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AP World History Chapter 4 Flashcards

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228013340what were romans genius's inengineering0
228013341what formation are greek politics noted fordemocratic city-states1
228013342what did the roman empire toleratelocal politicians and religious diversity2
228013343what did the senate of republican rome representthe landed aristocracy3
228013344the most characteristic political formi nthe classical mediterranean eraaristocratic assemblies4
228013345classical mediterranean society didn't differ from classical china in what wayrejection of religious belief5
228013346the greek philosopher that suggested that human reason could approach an understanding of the perfect forms the absolutely True, Good, and Beautiful that he believed underlay naturePlato6
228013347greek society registered in special advances inscience7
228013348roman slaves were used forhousehold care and tutoring, agricultural labor, and working in the mines8
228013349one of the regional dynasties that followed thedeath of alexander the great (founded in macedonia and greece)Antigonids9
228013350two wars fought in early 5th century b.c.e. between persian empire and greek city-statespersian wars10
228013351what wars allowed greek civilization to define identity separate from from the asian empirefrom their victoriespersian wars11
228013352athenian tyrant of the 6th century b.c.e.pisastratus12
228013353gained popular support against traditional aristocratic councils of athenian governmentpisastratus13
228013354greek writer of tragedies, author of oedipus rexsophocles14
228013355person representing the god apollooracle at delphi15
228013356received cryptic messages from the god that had predictive value if the seekers could correctly interpret the communicationoracle at dephi16
228013357conquered indigenous population of spartan city-statehelots17
228013358provided agricultural labor for spartan landownershelots18
228013359largest population of spartan city-statehelots19
228013360althenian reformer of late 6th century b.c.e; established democratic council of 500 in athenscleisthenes20
228013361distinct style of hellenistic architecture that was more ornate than doric but less than corinthianionic21
228013362wars between athens and sparta for dominance of souther greecepeloponnesian wars22
228013363resulted in spartan victory but failure to achieve political unification of greecepeloponnesian wars23
228013364time period when culture associated with the spread of greek influence as a result of macedonianhellenistic period24
228013365one of teh regional dynasties that followed the death of alexander the great (founded in egypt)ptolemies25
228013366city founded by alexander the great that was the site of ancient mediterranean's greatest libaryalexandria, egypt26
228013367one of the regional dynasties that followed the death of alexander the great (founded in mesopotamia)seleucids27
228013368ruled macedon from 359-336 BCE and was the founder of centralized kingdomphilip II28
228013369conquered rest of greece, which was subjected to macedonian authorityphilip II29
228013370athenian reformer of the 6th centurysolon30
228013371established laws that eased burden of debt on farmers, forbade enslavemetn for debtsolon31
228013372athenian political leader during 5th century that guided development of athenian empirepericles32
228013373greek epic poem attributed to homer but possibly the work of many authorsiliad33
228013374defined gods and human nature that shaped greek mythosiliad34
228013375successorof philip II that successfully conquered persian empire prior to his deathalexander the great35
228013376attempted to combine greek and persian culturesalexander the great36
228013377culture derived from the greek civilization that flourished between 800 and 400 BCEhellenism37
228013378greek writer of tagediesaeschylus38
228013379distinct style of hellenistic architecture that was the least ornate of the three stylesdoric39
228013380hellenistic group of philosophers that emphasized inner moral independence cultivated by strict discipline of teh body and personal braverystoics40
228013381kingdom in northern greece that originally loosely organized under kings and became centralized under philip IImacedon41
228013382served as basis for unification of greece and later macedonian empiremacedon42
228013383greek philosohper that was the teacher of alexander the greataristotle43
228013384greek philosopher thats knowledge was based on observation of phenomena in material worldaristotle44
228013385athenian philosopherof later 5th century, tutor of platosocrates45
228013386urged rational reflection of moral decisions; condemned to death for corrupting minds of athenian youngsocrates46
228013761greek philosopher thats knowledge based on consideration of ideal forms outside the material worldplato47
228580532greek writer of the comediesaristophanes48
228580533pan-Hellenic rituals observed by all greek city-states that involed athletic cometitions and ritual celebrationsolympic games49
228599838what river is rome situated ontiber river50
228599839who were the aristocrats that controlled the roman senate in the days of the republicpatricians51
228599840what resulted from the romans gained control of italythey extended citizenship to the conquered people52
228599841what were carthage and rome bitter rivalscarthaginians competed with rom for trade in the mediterranean53
228599842what resulted from rome's mediterranean conqueststhey experienced growing dissatisfaction among its lower class54
228599843caesar's great rival for supremacy in romepompey55
228599844roman orator known as the father of latin prosecicero56
228599845famous roman historianlivy57
228599846roman poet who wrote the aeneidvergil58
228599847two outstanding contributions of rome to western civilizationengineering and law59
228599848Cretans (who become greeks) mostly resemble whophoenecians60
228599849a city that performed all the fuctions of an independent nationcity-state61
228599850city-stake in greece that taught its boys absolute obedience to authoritysparta62
228599851athenian practicce of banishing a citizen considered dangerous to the welfare of the stateostracism63
228599852what did the greek war against persion preservethe independence of the greeks64
228599853acievement of ancient greecedevelopment of philosophy65
228599854what was the parthenona temple to athena66
228599855athenians made the most lasting contribtions in what fieldliterature67
228599856led macedonian and greek troops to conquer persiaalexander68
228599857first granted male commoners the vote in the athenian assemblysolon69
228599858ordered persian army to invade greecedarius70
228599859governed athens during its golden agepericles71
228599860insisted that disease resulted from natural causes and composed an oath of medical ethicshippocrates72
228599861accused of corrupting young minds and was condemned to deathsocrates73
228599862influenced european thinking for many centuries by encyclopedic works on governemt, science, and philosophyaristotle74
228599863urged people to seek happiness and please within a balanced moral lifeepicurus75
228599864a philosopher that urgest an aristocracy of intelligence in his book the republicplato76
228599865theorized that matter is composed of atomsdemocritis77
228599866portrayed conflict between the individual and fate in plays of tragedysophocles78
228599867dynasty that cyrus darius and xerxes ruled underachaemenid79
228599868dynasty following achaemenid dynastyparthian80
228599869trade rode in persiansusa81
228599870capital city in persiadpersopolis82
228599871city statepolis83
228599872underground irrigationqanats84
228599873using questions to ask things about peoplesocratic method85
228616709contributions from sumerianscuneiform, numbers (60), architecture (arch)86
228616710contributions from babylonianscode of law(hammurabi), astronomy, religious literature87
228616711contributions from hebrewsmonotheism, old testament, high moral principles88
228616712contributions from choeniciansmissionaries of civilization, the alphabet89
228616713contributions from aramaeansgovernment coinage of money90
228616714contributions from hittitesuse of iron91
228616715contributions from assyriansgovernment and the library (at ninevah)92
228616716contributions from the chaldeansarchitecture(hanging gardens of babylon) and astronomy93
228616717contributions from persiansgovernment, spread of culture, religion (zoroastrianism)94

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