided economics; started in Italy. No individual rights54
158728739Benito MussoliniFounder and dictator of the Fascist Party in Italy. Saw him as a modern Julius czar55
158728740Settler societies:Australia, Canada, and New Zealand; forged separate "autonomous communities" within the British empire, called the British Commonwealth of Nations. Self governing communities56
158728741Porfirio DíazMexico's long-serving dictator who resisted political reforms; his policies triggered the Mexican Revolution.57
158728742Pancho VillaMexican revolutionary who led guerrilla fighting in the North; pursued unsuccessfully by the U.S. government in 1913.58
158728743Emiliano ZapataMexican revolutionary who led guerrilla fighting in the South; motto was "Tierra y Libertad"; demanded land reform.59
158728744Soldaderas:Women who were guerrilla fighters in the Mexican Revolution.60
158728745Victoriano Huerta: Sought to impose a Díaz-type dictatorship; forced from power by Villa and Zapata.61
158728746Alvaro Obregon:Emerged as Mexico's leader at the end of the revolution; wrote a new constitution that promised land reforms..62
158728747Diego Rivera:World-renowned artist who depicted glorified versions of Mexico's Indian heritage and potential Marxist future in murals.63
158728748Cristeros:Conservative peasant movement in the 1920s in Mexico; backed by the Catholic church and many politicians; resisted the secularization of the culture and government.64
158728749Party of the Institusionalized Revolution (PRI):This Mexican political party dominated politics from the 1930s to the end of the century.65
158728750Alexander Kerensky:Leader of the provisional government in Russia after the fall of the tsar; kept Russia in World War I and resisted major reforms; overthrown by Bolsheviks at the end of 1917.66
158728751Bolsheviks:Violent, radical wing of the Social Democrats in Russia, led by Vladimir Lenin; took power from provisional government; later renamed "Communists."67
158728752Russian Civil War (1918-1921):Millions died in the struggle between the Reds (pro-Communist forces) and Whites (an amalgam of non-Communists); the Reds won, largely because of the organizational skills of Leon Trotsky.68
158728753Leon Trotsky:Lenin deputy who organized the Red Army during the civil war and later lost a power struggle to Stalin. Helps communist win civil war and establish gov. but he is taken out by Stalin69
158728754New Economic Policy:Lenin's temporary measure that allowed some capitalism within a Communist framework; food production increased under this program; ended by Stalin.70
158728755Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:Name of the Moscow-based multiethnic Communist regime from 1923 to 1991.71
158728756Supreme Soviet:Parliament under the U.S.S.R. that had many of the trappings but few of the powers of its Western counterparts.72
158728757Joseph Stalin:Assistant to Lenin who beat out Trotsky for undisputed control of the U.S.S.R. after Lenin's death; installed the nationalistic "socialism in one country" program, collectivization, and widespread purges.73
158728758Sun Yat-sen:Western-educated leader of the Revolutionary Alliance, the Guomindang, and at times, China, in the 1910s and 1920s; struggled with warlords for control of the nation. Chinese President74
158728759May Fourth Movement:Popular 1919 uprising in China against Japanese interference and for Western-style government that featured intellectuals and students as its leaders; sank under the weight of problems facing China in the early 20th century. Taiwan is part of China is argued about75
158728760Li Dazhao:Headed Marxist study circle at University of Beijing; saw peasants as harbingers of Communist revolution in China; influenced Mao Zedong.76
158728761Mao Zedong:Leader of Chinese Communist Party and eventual dictator of that country.77
158728762Guomindang:Nationalist party in China; it was the Communist Party's greatest rival, yet the Guomindang and Communists forged an alliance against Japanese aggression; the ruling party in mainland China until 1949, it failed to implement most of the domestic programs it proposed.78
158728763Whampoa Military Academy:Established in China with Soviet help; it gave the Nationalists a military dimension previously missing; first leader was Chiang Kai-shek.79
158728764Chiang Kai-shek:Successor to Sun as leader of the Nationalists; fierce opponent of the Communists, yet he formed an alliance with them to fight Japan.80
158728765Long March:To escape the Nationalists, 90,000 Mao supporters traveled thousands of miles in 1934 to remote regions; solidified Mao's leadership and created much of his myth.81
158728766Mexican Revolution:Fought over a period of almost 10 years from 1910; resulted in ouster of Porfirio Díaz from power; opposition forces led by Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata.82
158728767Mexican Constitution of 1917:Promised land reform, limited foreign ownership of key resources, guaranteed the rights of workers, and placed restrictions on clerical education; marked formal end of Mexican Revolution.83
158728768Red Army:Military organization constructed under leadership of Leon Trotsky, Bolshevik follower of Lenin; made use of people of humble background.84
158728769Comintern:International office of communism under U.S.S.R. dominance established to encourage the formation of Communist parties in Europe and the world.85
158728770Lázaro Cárdenas:President of Mexico from 1934 to 1940; responsible for redistribution of land, primarily to create ejidos, or communal farms; also began program of primary and rural education.86
158728771Great Depression:Worldwide economic collapse that began in late 1929 and continued until the outset of World War II.87
158728772Socialism in one country:Stalin's program to build a self-sufficient Communist state based on industrial production.88
158728773Popular Front:Liberal, socialist, and Communist parties in France that forged a short-lived alliance in the 1930s.89
158728774New Deal:The United States' answer to the Great Depression, consisting of government assistance to people affected by the crisis and of government reform of economic institutions.90
158728775Nazi:Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party; under the guise of political unity, the Nazis forged a totalitarian state.91
158728776Gestapo:Hitler's secret police92
158728777Anschluss:Hitler's union with Austria.93
158728778Appeasement:Britain and France's policy of compromise with Hitler and Mussolini. Caved in94
158728779Spanish Civil War:Fascists led by General Franco fought supporters of the existing republic in the 1930s; Germany and Italy aided the victorious Franco.95
158728780Import substitution industrialization:Cut off from supplies it had imported before the Great Depression, Latin America began to produce for itself through the rapid expansion of industrialization.96
158728781Getulio Vargas:President of Brazil who imposed a pro-Western Fascist-like authoritarian regime.97
158728782Juan Peron:Argentina's leader who, like Vargas, nationalized key industries and led through a combination of charisma and intimidation.98
158728783Kulaks:The relatively wealthy peasants in the Soviet Union who were starved and murdered by the millions under Stalin's direction.99
158728784Collectivization:Soviet policy of eliminating private ownership of farmland and creating large state-run farms.100
158728785Five-Year Plan:State planning of industrial production in the Soviet Union.101
158728786Socialist Realism:School of art in the U.S.S.R. that emphasized heroic idealizations of workers, soldiers, and peasants.102
158728787Politburo:"Political Bureau" in the U.S.S.R. that was titularly the executive committee but in reality was, especially under Stalin, a rubber-stamp organization.103

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