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AP World History ch 28 Flashcards

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127318543Herzlstarted the Zionist movement0
127318544Propagandaideas that are true or false that are spread to gain people's support1
127318545Central PowersGermany, Austria, Ottoman Empire2
127318546Nationalismexcessive pride in one's country; citizens and govenments wanted to be #13
127318547Militarismnational policy of building and maintaining an army4
127318548Dawes Planrepayment schedule for Germany5
127318549Satyagrahabelief of Gandhi's; noncooperation, civil disobediance6
127318550Mohandas Gandhiindependence leader in India; nonviolence!7
127318551B.G. Tilakindependence leader in India; tradtional India/Hindu beliefs8
127318552Disillusionmenthaving no hope for the future9
127318553Balfour declaration1917; Document that promised Palestine to the Jews10
127318554McMahon Pledge1914; Document that promised Palestine to the Arabs11
127318555Reparationsgoods payments that the loser of a war pays12
127318556Indemnitiescash payments that the loser of a war pays13
127318557Negritude Movementfocus on African heritage14
127318558Pan Africanismthe unity of all Africans15
127318559Zionismmovement for Jews to return to the Promised Land16
127318560Triple EntenteFrance, Britain, Russia17
127318561Archduke Francis Ferdinandheir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian throne whose assassination by a Serbian terrorist named Princep started WWI18
127318562Gallipoliwhere the Ottoman Empire defeated the British19
127318563Allianceswhen 2+ countries join together for defensive purposes20
127318564Imperialismthe race to gain more and more land via colonies; before WWI, the scramble for what little land that was left increased tension21
127318565jingoismwarlike nationalist feelings among the working class people22
127318566Zimmerman Noteletter sent from Germany to Mexico urging them to join the side of the Central Powers23
127318567LusitaniaBritish passanger ship sunk by the Germans in 191524
127318568Attritioneach side tried to wear the other out25
127318569Armisticecease fire, stoppage of fighting26
127318570Dinshawai Incident1906; British killed a prayer leader's wife which turned into riots27
127318571League of Nationsinternational peace organization28
127318572Self-determinationthe right for a country to chose it's own governemnt and exist free and independent29
127318573Allied PowersRussia, Britain, France (later Italy and U.S. as well)30
127318574mobilizationto prepare one's country for war31
127318575Schlieffen PlanGermany's plan to attack France in order to avoid a war on 2 fronts32
127318576Triple AllianceGermany, Austria, Italy33
127318577contrabandanything illegal34
127318578Ataturkindependence leader of Turkey, focused on Westernization, "the Father of the Turks"35
127318579Globalizationintegration of the world's economies, cultures and ideas36

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