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AP World History Ch. 36 Flashcards

World War II and the Cold War

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276884903Yalta ConferenceEvent in which the Big Three met to determine what to do with Germany after it's defeat0
276884904Wansee ConferenceA meeting where Nazi leaders me to discuss the extermination of Jews. They agreed to round them up and send them to concentration camps in Poland1
276884905Big ThreeWhat Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt were called2
276884906Soviet UnionThis nation would receive all of Germany's colonies and half their war reparations. They then agreed to go to war with Japan after the defeat of Germany and would allow democratic elections be held in European nations3
276884907Lend-Lease ProgramA trade program made by the United States to assist Britain in the war4
276884908Tojo HideckiThe dictator/prime minister of Japan during WWII.5
276884909Asia for AsiansJapan's slogan as they conquered Asia, claiming to do it to rid Asia of European powers6
276884910Asia for JapaneseJapans true slogan as they conquered Asia.7
276884911D-dayThe day that Britain and America landed on the shores of Normandy to liberate France.8
276884912kamikazeJapanese fighter pilots who crashed their planes into U.S. naval carriers to sink them.9
276884913LuftwaffeThe name of the German airforce. They played a major role when attacking Britain.10
276884914The BlitzThe name of the invasion of Britain by the German Luftwaffe.11
276884915Operation BarbarrossaThe attack on the Soviet by Germany. It was a breach of the non-aggression pact, but was unsuccessful due to the long stretches of cold land in the Soviet12
276884916Fidel CastroThe revolutionary and dictator of Cuba. He supported Soviet foreign policy and almost made Cuba communist13
276884917UN security councilThe head of the UN. It consists of China, Soviet Russia, Britain, America, and France. The rest of the council are 6 other nations that are elected and rotated.14
276884918NATOThe cold war alliance that was dedicated to containing communism15
276884919Berlin WallA wall made by the Soviet to separate communist Berlin from capitalist Berlin. Any one crossing the border was shot on sight.16
276884920COMECONA soviet plan to counter the Marshall plan. It offered free trade to European nations and economic support.17
276884921SEATOThe Asian alliance dedicated to preventing the spread of communism. Founded by the U.S. and worked with NATO18
276884922Tripartite PactAn alliance that allowed Japan to enter the Dual alliance. Making the Dual Alliance become the Axis powers19
276884923Iron CurtainThe taking of sides across Europe right before the Cold War. Almost a separation of Europe from the Soviet block to Capitalist Europe20
276884924Truman DoctrineA doctrine made that said the U.S.would assist any nation that was threatened by a communist takeover21
276884925Marshall PlanA part of the Truman doctrine. It offered economic support to Europe in order to win their favor and contain communism22
276884926comfort womenWomen who were used by Japanese soldiers on the war front as military brothels. Many were killed to cover up the event23
276884927detentea releasing of tensions. Used by the Soviet and America to prevent nuclear war24
276884928U-boatsSubmarines. Mostly used by Germany to blockade Britain25
276884929BlitzkriegA war technique used by Germany. It involved bombing an area then moving with infantry to quickly conquer a nation. It was done without declaring war26
276884930Nonaggression PactA pact between the Soviet and Germany saying neither nation was to use any hostile actions towards the other27
276884931Hungarian UprisingAn uprising in Hungary that tried to overthrow the communist government, but failed28
276884932Brezhnev DoctrineA doctrine that justified the intervention of the Soviet in the Hungarian Uprising. It said the Soviet would intervene in any communist nation that was threatened to be overthrown29
276884933Bay of PigsThe name of the invasion of Cuba that was led by the U.S., but actually done with Cubans who hated Castro. It failed terribly, as the invasion was small and had no air support. This increased tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet30
276884934AnschlussThe forced union Germany imposed on Austrian. They justified it saying The Germans in Austria needed to be reunited with their home nation31
276884935appeasementA political tactic when one nation allows another nation to do what it wishes, even if it breaks a treaty, in order to avoid war.32
276884936appeasementThe political tactic that Britain and France used to avoid war with Germany, even when they breached the Treaty of Versailles33
276884937Rape of NanjingThe terrible invasion of the Chinese city of Nanjing by Japan. There many women were raped by soldiers and many civilians were killed for "practice"34
276884938Munich ConferenceA conference held by Hitler, France, and Britain. It was where they allowed Germany to keep their newly conquered territory as long as they cease expansion. Hitler agreed35
276884939Invasion of ChinaThis event was the starting of WWII. It was led by Japan36
276884940ManchuriaA territory in China that came under Japanese control. A railroad incident there gave Japan the "reason" to invade China37
276884941Allied PowersAn alliance between Britain, France, and the Soviet to keep the balance of power in Europe38
276884942Axis PowersAn alliance between Italy, Germany, and Japan. They all strived for their own expansionist interests39
276884943containmentA policy made by the U.S saying that they would stop the spread of communism. A policy in the Truman Doctrine40
276884944Peaceful coexistenceA policy made by Nikita, who said that he wanted to spread communism peacefully,not in a way that would cause war41
276884945Cuban Missile CrisisAn event when the Soviet moved missiles into Cuba, thus directly threatening America. It was the closest point in the cold war that almost led to nuclear war42
276884946The Final SolutionHitler's plan to eradicate the Jews and other "undesirables". It used the S.S. tho exterminate Jews43
276884947Nikita KhrushchevThe successor of Stalin, he wanted to make the Soviet less harsh, and de-Stalinize it. He proposed a detente and also dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis44
276884948domino theoryA theory made by Eisenhower. He said if one country fell to communism, it would domino effect to nations adjacent to it.45
276884949United NationsAn organization dedicated to world peace that succeeded the League of Nations. It consisted mostly of the winning nations of WWII, and had a military that involved all the world powers46
358775949PolandThe first nation to be invaded by Germany, starting WWII in Europe47
358775950FranceThe Allied Power that was defeated by Germany at the start of WWII48
358775951Vichy FranceThe part of France that remained free from German rule in WWII, but was Allied with Germany49
358775952Pearl HarborThe place that was bombed by the Japanese and brought America into WWII50
358775953Neville ChamberlainThe prime minister of Britain who tried to prevent Hitler's rising to power51

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