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AP world history Chapter 18 Flashcards

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6116864534the English and French grew tobacco thereSugar cane was first grown in the west indies by spanish colonists shortly after 1500, but after 1600,0
6116864535tobacco became enormously popular in Europealthough tobacco was a new world plant long used by amerindians1
6116864536it was never profitablewhich of the following does not describe the dutch west india company2
6116864537a sharp increase in the african slave tradethe expansion of sugar plantations in the west indies required3
6116864538half as muchin the 17th century carribean, indentures servants costs _______ as slaves4
6116864539requiring farm as well as factory production methodsthe cultivation and production of sugar can best be described as5
6116864540molasses and rumby-products of sugar manufacture were6
6116864541private investors with trade monopolies in coloniesin order to make tobacco trade profitable, european governments used charter companies7
6116864542soil exhaustion and deforestationenvironmental damage to sugar plantations was caused by8
6116864543became nearly extinct from abuse and diseaseas a result of european colonization, the arawak and carib9
611686454490percenton most islands, the percentage of slaves in the population was10
6116864545a small number of rich men who owned the land and slavesin the 18th century, west indian plantations were controlled by a plantocracy,11
6116864546twice as many were importedmen outnumbered women on carribean plantations because12
6116864547male slaves"drivers" were typically13
6116864548to escape punishmentplantation slaves were motivated to work hard14
6116864549one thirdduring "seasoning" ______ of the new slaves died15
611686455023 yearslife expectancy for 19th century brazilian male slaves was16
6116864551diseasemost slaves died of17
6116864552bought insuranceto reduce the risks of overseas trading, companies18
6116864553a government policy that protects trade and demands the accumulation of gold and silvermercantilism is19
6116864554confine trade to English ships and cargoesThe English Navigation acts in the 1660's were meant to20
6116864555Atlantic circuitthe "clockwise" network of trade in the Atlantic was the21
6116864556800,000During the first 150 years after the European discovery of the americas, how many Africans were transported in the atlantic slave trade22
61168645577.5 millionduring the "sugar boom" from 1650-1800, ________ slavers were transported23
6116864558all of thesewhy was mortality on Atlantic slave ships high?24
6116864559Dahomeythe african state most dependent on the slave trade was25
6116864560prisoners of warmost slaves taken in africa were26
6116864561kidnappingin the 18th century, what was the major source of slaves in the interior of the bight of biafra27
6116864562european and african elitesgenerally, the atlantic slave trade was based on a partnership between28
6116864563servants and concubineshousehold slaves in the islamic world mostly consisted of29
6116864564muslimsislamic law prohibited the enslavement of30
6116864565the islamic trade was much smallerboth muslims and europeans obtained slaves from sub-saharan africa but31
6116864566the population was able to recover due to the women and the adoption of new plant foodswhat effect did the loss of population due to the slave trade have on africa32
6116864567europeans gained far more wealth than africanswhich of the following is true regarding the Atlantic trade33

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