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AP World History Chapter 13 Flashcards

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2328285613Who were the biggest encouragers of European Maritime voyage?The elite0
2328285614Reasons for European sea voyages-Opportunities for land to be expanded so that there could be more food -Needed a larger land-based to support the expansion of its economy to produce in demand goods -more trade opportunities for merchants1
2328285615Europe's advantages in sea voyages-States in trading companies enabled effective mobilization of human and material resources -seafaring technology allowed easy movement on sea -ironworking technology, gunpowder weapons -horses2
2328285616What provided allies for determined European invaders?Divisions between and within local societies such as people in Aztec empire3
2328285617Most significant of European advantagesTheir germs and diseases - Native Americans had no immunities so disease wiped out many societies4
2328285618Why did so many Native Americans die from the European diseases?Because many lived in Andean zones and long isolation from Afro Eurasian world and lack of most domesticated animals meant there was no acquired immunity5
2328285619What did the "Great dying" create?-acute labor shortage -made room for immigrant newcomers (colonizing Europeans and African slaves)6
2328285620What did domesticated animals such as horses and sheep make possible in North and South America?Cowboy cultures and ranching economies7
2328285621What happened to women's role in Native American societies one horses were introduced?Lost much of their role as food producers food producers8
2328285622What did the Columbian exchange lead to?In interacting Atlantic world connecting 4 continents9
2328285623Columbian exchangeEnormous network of communication migration, trade, disease, and transfer of plants and animals by European colonies in the Americas10
2328285624What increased Europe's population from 60-390 million in 1900?Calories derived from corn and potatoes11
2328285625What created a lasting link between Africa, Europe, and the Americas?Slave trade12
2328285626What American stimulants were used around the world?Tobacco and chocolate13
2328285627Where in the world did tobacco become popular?China. There were how to manuals and work considered Gentlemans companions14
2328285628MercantilismStacking cash, all depends on how much money you have because money equals power15
2328285629What did mercantilism create?Fueled European wars and colonial rivalries around the world in the early modern era16
2328285630What allowed Spanish colonist to exchange goods with Spanish rivals?Smuggling and piracy17
2328285631Women in Native American societies and African slavesConquest with often accompanied by the transfer of women to the new colonial rulers -many Spanish men married elite native women -Women were still subject to abuse18
2328285632What gave Spain access to the most wealthy or the ninth and densely populated regions of the Western Hemisphere?The Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires in the early 16th century19
2328285633What was the economic foundation for the colonial society in the Western Hemisphere conquered by Spain?-commercial agriculture -large rural estates -Silver and gold mining20
2328285634Who provided most of the labor in this case?Native peoples instead of slaves or European workers21
2328285635Encomienda-Spanish legal system -The Spanish crown was granted to particular Spanish settlers from whom they could require labor gold or agricultural produce and DeVaughn they owed "protection" and instruction in the Christian faith22
2328285636RepartimientoSystem that replaced encomienda and had slightly more controlled by the crown and Spanish officials23
2328285637Hacienda SystemThe owners of large estates directly employed native workers24
2328285638How was the system not helpful to the workers?The people who worked on the Estates had low wages, high taxes, large debt to the landowners, and little control over their lives.25
2328285639Spanish hierarchal systemAt the top were male Spanish settlers (politically and economically dominant and seeking to become a landed aristocracy)26
2328285640Spanish minority-20% of the population -in itself a divided community -descendants of the original conquistadors sought to protect their privileges against immigrant newcomers27
2328285641CreolesSpaniards born in the Americas -resented the pretensions to superiority of those born in Spain28
2328285642PeninsularesSpaniards born in Spain29
2328285643What or who were landowning Spaniards threatened by?The grilling wealth of commercial and mercantile groups practicing less prestigious occupations30
2328285644Spanish women-subordinate to men -unable to hold public office and viewed as a week and in need of male protection -regarded as "bearers of civilization" because of their ability to have children31
2328285645MestizoMixed race population initially the product of unions between Spanish men and Indian women -facilitated by the desire of many surviving Indian women for relatives security of life in a Spanish household where they and their children would not be subject to be harsh demands and abuse made on native people32
2328285646Reputation of the mestizosLargely Hispanic in culture but Spaniards looked down on them during much of the colonial area regarding them as illegitimate for many were not born of "proper" marriages33
2328285647What did women of mixed racial background work as?Domestic servants -in their husbands' shops, manufactured candles and cigars, in addition to performing domestic duties34
2328285648Mencia PerezSuccessively married to reasonably well do you Spanish men and upon their death took over their businesses, becoming in her own right a very rich woman35
2328285649What people were at the bottom of Mexican and Peruvian colonial societies?Indigenous peoples known to the Europeans and "Indians"36
2328285650How were the indigenous people known to the Europeans as Indians treated?-They were subject to growth abuse and exploitation as the primary labor force for the minds and estates of the Spanish Empire and are required to render tribute payments to their Spanish overlords. -their religions were attacked by Spanish missionaries and they were forcibly relocated into larger settlements37
2328285651What did the Indians do in their new Spanish colonies?Many learn Spanish, converted to Christianity, move to city to work for wages, eat the meat of cows chicken and pig, youth plows and draft animals rather than traditional baking sticks, and took their many grievances to Spanish court38
2328285652Indian women-Spanish legal codes generally defined them as minor as rather than responsible adults -increasingly excluded from the courts are represented by their men folk39
2328285653How did Indians benefit from education, well, and some European culture?They could "pass" as a mestizo40
2328285654What did Europeans, Spanish, British, French, and Dutch colony profit from in the Caribbean?Sugar41
2328285655How is Sugar used in Europe?As a medicine, spice, sweetener, a preservative, and in sculpture forms of a decoration that indicated high status42
2328285656What group of people did large-scale sugar production be pioneered by?Arabs43
2328285657Qualities of sugar production-labor-intensive -can profitably occur in a large scale setting -first modern industry in that it produce for an international and mass-market44
2328285658What was the most characteristic feature of sugar plantations?Massive use of slave labor which have to be used because there was an absence of Native American population45
2328285659Conditions for slaves working on sugar- producing estatesExtreme heat from a fire us to turn raw sugarcane into crystallized sugar -disease -hi death rate and they were just replaced by more slaves46
2328285660Who made up about half of the field getting that did the heavy work of planting and harvesting sugarcane?Women47
2328285661Women's conditions in sugar producing Estates-same brutal punishment and rations as the man -not really allowed to undertake the more skilled labor inside sugar mills -Women in urban areas usually works for white female owner and it domestic chores in the home, shops, etc.48
2328285662Why was the majority of the population partially or mostly of African descent?Because many were slaves49
2328285663MulattoesThe product of Portuguese - African Unions50
2328285664Why was there last racial mixing in North America?Because European women had joined the colonial migration at an early date51
2328285665Women in England-male dominance encouraged -inheritance of daughters was substantially less than of sons -not many girls went to school - many women are part of the church but we're not allowed to be ministers52
2328285666Quality of British settler colonies-protestant England with less interested in spreading the religion among native people unlike Spain -local self-government -many males were literate53
2328285667The government of British colonies in the AmericasElected colonial assemblies, seeing themselves of little parliaments defending the rights of men contested the prerogative of royal governors sent to administer their affairs54
2328285668What happened in Russia when Columbus crossed the Atlantic?A small Russian state centered on Moscow was emerging from two centuries of Mongol rule55
2328285669Where was the new Russian state located?On a cold and heavily forest did eastern fringe of Christiandom56
2328285670What was one large problem in the emerging Russian state?Security because pastoral people frequently rated their agricultural Russian neighbors and sold many into slavery57
2328285671What drew Russians to Siberia?Fur trade58
2328285672What offers protection to frontier towns, trading centers and Russian farmers?Lines of wooden forts59
2328285673What did the Russians demand from the people they conquered?- oath of allegiance by which native peoples swore eternal submission to the grand tsar -demanded tribute paid in cash, in Siberia it meant for such as the extremely valuable sable60
2328285674What did Russians bring with them on their conquests?Diseases that the native people of especially Siberia had little immunity to -christianity61
2328285675What provided incentive for conversion to Christianity by Russians?Tax breaks, exemptions from paying tribute, and the promise of land or cash -The destruction of many mosques added pressure62
2328285676Which empress established religious tolerance for Muslims in the late 18th century?Catherine the great63
2328285677What was the most profoundly transforming feature of the Russian Empire?Influx of Russian settlers his numbers by the end of 18th-century had overwhelmed the native peoples64
2328285678What rendered local people to be dependent on Russian market for grain, sugar, tea, tobacco, and alcohol?The loss of hunting grounds and pastureland to Russian agricultural settlers65
2328285679What a company pressures to encourage pastoralists to abandon their nomadic ways?Included the requirement to pay fees and obtain permission to cross agricultural lands66
2328285680What happened to the native Siberians and steppes when the Russians took over?-very few people of mixed race -native peoples were not driven into reservations are eradicated like they were in the Americas67
2328285681How did the natives become Russified?Adopted Russian language and converted to Christianity68
2328285682Wealth in Russia-rich agricultural lands, valuable for us, and mineral deposits -made a major role in making rush-hour one of the great powers of Europe by the 18th century69
2328285683Russia's the westward movementOccurred in a series of military rivalries with major powers of the region such as the Ottoman Empire, Sweden, Prussia, Austria, etc.70
2328285684Under which emperor did Russia have an extensive program of westernization?Peter the Great71
2328285685Peter the Great-vast administrative changes, the enlargement and modernization of Russian military forces, a new educational system for the sons of noble men, and dozens of manufacturing Enterprises -New capital at St. Petersburg72
2328285686Russian nobles at the time of Peter the GreatInstructed to dress and European styles and shave their sacred beards73
2328285687How was the Russian Empire similar to those of Western Europe?Similar to those of Western Europe in terms of conquest, settlement, exploitation, religious conversion, and feeling of superiority74
2328285688How is the Russian Empire different from those of Western Europe?Absorbed territory near them and they did so at the same time that a modern Russian state with taking shape instead of conquering in colonizing the New World like Spain and England did75
2328285689What was unique about the Russian Empire in terms of time?Its longevity76
2328285690What other Asian empires performed and left Europeans and Russians were building their own?Chinese went into the central Eurasia -turko - Mongol invaders from Central Asia created the Mughal empire -The Ottoman Empire brought Muslim rule to a largely Christian population in South Eastern Europe and Turkish rule to largely era populations in north Africa and the Middle East77
2328285691What were some differences that these less heard of imperial projects had between the European settlement of American colonies?-not as much global reach or worldwide impact -did not have devastating in transforming impact on the conquered peoples because those peoples were not being exposed to new diseases -nothing like the decline of the Native American population78
2328285692What cause the central division within Mughal India?Religion79
2328285693What religion with the ruling dynasty in India?Muslim80
2328285694What was the name of Mughal India's most famous emperor?Akbar81
2328285695What did Akbar do to help the Hindu population?-married several of their princesses but did not require them to convert to Islam -inc. a large number of Hindus into the political - military elite of the Empire -supported the building of religious buildings such as mosques and Hindu temples82
2328285696What did Akbar do to help the Hindu women?Soften the restrictions on them such as encouraging the remarriage of windows, discouraging child marriages and sati, and persuading merchants to set aside a special market day for women to moderate their seclusion in the home83
2328285697What did Akbar do in terms of direct religious matters?-policy of religious tolerance -restraining the more militantly Islamic religious scholars, called ulamas -removing tax against non-Muslims84
2328285698What did Akbar construct in terms of religion?A special house of worship where he had intellectual discussions with representatives of many religions such as Muslims, Hindus, Christians, and Buddhists85
2328285699Shayk Ahmad SirhindiMuslim philosopher who was against Akbar's religious rule86
2328285700What did Aurangzeb do that Was opposite to Akbar?Changed rule to Islam supremacy87
2328285701Aurangzeb's ruleForbade Hindu practice of sati -music and dance were banned at court, and tolerated devices such as gambling, drinking, prostitution, and narcotics were actively suppressed -dancing girls were ordered to get married or leave the Empire all together88
2328285702How did Aurangzeb make the Hindus feel unwelcome?-some temples were destroyed -tax was reimposed89
2328285703Why was Aurangzeb disliked?-religious policies -intolerable demands for taxes to support his many wards of expansion -antagonizing Hindus90
2328285704Who was the Ottoman Empire created by?Turkic warrior groups, whose aggressive rating of agricultural civilization was now legitimized in Islamic terms91
2328285705Where did the Ottoman Empire begin?Northwestern Anatolia92
2328285706How was the Ottoman Empire transformed?From a small frontier principality to a prosperous, powerful, cosmopolitan empire93
2328285707Ottoman sultanCombined roles of a Turkic warrior prince, a Muslim caliph, and a conquering emperor94
2328285708Social changes within Ottoman Eife-independence of pastoral women, open association with men, and their political influence in society decreased when adopted Islam -elite women were secluded and veiled More slave women95
2328285709Turkish womenWomen of the royal court had a lot of political influence -Islamic law permitted women important property rights, which made them wealthy -protected rights in marriage, divorce, inheritance, either representing themselves or other women96
2328285710What was prominent among the Ottoman elite?Persian culture, especially poetry and painting97
2328285711What two major religions were in the Ottoman Empire?Christians (many converted to islam) and Muslims98
23282857121453Fall of Constantinople to Ottomans Splendid Christian city and became capital of empire99
2328285571What was Constantinople renamed?Istanbul100
2328285572Why were there fewer conversions in the Balkans?Scarcity of Turkish settlers and and willingness of Ottomans to support churches101
2328285573Why did many Christians welcome the Ottomans?Taxes were lighter and oppression was less pronounced than under their former Christian rulers102
2328285574How did the Ottomans bring in so many people from different areas?Many became elite without converting to Islam Women could appeal to court because they had more rights Prominence in trade and banking circles103
2328285575DevshirmeBalkan Christian communities were required to hand over a quota of young boys who were removed from their families, converted, learned Turkish, and trained for either civil administration or military service104
2328285576Where were the young boys of the devshirme trained?In elite Janissary units105

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