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AP World History Chapter 25 Flashcards

Uses World Civilizations book.

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153124479Toussaint L'OvertureLed Haiti slave rebellion0
153124480Mask of FerdinandLatin American movements that allegedly supported the Bourbon monarch1
153124481Miguel de HidalgoMexican priest who started revolution among Native Americans and mestizos2
153124482Augustin IturbideConservative Creole officer in Mexican army who signed agreement with insurgent forces of independence; proclaimed emperor of Mexico3
153124483Simon BolivarCreole military officer in northern South America; won series of victories in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador between 1817 and 1822; military success led to creation of independent state of Gran Colombia4
153124484Gran ColombiaIndependent state created in South America as a result of military successes of Simon Bolívar; existed only until 1830, at which time Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador became separate nations.5
153124485jose de san martinSouth American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile; protector of Peru6
153124486Joao VIportuguese monarch who established seat of government in brazil from 1808-1820 as a result of napoleonic invasion of iberian peninsula; made brazil seat of empire with capital at rio de janeiro.7
153124487Pedro Ison and successor of Joao VI in brazil; aided in the declaration of Brazilian independence in 1822 and became constitutional emperor8
153124488Jose Rodriguez de FranciaFirst leader of Paraguay following its independence from Spain; dictator9
153124489Andres Santa CruzMestizo general who established union of independent Peru and Bolivia between 1829 and 1839.10
153124490caudillosindependent leaders who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies; sometimes seized national governments to impose their concept of rule; typical throughout newly independent countries of latin america.11
153124491centralistsLatin American politicians who wished to create strong, centralized national governments with broad powers; often supported by politicians who described themselves as conservatives.12
153124492federalistswanted a two-tiered government13
153124493monroe doctrinean American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers14
153124494santa annadictator of Mexico; led attack on Alamo in 1836; defeated by Sam Houston at San Jacinto; participated in the Mexican War sold the "Gadsden Purchase" to U.S.; Exiled from Mexico15
153124495manifest destinya policy of imperialism rationalized as inevitable (as if granted by God); United States belief in 19th century16
153124496treaty of guadalup-hidalgoThis ended the Mexican war by giving the U.S half of Mexico; signed in 184817
153124497benito juarezMexican national hero; brought liberal reforms to Mexico, including separation of church and state, land distribution to the poor, and an educational system for all of Mexico; defeated French emperor18
153124498Maximilian von HabsburgProclaimed emperor of Mexico following intervention of France in 1862; ruled until overthrow and execution by liberal revolutionaries under Benito Juárez in 1867.19
153124499Argentine Republicreplaced state of Buenos Aires in 1862 as a result of a compromise between centralists and federalists.20
153124500Domingo F. SarmientoLiberal politician and president of the Argentine Republic; author of Facundo, a critique of caudillo politics; increased international trade and launched reforms in education and transportation.21
153124501modernization theoryThe belief that the more industrialized, urban, and modern a society became, the more social change and improvement were possible as traditional patterns and attitudes were abandoned or transformed.22
153124502dependency theoryThe belief that development and underdevelopment were not stages but were part of the same process; that development and growth of areas like western Europe were achieved at the expense of underdevelopment of dependent regions like Latin America.23
153124503Porfirio DiazOne of Juarez's generals; elected president of Mexico in 1876; dominated Mexican politics for 35 years; imposed strong central government24
153124504Spanish American WarWar fought between Spain and the United States beginning in 1898; centered on Cuba and Puerto Rico; permitted American intervention in Caribbean, annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines25
153124505Panama CanalAn aspect of American intervention in Latin America; resulted from United States support for a Panamanian independence movement in return for a grant to exclusive rights to a canal across the Panama isthmus; provided short route from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean; completed 1914.26

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