"Abbasid Decline and the Spread of Islamic Civilization to South and Southeast Asia"
--Information taken from "World Civilizations: The Global Experience, 5th ed." by Peter N. Sterns.
966156514 | List four major reasons for the decline of the Abbasid dynasty by the ninth century AD/CE. | Shi'a revolts and assassination attempts against Abbasid officers Increased power of royal advisers Social unrest of mercenaries Weakening agricultural economy | 0 | |
966156515 | List four groups that revolted against Abbasid rule. | Peasants Gangs Vagabonds Shi'a sects | 1 | |
966156516 | Describe caliph al-Mahdi and the problem of succession in the Abbasid dynasty. | He wavered between his sons on whom should succeed. Allowed his wives and concubines to be involved in palace life. | 2 | |
966156517 | What was al-Mahdi's attitude toward the Shi'as? | al-Mahdi wanted to reconcile with Shi'a opposition to Abbasid rule, but failed. | 3 | |
966156518 | What was the fictional account of life at the court of the caliph al-Rashid? | "The Thousand and One Nights" ("Aladdin" is one of those stories) | 4 | |
966156519 | How did the administration of al-Rashid set a trend for subsequent Abbasid rulers? | The increasing power of royal advisors from Persia (Jafar from "Aladdin") | 5 | |
966156520 | What was the result of the civil wars following the death of al-Rashid? | al-Ma'mun's son hired mercenaries, Turkic-speaking nomads from central Asia, to protect himself from civil war. | 6 | |
966156521 | Describe the role of mercenary armies of the later Abbasid era. | They were the "bodyguards" of the caliph Later they would be the real power behind the throne, killing five caliphs and being responsible for violent social unrest. | 7 | |
966156522 | What accounts for the disruption of the agricultural economy of the Abbasid Empire? | Taxation to support the mercenary troops Pillaging of peasant villages Flood, famine, and violent assault | 8 | |
966156523 | What changes occurred during the Abbasid period with respect to women? | Women were secluded from certain areas (harem). Many women became concubine slaves who were usually more educated than the caliph's wives. Upper-class women had almost no rights. | 9 | |
966156524 | What was the attitude of the Abbasids toward the institution of slavery? | The growing wealth of the Abbasid elite demanded slaves. They were used for domestic service, education, etc. | 10 | |
966156525 | Describe women and marriage during the Abbasid era. | Wives were not as educated as slaves. They did not have as much freedom as slaves. They still had to wear veils and robes in public. | 11 | |
966156526 | What was the regional splinter dynasty that captured Baghdad in 945? | Buyids of Persia | 12 | |
966156527 | What group successfully captured Baghdad in 1055? | Seljuk Turks | 13 | |
966156528 | What was the religious affiliation of the Seljuk Turks? | Sunni Islam | 14 | |
966156529 | In what year was Jerusalem captured by Christian crusaders? | 1099 | 15 | |
966156530 | What was the impact of the Seljuk conquest of Baghdad on the Abbasid Empire? | Turkic military leaders ruled remaining portions of the empire. Purged Shi'a influence on the caliph and stopped a potential Shi'a conquest from Egypt Humbled the Byzantine Empire who wanted to regain some lost land | 16 | |
966156531 | Who was the Muslim leader responsible for the reconquest of most of the territories belonging to the Christian crusaders? | Salah-ud-Din (Saladin) | 17 | |
966156532 | What accounts for the success of the First Crusade? | Muslim political divisions Element of surprise | 18 | |
966156533 | The fall of Acre, the last crusader stronghold, occurred in what year? Why was this significant? | 1291 European borrowing from Muslim world intensified. | 19 | |
966156534 | What was the impact of the Crusades on the Christian West? | Europeans copied Muslim weapons (damascene swords), techniques of fortifications (castles), Muslim physicians, etc. | 20 | |
966156535 | What was the impact of the Crusades on Islam? | Muslims showed little interest in things on the Christian West. | 21 | |
966156536 | What was the trend of urbanization during much of the Abbasid Empire? | Artists and artisans continued achievements in architecture and art that was started in the Umayyad period. | 22 | |
968571589 | Who did the Abbasid Empire carry out long distance trade with? | Europe (Italy) | 23 | |
968571590 | What was the primary written language of the later Abbasid court? | Persian | 24 | |
968571591 | What was the "Shah-Nama"? | "Book of Kings" (not the Bible version) Epic poem by Firdawsi about the history of Persia | 25 | |
968571592 | Identify four major literary figures from the Abbasid Empire. | Omar Khayyan Firdawsi Sa'di Ibn Khaldun | 26 | |
968571593 | What is the ulama? Why is it significant? | The ulama were orthodox religious scholars. They were hostile toward non-Islamic ideas and scientific thinking. | 27 | |
968571594 | Describe the Sufi movement within Islam. | The Sufis were an Islamic sect that seek a personal relationship with Allah. It was a response to the impersonal, abstract divinity portrayed in the Qur'an. | 28 | |
968571595 | What group captured Baghdad in 1258? | Mongols | 29 | |
968571596 | How did the political center of Islam change after the Mongol invasions? | Baghdad declined as a capital and was replaced by Cairo, then Istanbul (Constantinople). | 30 | |
968571597 | What was the difference between the Islamic invasions of India and previous incursions of the subcontinent? | The territory remained part of the empire. (unlike Alexander) The Muslims were able to get along with the Indians for the most part, though sometimes conflict would occur for cultural and religious reasons. | 31 | |
968571598 | How did Islam and Hinduism differ? | Islam is monotheistic and about equality under Allah. Hinduism is polytheistic and has a caste system which promotes inequality. | 32 | |
968571599 | What was the date of the first Muslim raids into India? What was their purpose? | 711 It happened because of a battle between the Umayyad army and Arab traders. | 33 | |
968571600 | How did the Muslim conquerors of Sind treat the Hindu and Buddhist residents of the region? | They tried to treat them as "people of the book" even though their beliefs deviated from Judaism and Christianity. | 34 | |
968571601 | What was the most critical cultural advance as a result of the increased contact between Muslims and Indian civilization? | Islamic civilization was enriched by the skills and achievements of another great civilization. | 35 | |
968571602 | Who was the commander of the first Islamic incursion into the Sind in 711? | Muhammad ibn Qasim | 36 | |
968571603 | What descendant of a Turkish slave dynasty in Afghanistan led a series of expeditions into India in the eleventh century? What was the purpose of the expeditions? | Mahmud of Ghazni He wanted to spread Islam as well as acquire India's wealth. | 37 | |
968571604 | Who was the ruler associated with the transition from raiding to the establishment of an Islamic empire in the Indian subcontinent? | Muhammad of Ghur | 38 | |
968571605 | Where was the capital of the Islamic kingdom established after 1206 on the Gangetic plain? | Delhi | 39 | |
968571606 | What groups were most responsible for the conversion of Indians to Islam? | Sufis | 40 | |
968571607 | Why were the Sufis effective missionaries within the Indian subcontinent? | Their faith was centered around mysticism, which was a concept familiar to Buddhists and Hindus. | 41 | |
968571608 | What groups in India were most likely to convert to Islam? Why? | Untouchables and lower-class Hindus They liked the idea of equality among people regardless of what caste they were born into. | 42 | |
968571609 | How did Hinduism respond to the challenge of Islam? | They started bhaktic cults in which people would venerate whichever god or goddess they chose. | 43 | |
968571610 | The spread of Islam to southeast Asia was delayed until the fall of what Buddhist trade empire? | Shrivijaya | 44 | |
968571611 | In general, how did Islam spread in southeast Asia? | It spread quite well through peaceful contact and voluntary conversion. | 45 | |
968571612 | What was the nature of Islamic religion that developed in Southeast Asia? | Islam was infused with mystical strains and tolerated traditional beliefs and rituals. | 46 |