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AP World History Chapter 1-5 Vocabulary Flashcards

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10749554912Mungo ManRemains of a male found near Mungo Lake in the southeastern Australian state of New South Wales, dated to about 40,000 B.C.E.0
10749554913OcherReddish brown iron based pigment used to color soil and decorate cave walls1
10749554914Homo sapiens sapiensBiological term for modern human beings belonging to the genus Homo, species sapiens, and subspecies sapiens2
10749554915HomininsTerm referring to all humans and their ancestors but not to chimpanzees, gorillas, or orangutans3
10749554916evolutionmodel proposed by Charles Darwin to explain the development of new species through genetic mutation and natural selection4
10749554917mitochondrial Evefirst female ancestor shared by all living humans who was identified by DNA analysis5
10749554918religionbelief system that holds that divine powers control the environment and peoples' futures6
10749554919NeanderthalsGroup of premodern humans who lived between 100,000 and 25,000 b.c.e. in western Asia and Europe, eventually replaced by Homo sapiens sapiens7
10749554920Beringialand mass now submerged below water that connected the tips of Siberia with the Northeast corner of Alaska8
10749554921Monte Verde, ChileEarliest site in the Americas, where evidence of human occupation has been found dating to 12,000 B.C.E.9
10749554922StratigraphyArchaeological principle that, at an undisturbed site, material from upper layers must be more recent than that from lower layers10
10749554923Carbon 14Isotope of carbon whose presence in organic material can be used to determine the approximate age of archaeological samples11
10749554924Clovis technological complexThe characteristic stone spear points that were in use around 11,000 b.c.e. across much of modern-day America12
10749554925agricultureplanting of seeds and harvesting of crops using domesticated animals13
10749554926Neolithic"New Stone Age", societies that used stone tools and practiced agriculture14
10749554927CatalhoyukThe world's largest early settlement with a population of 5000 in 6000 BCE located in modern Turkey15
10749554928MesopotamiaGreek for "between the rivers", region between the Tigris and Euphrates in today's Iraq and Eastern Syria16
10749554929Gilgameshhistoric king of Uruk who ruled between 2700-2500 BCE, also the name of an epic about him17
10749554930complex societysociety characterized by a large urban center with specialized labor and social stratification as well as the belief that rulers and deities were entitled to surpluses society produced18
10749554931city-statecity whose ruler governs both the city center and surrounding countryside19
10749554932bronzean alloy of copper and tin used to make the earliest metal tools20
10749554933wheelimportant innovation in transport dated to 3500 BCE21
10749554934Sumergeographical term from Akkadian meaning the ancient region of southern Mesopotamia22
10749554935cuneiformmeaning "wedge shaped" for the writing system of Sumer in its late stages when the script became completely phoenetic23
10749554936Sargon of Akkadthe first ruler to unify Mesopotamia, changed language of administration to Akkadian24
10749554937empirea large territory in which one people rule over other subject peoples with different languages and religious traditions25
10749554938pharoahgod king who unified kingdom of Egypt from at least 3100 BCE26
10749554939Nubiaregion south of the First Cataract on the Nile, in modern day Egypt and Sudan, important trade partner of Egypt27
10749554940hieroglyphswriting system of ancient Egypt consisting of different symbols, some pictoral and some phonetic, used on official inscriptions28
10749554941papyrusconvenient but perishable writing material made from a reed that grew naturally along the Nile29
10749554942Hittitespeople based in Anatolia, Turkey, and Syria, spoke the Indo-European language of Hittite and learned to work iron around 2000 BCE, reached its greatest extent between 1322 and 1220 BCE and ended around 1200 BCE30
10749554943ironmetal used to make tools and weapons, iron smelting was an important technology because iron implements were much more durable than those made of bronze31
10749554944monotheismbelief in one god32
10749554945Jewterm derived from Hebrew that originally meant a member of the nation of Judah and later came to refer to all the Hebrews33
10749554946Ashokathird king of the Mauryan dynasty, the first Indian ruler to support Buddhism34
10749554947dliarmaSanskrit term meaning correct conduct according to law/custom, Buddhists used this concept to refer to the teachings of Buddha35
10749554948monsoonreferring to both seasonal winds in south Asia blowing northeast in spring and early summer and southwest in fall and winter and to the heavy seasonal rains they bring36
10749554949Indus River Valleysite of the earliest complex society on the Indian subcontinent(2600-1700 BCE), characterized by brick cities, drainage systems, open plazas, and broad avenues37
10749554950Sanskrita language such as Latin, Greek, and English, belonging to the Indo-European language family and spoken by Indo-Aryan migrants to north India around 1500-1000 BCE38
10749554951Rig Vedacollection of 1028 Sanskrit hymns, composed around 1500-1000 BCE but written down around 1000 CE. One of most revealing sources about Indo-Europeans who settled in northern India39
10749554952Vedic religionreligious belief system of Indo-European migrants in northern India, involved animal sacrifice and elaborate ceremonies to ensure that all transitions in the natural world-day to night, or one season to the next-proceeded smoothly40
10749554953nomadspeople who migrate seasonally to find grass for their animals, don't usually farm, instead tending herds full time41
10749554954varnafrom Sanskrit word for color, four major social groups of ancient Indian society, ranked in order of purity(not wealth or power): Brahmin priests, warriors, farmers/merchants, dependent laborers42
10749554955jatisometimes translated as "sub-caste", for groups of 5000-15000 people in modern India. Many Indians marry someone from the same jati and share meals on equal footing only with people from the same jati43
10749554956karmathe sum of one's deeds in this and all earlier existences that determines one's rebirth in the next life44
10749554957Jainisman Indian religion founded around the same time as Buddhism that emphasizes right faith, right healing, right knowledge, and right conduct, a key tenet is to not harm any living beings45
10749554958Buddhafounder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama(ca 600-400 BCE), meaning "the Enlightened one"46
10749554959nirvanaSanskrit word meaning "extinction", as when the candle goes out, in Buddhism: those who followed the Eightfold Path and understood the Four Noble Truths would gain true understanding47
10749554960Mauryan Dynasty(ca 320-185 BCE) dynasty that unified much of the Indian subcontinent, relying on trunk roads, it exercised more control in cities than the countryside48
10749554961chakravartin"Turner of the Wheel", Buddhist term for the ideal ruler who patronized Buddhism but never became a monk49
10749554962ceremonial statestate whose ruler sponsored religious observances and construction of religious edifices in the hope that his subjects would willingly acknowledge him as ruler50
10749554963Lay BuddhistBuddhist devotee who observes five precepts: don't kill, steal, commit adultery, lie, drink, but continue living at home and doesn't join the Buddhist order51
10749554964dhowssmall sailboats used in Indian Ocean made from teak planks laid edge to edge, fastened with coconut fiber twine and caulked to prevent leaking52
10749554965First Emperor of the Qin DynastyFounder of the Qin dynasty (221-207 B.C.E.) and the first ruler to unify ancient China. Eliminated regional differences by creating a single body of law and standardizing weights and measures.53
10749554966Shang DynastyChina's first historic dynasty. The earliest surviving records date to 1200 B.C.E., during the Shang. The Shang king ruled a small area in the vicinity of modern Anyang, in Henan province, and granted lands to allies in noble families.54
10749554967oracle bonesThe earliest surviving written records in China, scratched onto cattle shoulder blades and turtle shell bottoms, or plastrons, to record the diviners' interpretations of the future.55
10749554968ancestor worshipThe belief in China that dead ancestors could intercede in human affairs on behalf of the living. Marked by frequent rituals in which the living offered food and drink to the ancestors in the hope of receiving help.56
10749554969Sima QianThe author of Records of the Grand Historian, a history of China from ancient legendary times to the first century B.C.E.57
10749554970Zhou dynastyThe successor dynasty to the Shang that gained the Mandate of Heaven and the right to rule, according to later Chinese historians. Although depicted by later generations as an ideal age, the Zhou witnessed considerable conflict.58
10749554971mandate of heavenThe Chinese belief that Heaven, the generalized forces of the cosmos (not the abode of the dead), chose the rightful ruler. China's rulers believed that Heaven would send signs before withdrawing its mandate.59
10749554972Confucius(551-479 B.C.E.) A teacher who made his living by tutoring students. Known only through The Analects, the record of conversations with his students that they wrote down after his death.60
10749554973ConfucianismThe term for the main tenets of the thought of Confucius, which emphasized the role of ritual in bringing out people's inner humanity (a quality translated variously as "benevolence," "goodness," or "man at his best").61
10749554974DaoismA Chinese belief system dating back to at least 300 B.C.E. that emphasized the "Way," a concept expressed in Chinese as "dao." The Way of the early Daoist teachers included meditation, breathing techniques, and special eating regimes.62
10749554975LegalismA school of thought, originating in the fourth century B.C.E. and associated with Qin dynasty rulers, that emphasized promotion for officials and soldiers alike on the basis of merit and job performance, not heredity.63
10749554976Qin Dynasty(221-207 B.C.E.) The first dynasty to rule over a unified China; heavily influenced by Legalist teachings that promoted soldiers and officials strictly on the basis of accomplishment, not birth.64
10749554977Han dynasty(206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.) The immediate successor to the Qin dynasty. Han rulers denounced Legalist governance but adopted much of the Qin blueprint for empire. Because of its long rule, the Han dynasty was a model for all subsequent dynasties.65
10749554978Imperial AcademyEstablished in 124 B.C.E. by the Han emperor, Emperor Wu (r. 140-87 B.C.E.), to encourage the study of Confucian texts.66
10749554979Ban Zhao(45-120 C.E.) A historian and the author of Lessons for Women, a book that counseled women to serve men and advocated education for girls starting at the age of seven.67
10749554980XiongnuNomadic people north of China whose military strength derived from brilliant horsemanship. Defeated the Han dynasty in battle until 60 B.C.E., when their federation broke apart.68
10749554981Mau Piailug(1932-2010) Native of Satawal island in the Caroline islands who studied traditional Polynesian navigation as a child and successfully guided a reconstructed double-hulled canoe from Hawai'i to Tahiti in 1976.69
10749554982MesoamericaThe region that includes the southern two-thirds of modern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.70
10749554983OlmecA complex society (1200-400 B.C.E.) that arose on the Gulf of Mexico coast from modern-day Veracruz to Tabasco. Known particularly for the massive colossal heads hewn from basalt.71
10749554984long countA calendar that ran cumulatively, starting from a day equivalent to August 11, 3114 B.C.E., and continuing to the present. Came into use in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E., when inscriptions of bars and dots showed different calendar units.72
10749554985TeotihuacanThe largest city in the Americas before 1500, covering 8 square miles (20 sq km), located some 30 miles (50 km) northeast of modern-day Mexico City. Was occupied from around 200 B.C.E. to 650 C.E. and had an estimated population at its height of 40,000-200,000.73
10749554986MayaIndigenous people living in modern-day Yucátan, Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala. Their complex society reached its height during the classic period, when they used a fully developed written language.74
10749554987CopanA typical Maya city-state. At its peak in the eighth century, Copán had a population of 18,000-20,000 divided into sharply demarcated groups: the ruling family, the nobility, ordinary people, and slaves.75
10749554988obsidianA naturally occurring volcanic glass used by different peoples in the Americas to make fine art objects, dart tips, and knife blades sharper than modern scalpels. The most important good traded by the Maya.76
10749554989Popul VuhOne of the few surviving sources in the Mayan language, this oral epic features a series of hip ballgames between the gods and humans. Originally written in Mayan glyphs, it was recorded in the Roman alphabet in the 1500s.77
10749554990Mississippian peoplesThe first northern people (800-1450) to build large urban centers in the Mississippi River Valley.78
10749554991CaralThe earliest complex society (3100-1800 B.C.E.) in the Americas, whose main urban center was located at Caral in modern-day Peru, in the Andes.79
10749554992ChavinAndean complex society (1200-200 B.C.E.) in modern-day Peru. Best known for its temples and large stone sculptures of animals.80
10749554993Polynesian TriangleAn imaginary triangle with sides 4,000 miles (6,500 km) long linking Hawai'i, Easter Island, and New Zealand and containing several thousand islands.81
10749554994Lapita potteryNamed for a site in Melanesia, a low-fired brown pottery with lines and geometric decorations made with a pointed instrument. In use between 1500 and 1000 B.C.E., it reveals the direction of migration into the Pacific.82
10749554995double canoeA sailing vessel made by connecting two canoes with rope to a wooden frame. Used by the ancestors of modern Polynesians for ocean voyages. Capable of speeds of 100-150 miles (160-240 km) per day.83
10749554996etakTraditional Polynesian system of navigation that uses the stars, clouds, waves, and bird flight patterns to steer on sea voyages.84
10749554997moaiThe name for the 887 statues, probably of ancestral leaders, made from tufa volcanic rock and erected on Easter Island around 1000. The largest are more than 70 feet (21 m) high and the heaviest weighs 270 tons.85

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