ap world history chapter 1-14
293482353 | Hunting Gathering | the use of simple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation for food | 0 | |
293482354 | Domesticated Animals | Started around 8000 B.C.E., dogs, horses, wheat, barley, etc. | 1 | |
293482355 | Sedentary | sitting | 2 | |
293482356 | Nomadic | wandering, moving about from place to place | 3 | |
293482357 | Pastoral | of or relating to a pastor | 4 | |
293482358 | Neolithic | New Stone age | 5 | |
293482359 | Deity | a god or goddess | 6 | |
293482360 | Pantheon | a temple to all the gods | 7 | |
293482361 | Pagan | not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam | 8 | |
293482362 | Caste System | a social structure in which classes are determined by heredity | 9 | |
293482363 | Preist | a person who performs religous cerimonies | 10 | |
293482364 | Nun | a female who dedicates her life to God and avoids the things of the world | 11 | |
293482365 | Monotheism | belief in a single God | 12 | |
293482366 | Celibacy | the state of being unmarried that priests and other religious choose in order to dedicate their lives totally to Jesus Christ and God's People | 13 | |
293482367 | Monasticism | The practice of living the life of a monk | 14 | |
293482368 | Afterlife | life after death | 15 | |
293482369 | Reincarnation | a second or new birth | 16 | |
293482370 | Missionaries | people who work to spread their religious beliefs | 17 | |
293482371 | Pilgrims | English Puritans who founded Plymouth colony in 1620 | 18 | |
293482372 | Filial | relating to or characteristic of a child | 19 | |
293482373 | Kinship groups | groups of people related by blood or marriage | 20 | |
293482374 | conversion | a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life | 21 | |
293482375 | priesthood | the condition or office of a priest | 22 | |
293482376 | sacred texts | texts that a religion believes to be sacred or of central importance. | 23 | |
293482377 | imperial | relating to or associated with an empire | 24 | |
293482378 | feudal | of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism | 25 | |
293482379 | the state | A specific region within the nation | 26 | |
293482380 | empire | a group of countries under a single authority | 27 | |
293482381 | ideology | an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation | 28 | |
293482382 | bureaucracy | system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials | 29 | |
293482383 | civil service | the group of people whose job it is to carry out the work of the government | 30 | |
293482384 | social hierarchy | The division of society by rank or class | 31 | |
293482385 | stratification | the placing of seeds in damp sand or sawdust or peat moss in ordere to preserve them or promote germination | 32 | |
293482386 | inequality | lack of equality | 33 | |
293482387 | patriarchy | a form of social organization in which a male is the family head and title is traced through the male line | 34 | |
293482388 | slavery | the practice of owning slaves | 35 | |
293482389 | urban | relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area | 36 | |
293482390 | tax revenue | government income due to taxation | 37 | |
293482391 | nobility | the quality of being exalted in character or ideals or conduct | 38 | |
293482392 | elites | A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status. | 39 | |
293482393 | autonomy | immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority, otherwise known as political independence | 40 | |
293482394 | citizen | a native or naturalized member of a state or other political community | 41 | |
293482395 | trade goods | articles of commerce | 42 | |
293482396 | Role of nomads in trade | nomads spread ideas from far away lands and traded new technology | 43 | |
293482397 | Technology | tools and skills people use to meet their basic needs | 44 | |
293482398 | Textiles | fabrics that are woven or knitted; material for clothing | 45 | |
293482399 | Schism | division of a group into opposing factions, a separation between the two branches of Christianity | 46 | |
293482400 | doctrinal differences | The use of documents to compare and contrast two religions. | 47 | |
293482401 | epidemic disease | any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people | 48 | |
293482402 | guilds | Association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests | 49 | |
293482403 | tax-farming | selling the right to collect taxes to private individuals called tax farmers | 50 | |
293482404 | city-states | a city and its surrounding farmlands, with its own leaders and government | 51 | |
293482405 | soverignty | Ultimate governing authority, supreme and absolute power within own territory and can decide own foreign and domestic policies | 52 | |
293482406 | mercenaries | a soldier who fights for any country or group that will pay him | 53 | |
293482407 | diasporas | the migration of religious or ethnic groups to foreign lands despite their continued affiliation with the land and customs of their origin | 54 | |
293482408 | syncretism | a blending of two or more religious traditions | 55 | |
293482409 | tribute system | Conquered people give goods or money to the capital city as a tax | 56 | |
293482410 | infidel | one who does not accept a particular faith | 57 | |
293482411 | chartered cities | A charter city is a city in which the governing system is defined by the city's own charter document rather than by state, provincial, regional or national laws. | 58 | |
293482412 | usury | the act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest | 59 | |
293482413 | sacrament | something considered to have sacred significance | 60 | |
293482414 | caravel | A small, highly maneuverable three-masted ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in the exploration of the Atlantic. | 61 | |
293482415 | tariffs | Taxes on imports or exports | 62 | |
293482416 | conquistadors | Spanish soldiers and explorers who led military expeditions in the Americas and captured land for Spain | 63 | |
293482417 | absolutism | the principle of complete and unrestricted power in government | 64 | |
293482418 | joint-stock companies | an association of individuals in a business enterprise with transferable shares of stock, much like a corporation except that stockholders are liable for the debts of the business | 65 | |
293482419 | trade diaspora | networks of interconnected commercial communities living and working major trade cities through out Africa, Europe and Asia. | 66 | |
293482420 | excommunication | the act of banishing a member of the Church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the Church | 67 | |
293482421 | slave trade | The business of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves | 68 | |
293482422 | manumission | the formal act of freeing from slavery | 69 | |
293482423 | renaissance | the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world | 70 | |
293482424 | protestant | the Protestant churches and denominations collectively | 71 | |
293482425 | coerced labor system | Forced Labor | 72 | |
293482426 | mercantilism | an economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought | 73 | |
293482427 | revolution | the overthrow of a government by those who are governed | 74 | |
293482428 | imperialism | any instance of aggressive extension of authority | 75 | |
293482429 | sepoys | Indian troops who served in the British army | 76 | |
293482430 | monopoly | exclusive control or possession of something | 77 | |
293482431 | modernization | making modern in appearance or behavior | 78 | |
293482432 | political reforms | a reform in the political structure of a country/state/entity | 79 | |
293482433 | capitulations | Agreements with European powers that gave European bankers and merchants unfair advantages in the Empire | 80 | |
293482434 | humanitarian values | values that promote better conditions for people throughout the world. | 81 | |
293482435 | effective occupation | a principle in international law that territory and other property remains with its possessor at the end of a conflict, unless provided for by treaty | 82 | |
293482436 | concessions in colonies | Colonies yielding the argument against them. conceding for the imperialists | 83 | |
293482437 | colonialism | Attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory. | 84 | |
293482438 | cash crops | crops, such as tobacco, sugar, and cotton, raised in large quantities in order to be sold for profit | 85 | |
293482439 | business cycle | recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline | 86 | |
293482440 | extraterritoriality | Right of foreigners to be protected by the laws of their own nation. | 87 | |
293482441 | Treaties | formal agreements between nations | 88 | |
293482442 | Abolition | the movement to end slavery | 89 | |
293482443 | industrialization | the development of industry on an extensive scale | 90 | |
293482444 | social Darwinism | The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion. | 91 | |
293482445 | sanitation systems | a series of pipes to take dirty water away from houses and businesses | 92 | |
293482446 | nation state | A country who's population share a common identity. | 93 | |
293482447 | liberalism | an economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market and the gold standard | 94 | |
293482448 | middle class | the social class between the lower and upper classes | 95 | |
293482449 | Victorian | of or relating to Queen Victoria of Great Britain or to the age in which she ruled | 96 | |
293482450 | Indentured Servants | colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years | 97 | |
293482451 | Laissez-faire capitalism | This was the style of capitalism in which the government had no interference with the economy | 98 | |
293482452 | Socialism | a political theory advocating state ownership of industry | 99 | |
293482453 | Labor union | an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer | 100 | |
293482454 | Marxism | the economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism will untimately be superseded | 101 | |
293482455 | Free-trade imperialism | Economic dominance of a weaker country by a more powerful one, while maintaining the legal independence of the weaker state. In the late nineteenth century, free-trade imperialism characterized the relations between the Latin American republics. | 102 | |
293482456 | suffrage | a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US constitution | 103 | |
293482457 | natural rights | the idea that all humans are born with rights, which include the right to life, liberty, and property | 104 | |
293482458 | consumerism | a movement advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers | 105 | |
293482459 | fascism | a political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition | 106 | |
293482460 | five-year plans | Plans that Joseph Stalin introduced to industrialize the Soviet Union rapidly, beginning in 1928. They set goals for the output of steel, electricity, machinery, and most other products and were enforced by the police powers of the state. | 107 | |
293482461 | import-substitution | a government policy that uses trade restrictions and subsidies to encourage domestic production of manufactured goods | 108 | |
293482462 | mandate system | Allocation of former German colonies and Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after World War I, to be administered under League of Nations supervision. | 109 | |
293482463 | partition | the act of dividing or partitioning | 110 | |
293482464 | sub-urbanization | The process of population movement from within towns and cities to the rural-urban fringe. | 111 | |
293482465 | Non-aligned nations | Developing countries that announced their neutrality in the Cold War. | 112 | |
293482466 | Proxy Wars | During the Cold War, local or regional wars in which the superpowers armed, trained, and financed the combatants. | 113 | |
293482467 | Genocide | systematic killing of a racial or cultural group | 114 |