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AP World History- Chapter 18 and 19 Vocabulary Flashcards

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287217920Atlantic SystemThe network of trading links after 1500 that moved goods, wealth, people, and cultures around the Atlantic Ocean basin.0
287217921Chartered CompaniesGroups of private investors who paid an annual fee to France and England in exchange for a monopoly over trade to the West Indies colonies.1
287217922Dutch West India CompanyTrading company chartered by the Dutch government to conduct its merchants' trade in the Americas and Africa.2
287217923PlantocracyIn the West Indian colonies, the rich men who owned most of the slaves and most of the land, especially in the eighteenth century.3
287217924DriverA privileged male slave whose job was to ensure that a slave gang did its work on a plantation.4
287217925SeasoningAn often difficult period of adjustment to new climates, disease environments, and work routines, such as that experienced by slaves newly arrived in the Americas; during which 1/3 died of diseases.5
287217926ManumissionA grant of legal freedom to an individual slave.6
287217927MaroonA slave who ran away from his or her master. Often a member of a community of runaway slaves in the West Indies and South America.7
287217928CapitalismThe economic system of large financial institutions-banks, stock exchanges, investment companies-that first developed in early modern Europe.8
287217929MercantilismEuropean government policies of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries designed to promote overseas trade between a country and its colonies and accumulate precious metals by requiring colonies to trade only with their motherland country9
287217930Royal African CompanyA trading company chartered by the English government in 1672 to conduct its merchants' trade on the Atlantic coast of Africa.10
287217931Atlantic CircuitThe network of trade routes connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas that underlay the Atlantic system.11
287217932Middle PassageThe part of the Atlantic Circuit involving the transportation of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas.12
287217933SonghaiA people, language, kingdom, and empire in western Sudan in West Africa. At its height in the sixteenth century, the Muslim Empire stretched from the Atlantic to the land of the Hausa and was a major player in the trans-Saharan trade.13
287217934HausaAn agricultural and trading people of central Sudan in West Africa. Aside from their brief incorporation into the Songhai Empire, the city-states remained autonomous until the Sokoto Calipphate conquered them in the early nineteenth century.14
287217935BornuA powerful West African kingdom at the southern edge of the Sahara in the Central Sudan, which was important in trans-Saharan trade and in the spread of Islam. Also known with Kanem- in front, it endured from the ninth century to the end of the nineteenth.15
287217936Ottoman EmpireIslamic state founded by Osman in northwestern Anatolia ca. 1300. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Empire was based at Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) from 1453 to 1922. It encompassed lands in the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus, and eastern Europe.16
287217937Suleiman the MagnificentThe most illustrious sultan of the Ottoman Empire (r. 1520-1566); also known as Suleiman Kanuni, 'The Lawgiver.' He significantly expanded the empire in the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean.17
287217938JanissariesInfantry, originally of slave origin, armed with firearms and constituting the elite of the Ottoman army from the fifteenth century until the corps was abolished in 1826; gave Ottomans great military flexibility18
287217939Devshirme'Selection' in Turkish. The system by which boys from Christian communities were taken by the Ottoman state to serve as Janissaries.19
287217940Tulip PeriodLast years of the reign of Ottoman sultan Ahmed III, during which European styles and attitudes became briefly popular in Istanbul.20
287217941Safavid EmpireIranian kingdom (1502-1722) established by Ismail Safavi, who declared Iran a Shi'ite state.21
287217942Shi'ite IslamMuslims belonging to the branch of Islam believing that God vests leadership of the community in a descendant of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali; Ismail declared it for his realm22
287217943Hidden ImamLast in a series of twelve descendants of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali, whom Shi'ites consider divinely appointed leaders of the Muslim community. In occlusion since ca. 873, he is expected to return as a messiah at the end of time.23
287217944Shah Abbas IThe fifth and most renowned ruler of the Safavid dynasty in Iran. He moved the royal capital to Isfahan in 1598.24
287217945Mughal EmpireMuslim state (1526-1857) exercising dominion over most of India in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.25
287217946Akbar IMost illustrious sultan of the Mughal Empire in India (r. 1556-1605). He expanded the empire and pursued a policy of conciliation with Hindus; brilliant but mercurial26
287217947MansabsIn India, grants of land given in return for service by rulers of the Mughal Empire; granted by Akbar27
287217948RajputsMembers of a mainly Hindu warrior caste from northwest India. The Mughal emperors drew most of their Hindu officials from this caste, and Akbar I married a Rajput princess.28
287217949SikhismIndian religion founded by the guru Nanak (1469-1539) in the Punjab region of northwest India. After the Mughal emperor ordered the beheading of the ninth guru in 1675, Sikh warriors mounted armed resistance to Mughal rule.29
287217950Acheh SultanateMuslim kingdom in northern Sumatra. Main center of Islamic expansion in Southeast Asia in the early seventeenth century, it declined after the Dutch seized Malacca from Portugal in 1641.30
287217951OmanArab state based in Musqat, the main port in the southwest region of the Arabian peninsula. Oman succeeded Portugal as a power in the western Indian Ocean in the eighteenth century.31
287217952SwahiliBantu language with Arabic loanwords spoken in coastal regions of East Africa; broadened also by Persian and Portuguese loanwords32
287217953BataviaFort established ca. 1619 as headquarters of Dutch East India Company operations in Indonesia; today the city of Jakarta on Java; was besieged by fleet of sultan of Mataram33

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