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AP WORLD HISTORY- Chapter 17 Flashcards

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8483753582Evliya CelebiThe most famous of Ottoman travelers; his writings contain rich portraits of his own society and the ones he visited in Europe, Iran, Arabia, and North Africa (1610-1683).0
8483753583JanissariesAn elite core of slaves trained as professional soldiers in the Ottoman Military. Janissary soldiers were Christian youths from the Balkans who were pressed into service and forced to convert to Islam.1
8483753584SuleymanCredited with the development of literature, art, architecture, and law, and for inclusive policies towards religious minorities. Suleyman extended to Ottoman Empire while maintaining economic and political stability (1520-1566)2
8483753585Safavid EmpireDynasty that established Shi'ite Islam as the state religion in Iran and challenged the powerful Ottoman Empire. The Safavids fell to invaders from Central Asia in the early 18th century(1501-1722).3
8483753586Abbas ISafavid Ruler who created a long stable reign, beautified the capital city of Isfahan, promoted foreign trade, and repelled a Ottoman invaders (1587-1629)4
8483753587SufiA mystical form of Islam in which adherents follow a set of specified practices, often involving meditation and rhythmic movement, in an attempt to be closer to God. Sufis pay great respect to the leaders of their brotherhoods even after death, often erecting shrines which they visited as Saints' Tombs5
8483753588Habsburg DynastyPowerful ruling house that expanded from Austria to Spain, the Netherlands, and the Spanish Empire, as well as throughout the German speaking world when Charles V was elected Holy Roman Emperor (1516-1556)6
8483848881Philip IISon of Charles V and King of Spain. Considering himself a defender of Catholicism, Philip launched attacks on Protestants in England and Netherlands (1556-1598).7
8483848882John CalvinA Protestant leader who's followers emphasized individual scriptural study and the absolute sovereignty of God (1509-1564).8
8483848883Thirty Yesrs' WarSeries of wars fought by various European powers on German-speaking lands. Began as a competition between Catholic and Lutheran rulers and was complicated by the dynastic and strategic of Europe's major powers (1618-1648).9
8490921934Louis XIVKnown as the "Sun King", Louis epitomized royal absolutism and established firm control over the French state. Aggressively pursued military domination of Europe while patronizing French arts from his court at Versailles (1643 - 1715)10
8490939994PuritansSeventeenth-century reformers of the Church of England who attempted to purge the church of all Catholic influences. They were Calvinists who emphasized Bible reading, simplicity and modesty, and the rejection of priestly authority and elaborate rituals11
8490953483Bill of RightsIn 1689, King William and Queen Mary of England recognized a Bill of Rights that protected subjects against arbitrary seizure of person or property and that required annual meetings of Parliament12
8490965081Peter the GreatPowerful Romanov Tsar who built a new Russian capital at St. Petersburg, emulated Western advances in military technology, and extended the Russian empire further into Asia13
8490979204AshkenazimThe largest group in the Jewish diaspora, speaking the German-derive language of Yiddish and living in central and eastern Europe14
8490990514PrussiaWith its capital at Berlin, Prussia was the rising German power of the eighteenth century, its military prowess set it in competition with Habsburg Austria for influence over the many German-speaking kingdoms and principalities15

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