Transformation of the West
313600923 | Niccolo Machiavelli | a statesman of Florence who advocated a strong central government (1469-1527) | 0 | |
313600924 | humanism | the doctrine emphasizing a person's capacity for self-realization through reason | 1 | |
313600925 | Northern Renaissance | the movement in Art in Germany and Flanders that reflected greater religious tones; , Emphasized Critical Thinking, Developed Christian Humanism criticizing the church & society, Painting/ Woodcuts/Literature | 2 | |
313600926 | Francis 1 | renaissance king of France; stability; artistic flourishing; $ towards art, was a huge patron of the arts. | 3 | |
313600927 | Johannes Gutenberg | German printer who was the first in Europe to print using movable type and the first to use a press (1400-1468) | 4 | |
313600928 | European-style Family | Emerged in 15th century; involved later marriage age and a primary emphasis on the nuclear family. | 5 | |
313600929 | Martin Luther | German theologian who led the Reformation | 6 | |
313600930 | Protestantism | the theological system of any of the churches of western Christendom that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation | 7 | |
313600931 | Anglican Church | Form of Protestantism set up in England after 1534; established by Henry VIII with himself as head, at least in part to obtain a divorce from his first wife; became increasingly Protestant following Henry's death | 8 | |
313600932 | Jean Calvin | French Protestant (16th century) who stressed doctrine of predestination; established center of his group at Swiss canton of Geneva; encouraged ideas of wider access to government, wider public education; Calvinism spread from Switzerland to northern Europe and North America | 9 | |
313600933 | Catholic Reformation | Religious reform movement within the Latin Christian Church, begun in response to the Protestant Reformation. It clarified Catholic theology and reformed clerical training and discipline. | 10 | |
313600934 | Jesuits | Also known as the Society of Jesus; founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) as a teaching and missionary order to resist the spread of Protestantism. | 11 | |
313600935 | edict of Nantes | 1598, decree promulgated at Nantes by King Henry IV to restore internal peace in France, which had been torn by the Wars of Religion; the edict defined the rights of the French Protestants | 12 | |
313600936 | Thirty Years War | (1618-48) A series of European wars that were partially a Catholic-Protestant religious conflict. It was primarily a batlte between France and their rivals the Hapsburg's, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire. | 13 | |
313600937 | Treaty of Westphalia | Ended Thirty Years War in 1648; granted right to individual rulers within the Holy Roman Empire to choose their own religion-either Protestant or Catholic | 14 | |
313600938 | English Civil War | civil war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I | 15 | |
313600939 | Scientific Revolution | an era between 16th and 18th centuries when scientists began doing research in a new way using the scientific method | 16 | |
313600940 | Copernicus | Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543) | 17 | |
313600941 | Galileo | Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries (1564-1642) | 18 | |
313600942 | William Harvey | Englishman who announced blood circulates throughout the body. | 19 | |
313600943 | Rene Descartes | 17th century French philosopher; wrote Discourse on Method; 1st principle "i think therefore i am"; believed mind and matter were completly seperate; known as father of modern rationalism | 20 | |
313600944 | Isaac Newton | English mathematician and physicist | 21 | |
313600945 | absolute monarchy | a system of government in which the head of state is a hereditary position and the king or queen has almost complete power | 22 | |
313600946 | Louis XIV | king of France from 1643 to 1715 | 23 | |
313600947 | parliamentary monarchy | Originated in England and Holland, 17th century, with kings partially checked by significant legislative powers in parliaments. | 24 | |
313600948 | Frederick the Great | This was the Prussian king who embraced culture and wrote poetry and prose. He gave religious and philosophical toleration to all subjects, abolished torture and made the laws simpler | 25 | |
313600949 | Enlightenment | a movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions | 26 | |
313600950 | Adam Smith | Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade (1723-1790) | 27 | |
313600951 | Mary Wollstonecraft | English writer and early feminist who denied male supremacy and advocated equal education for women | 28 |