Ap world History terms.
30081414 | Slash and burn agriculture | A system of cultivation typical of sifting cultivators; forest floors cleared by fire are then planted | 0 | |
30081415 | Band | a level of social organization normally consisting of between 20 and 30 people; nomadic hunters and gatherers; labor divided on a gender basis. | 1 | |
30081416 | Catal Huyuk | early urban culture based on sedentary agriculture; located in modern southern Turkey; larger in population than Jericho, had greater degree of social stratification. | 2 | |
30081417 | Civilization | Societies distinguished by reliance on sedentary agriculture,ability to produce food surpluses,and existence of non-farming elites, as well as merchant and manufacturing groups | 3 | |
30081418 | Cuneiform | Sumerian writing made by pressing a wedge-shaped tool into clay tablets | 4 | |
30081419 | Nomad | Cattle and sheep herding societies normally found on the fringes of civilized societies; commonly referred to as "barbarian" by civilized society. | 5 | |
30081420 | Mesopotamia | aka (the land "between two rivers") those two rivers are the tigris and the euphrates. the creators of this civilization are the sumerians they made it in 3,000 BC very religious, viewed gods as living realities who affected all aspects of life. each city-state in this culture was sacred and linked to a diety | 6 | |
30081421 | Ziggurats | Massive towers usually associated with Mesopotamian temple complexes. | 7 | |
30081422 | City-state | a form of city organization typical of Mesopotamian civilizations; consisted of agricultural hinterlands ruled by an urban-based king. | 8 | |
30081423 | Babylonians | Of or relating to Babylonia or Babylon or their people, culture, or language.An ancient empire of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley. It flourished under Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar II but declined after 562 B.C. and fell to the Persians in 539. | 9 | |
30081424 | Hammurabi | An ancient leader from Mesopotamia, created the first set of written code of laws. Best known for its principal an eye for an eye., the most important ruler of the babylonian empire. he codified laws of sumer and mesopotamia | 10 | |
30081425 | Sumerians | people who migrated into Mesopotamia ca. 4000 B.C.E.; created the first civilization within region; organized area into city-states. | 11 | |
30081426 | Pharaoh | means "great house" and is a title used by the rulers of Egypt. Pharaohs had absolute power because they were believed to be gods and could control the land and people of Egypt | 12 | |
30081427 | Pyramid | Huge, triangular shaped burial tombs of Egyptian pharaohs built during the Old Kingdom | 13 | |
30081428 | Kush | An African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile c. 100 B.C.E.; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries. | 14 | |
30081429 | Indus River Valley | River sources in Himalayas to mouth in Arabian Sea; location of Harappam civilization. | 15 | |
30081430 | Harappa | Along with Mohenjo-daro, major urban complex of the Harappan civilization; laid out on planned grid pattern. | 16 | |
30081431 | Mohenjo Daro | Along with Harappa, major urban complex of the Harappan civilization; laid out on planned grid pattern. | 17 | |
30081432 | Huanghe | Yellow River | 18 | |
30081433 | Ideograph | pictograph where a single or group markings represent a word or idea; ie:cuneiform, Chinese, Japanese writing | 19 | |
30081434 | Shang | invaders of the Huang River calley who came to power sometime between 1750 B.C. and 1500 B.C. and established the first dynasty in China | 20 | |
30081435 | Phoenicians | seafaring civilization located on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean; established colonies throughout the Mediterranean. | 21 | |
30081436 | Monotheism | Belief in a single divine entity. The Israelite worship of Yahweh developed into an exclusive belief in one god, and this concept passed into Christianity and Islam. (102) | 22 |