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AP World History - Chapter 28 Vocab Flashcards

Vocabulary for Chapter 28 of the AP World History textbook.

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263067066The Great WarAnother name for World War I, used by Europeans until the advent of World War II.0
263067067Kaiser Wilhelm IIGerman emperor in World War I; his aggressive foreign policy is often blamed for starting the war.1
263067068Triple AllianceMilitary and political alliance formed before World War I to counter moves by potential rivals England, France, and Russia; consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.2
263067069Triple EntenteMilitary and political alliance formed before World War I by England, France, and Russia; created to challenge moves made by the Triple Alliance.3
263067070The Great PowersThe industrialized, colonizing nations of Europe before World War I; includes England, France, Germany, Russia, and Italy; their rivalries led to the war.4
263067071Allied ForcesName used by countries fighting the Central Powers; major members were Britain, France, Russia, and Italy; later in the war, the United States and Japan joined their cause.5
263067072Central PowersGermany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were the chief powers at war with the Allies.6
263067073JingoismWarlike nationalist sentiment spread to and among the middle and working classes in Europe before the war.7
263067074DreadnoughtClass of modern battleship launched by Britain before the war; triggered naval rivalry, especially with Germany.8
263067075Gavriel PrincipSerbian nationalist, assassin of Archduke Ferdinand.9
263067076Archduke FerdinandHeir to Austro-Hungarian throne; his assassination precipitated the events that developed into World War I.10
263067077SarajevoCapital of the Bosnian province in Austria-Hungary; site of Ferdinand's assassination.11
263067078Blank checkPromise of support from Germany to Austria-Hungary after Ferdinand's assassination; Austria-Hungary sought reprisals against Serbia; one of many events that cascaded into global war.12
263067079White dominionsBritain's territories consisting of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand who sent soldiers into World War I.13
263067080Western FrontWar zone that ran from Belgium to Switzerland during World War I; featured trench warfare and massive casualties among the combatants, including Britain, France, Russia, and Belgium; later included the United States.14
263067081Marne RiverSite near Paris, France, where Germany's early offensive was halted and thrown back; set the stage for four years of trench warfare on the Western Front.15
263067082Eastern FrontWar zone that ran from the Baltic to the Balkans where Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and the Balkan nations fought.16
263067083Tsar Nicholas IILast emperor of Russia whose poor military and political decisions led to his downfall and Russia's loss in the war; he and Kaiser Wilhelm II made many moves that led to the start of the war.17
263067084PropagandaGovernment-sponsored media coverage of the war designed to disseminate onesided versions of "friendly" and enemy conduct; used to gin up support for the war among its citizenry.18
263067085BolsheviksSocialists in Russia who promoted overthrow of the tsar and the establishment of a socialist state; means "majority" in Russian.19
263067086New womenTerm used to describe career-oriented women in western Europe and the United States in the 1920s; they sought increased social and political rights.20
263067087JutlandSite of the war's major sea battle between Germany and Britain off Denmark's coast; German sea prowess was limited after this encounter.21
263067088GallipoliAustralian soldiers in support of the British were decimated by Turkish and German soldiers at this battle near the Dardanelles.22
263067089German East AfricaFighting occurred in Africa between British-led Indian and South African troops on one side, and German-trained east African troops on the other; today's Tanzania.23
263067090Treaty Of VersaillesWide-ranging postwar conference that promoted much of Wilson's idealistic plan for peace but at the same time blamed and punished Germany for starting the war; included creation of a League of Nations, an international organization designed to prevent further war.24
263067091Woodrow WilsonAmerican president who initially claimed neutrality in the war but later joined the Allied cause; his Fourteen Points and American fighting forces hastened an Allied victory; one of the Big Four at Versailles.25
263067092George ClemenceauFrench premier at Versailles peace conference who insisted on punishing Germany after the war; one of the Big Four.26
263067093David Lloyd GeorgeBritish prime minister at Versailles who attempted to mediate between Wilson's "peace without victory" stand and Clemenceau's, but with only partial success.27
263067094ArmisticeAll sides agreed to lay down their weapons without declaring victory; promoted by Woodrow Wilson to end the fighting; concept later rejected by France and Britain.28
263067095Stab in the backMyth promoted in Germany after the war that, on the brink of victory, socialists and Jewish politicians conspired to surrender to the Allies; used by Nazis as part of their drive to power in the 1920s.29
263067096Self-determinationWilson called for national independence from colonial rule before Versailles; this encouraged colonial subjects in Asia and Africa until they discovered Wilson intended his rhetoric only for Europe.30
263067097Ho Chi MinhYoung nationalist from Vietnam seeking self-determination for his country at Versailles; was ignored, like many representatives from Asian and African colonies who were there.31
263067098Indian Congress PartyNationalist group in India that called for independence from Britain; led by Western-educated Indian elites; led India in the early postcolonial era.32
263067099B. G. TilakNationalist leader who promoted a reactionary sort of Hinduism to gain independence for India; influence faded after Britain exiled him.33
263067100Morely-Minto reformsIn 1909, British colonial authorities expanded political opportunities for educated Indians.34
263067101Mohandas GandhiSuccessful leader of the Indian nationalist movement who combined religious, social, and political know-how into a massive nonviolent campaign.35
263067102Satyagraha"Truth force," a term used by Gandhi to describe peaceful boycotts, strikes, noncooperation, and mass demonstrations to promote Indian independence.36
263067103Lord CromerBritish High Commissioner of Egypt at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries; implemented many, but apparently not enough, social and economic reforms.37
263067104EffendiProsperous Egyptian families who made up the middle class; leaders of the Egyptian nationalist movement came largely from this group.38
263067105DinshawaiEgyptian village where British violence came to represent the heavy-handed nature of colonial rule and united nationalists in their cause.39
263067106MandatesThe Treaty of Versailles established British or French control over territories formerly held by Germany and the Ottoman Empire; especially important in regard to Arab areas after the war.40
263067107Ataturk (a.k.a. Mustafa Kemal)Postwar leader of Turkey who launched sweeping reforms, including women's suffrage and a Latin-based alphabet.41
263067108Hussein, Sherif of MoroccoConvinced Arab leaders to support the French and British during the war because of their pledges of Arab independence.42
263067109ZionistsSupporters of Jewish nationalism, especially a creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.43
263067110Lord BalfourBritish foreign secretary who pledged in a declaration the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, which encouraged Jewish nationalists and angered Arabs.44
263067111PogromsViolent assaults against Jewish communities, especially in Russia and Romania in the latter half of the 19th century.45
263067112Theodor HerzlProminent journalist who led the cause of Zionism in the late 19th century.46
263067113Alfred DreyfusFrench officer and Jew who was falsely accused of spying for Germany in the late 19th century; his mistreatment spurred Herzl and other Zionists to increase their call for a Jewish homeland.47
263067114World Zionist OrganizationFormed by Herzl and other prominent European Jewish leaders to promote Jewish migration to Palestine in advance of the creation of a Zionist state in Palestine.48
263067115Sa'd ZaghlulEnergetic leader of the nationalist-leaning Wafd Party in Egypt.49
263067116Liberal Constitutionalist Party; Labor PartyRivals to Egypt's Wafd Party; once in control of their own government, these three parties did little to help the peasantry.50
263067117Gamal Abdel NasserLed a military coup in Egypt in 1952; ruled until 1970; established himself as a major Arab force in the Middle East.51
263067118Lord LugardInfluential British colonial administrator who predicted the rise of African nationalism.52
263067119Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. DuBoisAmericans who promoted African nationalism and unity.53
263067120Pan-AfricanismMovement begun in the 1920s to promote African nationalism and unity; did much to arouse anticolonial sentiment.54
263067121NegritudeLiterary movement in France that argued precolonial African societies were superior in many ways to European colonial societies in Africa; writers included L.S. Senghor, Leon Damas, and Aime Cesaire.55
263067122National Congress of British West AfricaRegionalized version of the pan-African movement.56
263067123Armenian genocideAssault carried out by mainly Turkish military forces against Armenian population in Anatolia in 1915; over a million Armenians perished and thousands fled to Russia and the Middle East.57
263067124Adolf HitlerNazi leader of fascist Germany from 1933 to his suicide in 1945; created a strongly centralized state in Germany; eliminated all rivals; launched Germany on aggressive foreign policy leading to World War II; responsible for attempted genocide of European Jews.58
263067125League Of NationsInternational diplomatic and peace organization created with the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I; one of the chief goals of President Woodrow Wilson of the United States in the peace negotiations; the United States was never a member.59
263067126Montagu-Chelmsford reformsIncreased the powers of Indian legislators at the all-India level and placed much of the provincial administration of India under local ministries controlled by legislative bodies with substantial numbers of elected Indians; passed in 1919.60
263067127Rowlatt ActPlaced restrictions on key Indian civil rights such as freedom of the press; acted to offset the concessions granted under Montagu-Chelmsford reforms of 1919.61
263067128HusseinSherif of Mecca from 1908 to 1917; used British promise of independence to convince Arabs to support Britain against the Turks in World War I; angered by Britain's failure to keep promise; died 1931.62
263067129Leon Pinsker(1821 - 1891) European Zionist who believed that Jewish assimilation into Christian European nations was impossible; argued for return to Middle Eastern Holy Land.63
263067130Wafd partyEgyptian nationalist party that emerged after an Egyptian delegation was refused a hearing at the Versailles treaty negotiations following World War I; led by Sa'd Zaghlul; negotiations eventually led to limited Egyptian independence beginning in 1922.64
263067131Leópold Sédar Senghor(1906 - 2001) One of the post-World War I writers of the negritude literary movement that urged pride in African values; president of Senegal from 1960 to 1980.65

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