Society and Inequality in Eurasia/ North Africa
7291902868 | China's Scholar Gentry | The landlord class, well-educated, lived dual lives of urban and rural. Multiple storied houses, finest of silk clothing, gleaming carriages, private orchestras, and high-stakes gambling was all a part of their lives. Lots of land | 0 | |
7291902869 | Wang Mang | A high court official of the Han Dynasty who usurped the emperor's throne in 8 c.e. and immediately launched a series of reforms. Firm believer in Confucianism, small-scale peasant farmers represented the backbone of China. Assassinated in 23 c.e. | 1 | |
7291902870 | Ge Hong | A Chinese scholar. Born into an aristocratic family, in 283 c.e. Born into Chinese chaos. Worked in order to read books, got hooked on one of the books and decided that he wanted to live a life of royalty. | 2 | |
7291902871 | Yellow Turban Rebellion | Wandering bands of peasants began to band together as floods on the yellow river and resulting epidemics compounded the misery of landlessness in poverty. What emerged was a massive peasant uprising known name from the scarf that the peasant wore around their neck | 3 | |
7291902872 | Caste as Varna and Jati | Whatever the precise origins of the cast system there in 500 BC the idea that society was forever divided into four classes or varnas was deeply embedded in the Indian thinking. In India as elsewhere, urban based civilization gave rise to specialized occupation any organized in guilds that regulated their own affairs in a particular region. Overtime these occupationally based groups know as jatis, blended with the varna system to create India's unique cast-based society. | 4 | |
7291902873 | "Ritual Purity" in Indian Social Practice | The people who were considered holy under Hindu law( the Brahmins) were given priority over everyone else. | 5 | |
7291902874 | Greek and Roman slavery | People who were owned by their master, had the possibility of being sold, worked without pay, and had the status of the outsider and they were at the bottom of the social hierarchy . | 6 | |
7291902875 | Spartacus | Slave gladiator who led 70 other slaves from a school for gladiators in a desperate bid for freedom. The surprising initials success of their revolt attracted a growing number of rebellious slaves numbering the perhaps 120,000 men, women, and children at the height of the uprising. For two years they lit Italy ablaze. They crucified some captured slave owners and set other to fight one another. | 7 | |
7291902876 | The Three "Obediences" | The idea emphasized a woman's subordination first to her father, then her husband and finally to her son. | 8 | |
7291902877 | Patriarchy | Societies were men ruled over and even "owned" women. Have been around as long as society has been around. Many say that it began because women did not have the strength to plow fields and do manually intensive labor. | 9 | |
7291902878 | Empress Wu | Former high-ranking concubine in the imperial court who came to power amid much palace intrigue and was the only woman ever to China with the title of emperor. (690-705c.e.) | 10 | |
7291902879 | Aspasia and Pericles | this couple is notable for their equitable relationship, a rarity in Athens for this era, she was his hetera, a professional, educated, high-class entertainer and sexual companion. | 11 | |
7291902880 | Helots | Spartan slaves, people who were conquered because they were immediate neighbors to Sparta. | 12 |